After Garrett Graff’s 2016 kerfuffle over not meeting residency requirements brought to a crashing end his plans on running for Vermont lieutenant governor, I’d have thought he’d be more aware of what local means. Born in Vermont but residing outside the state for the immediate-past 10 years, Graff left his job at and had moved back to the state in 2016 with plans to run for the second-highest elected office in the state. Sadly for him, a candidate for lieutenant governor has to have lived in Vermont for the four years before the election “without interruption of residency”- a requirement he did not meet.
Now I happen to notice he tweeted the following this Sunday in response to one of Donald Trump’s earlier tweets about immigration law and order: Local angry old man continues to lack third-grade understanding of US Constitution, or even basic creed engraved on US Statue of Liberty….
If Vermont approval polls are correct it is likely that a majority of residents would agree with Graff’s quip and his point about Trump’s understanding of the US Constitution. But I’m not sure that — if asked to — I could find any Vermont resident who would consider Donald Trump a local angry old man. Vermont is just not where he’s coming from.