Fun fact: According to the Center for Disease Control, as of 2005, Texas had the highest percentage of uninsured residents of any state. That ranking hadn’t changed as of March 2013, when the Texas Legislative Study Group laid out a lot of pretty disturbing statistics about the state. It’s definitely worth a read.
Texas also ranks near the bottom of all states in the number of healthcare professionals who reside there and in the amount of assistance it provides to children, the elderly and the poor.
Ebola couldn’t have found a more accommodating host for its accidental introduction to the U.S.
For anyone who has ever wondered out loud why we even need a federal government, the current Ebola scare provides a mighty compelling answer.
When all we have to worry about is our financial security, the Feds are “them,” who pick our pockets to finance programs that only benefit other people. Industries should “self-regulate,” and federal mandates only serve to inhibit growth and prosperity.
The Federal government ought to keep its nose out of everyone’s business.
Then a bridge collapses or a tornado scours Oklahoma and the whole complexion of our relationship with federal government changes.
When things go wrong…when things go very, very wrong…Americans automatically expect protection from on high.
Then, when the dust clears, they assume total amnesia and march obediently to the polls to reelect the blockheads who brought us sequestration and promise that trickle-down economics will somehow miraculously elevate the underprivileged after decades of non-delivery.
It is perhaps the cruel hand of poetic justice that brought the first Ebola patient to be diagnosed in the U.S. to Texas, the most deliberately under-regulated state in the union.
Due to inadequate protocols, not only was he sent home with a 103-degree fever; even after he was finally diagnosed several days later, his family was confined in close quarters with his contaminated linens for four more days!
Now we learn that, again due to protocol failures, one of the patient’s care-givers has been infected.
And how is that “market economy” doing with the job of providing drug treatment for Ebola victims?
Suddenly, the idea of a well-funded and federally coordinated response to the threat of this terrifying disease doesn’t sound like such a bad idea after all.
Suddenly, we want “our” government very much involved in our healthcare.