All posts by vwchealthcare

Workers’ Center to protest outside Obama Health Forum

Workers’ Center to protest outside healthcare forum

For the first time in many years health reform has become a central policy discussion in Washington.

And it so happens that this national spotlight will be shined on Vermont tomorrow afternoon for the Obama Administration’s Health Reform Forum, which is being hosted by Governor Douglas and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick at the University of Vermont at noon this Tuesday, March 17 outside the parking lot side entrance of the Davis Center.

The Vermont Workers’ Center, who for almost a year has been organizing a “Healthcare is a Human Right”campaign designed to change the way Vermonters think about healthcare, plans to take advantage of this opportunity and demand real change now: a universal single-payer system.

Hundreds of protesters, including union members, nurses and healthcare activists will be outside the Davis Center. Media members are encouraged to take photos and interview protesters.

While the forum will discuss national reform, state-wide reform efforts will no doubt become central to the debate. Gov. Jim Douglas of Vermont, and Gov. Deval Patrick, both lead states that have had similar circumstances: 1) a problem with uninsured citizens and escalating costs; 2) efforts at reform that have failed to stop the crisis; and 3) budget deficits that are may lead to more cuts to public health services.

Massachusetts is now three years into a flawed “individual mandate” plan that, according to today’s New York Times, is on the verge of collapse due to the rising costs associated with health insurance companies in the private sector. Likewise, Vermont’s Catamount Plan, has failed to insure most Vermonters in need and may well be further eroded by Gov. Douglas’ misguided and cruel reaction to the state’s budget crisis: cutting the budget on the backs of the neediest.

As a result, the Workers’ Center is eager to get the following message out: healthcare reform should be done (in the state and federal governments) in adherence to the principal that all human beings deserve healthcare as a human right.

Further, it is important to emphasize that other alternatives will not prove fiscally sustainable, as leaving the private system in place inevitably causes  excessive administrative waste. This is precisely why the United States spends twice as much per capita as most other countries (16 percent of our GDP, as opposed to about 8 – 12 percent in European countries and Canada) and yet still leaves millions uninsured or underinsured.

On the statewide level, Vermont has been unable to insure the 66,000 who lack coverage, or control costs. Municipal employees in the state, for example, saw their health insurance coverage go up more than 21 percent according to the Vermont League of Cities and Towns. Yet, a study commissioned by the Legislature in 2006 showed that a statewide single-payer system would save Vermonters more than $50 million. Why not demand the only system that covers everyone and deals with the affordability crisis?

This is a really great opportunity not to be missed. We will tell Obama and the governor that healthcare is a human right, and build to our “call in sick” rally on May 1, at the State House .

Also please consider reading the Workers’ Center’s report, “Voices of the Vermont Healthcare Crisis.” In this document, available at,  we see that after interviewing 1,400 people across the state, more than 95 percent said they thought healthcare should be a human right.

For questions or interviews call: 802-272-0882.

Healthcare is a Human Right!

Healthcare is a major issue in our communities, but we believe that if Vermonters work together we can change the system and the way we think about the issue.

The Workers’ Center has been organizing for months, trying to change what is politically possible in Vermont and declare “Healthcare is a Human Right.”  We have held well-attended hearings all over Vermont, where  folks have shared their horror stories about a system that so leaves so many people behind.


We hope the campaign will reach a new high point on May 1, outside the State House, when we hold our “call in sick rally” in Montpelier.

The Workers’ Center is asking as many people as possible to sign up to get 10 signatures on a petition that says “I’ll Be There on May 1st” for Healthcare is a Human Right.”

For more information please visit:

Voices of the Vermont Healthcare Crisis: The Human Right to Healthcare

Human Rights Day Report:

Voices of the Vermont Healthcare Crisis: The Human Right to Healthcare

Burlington, VT –  On Human Rights Day, the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the United Nations in  1948, the Vermont Workers’ Center (VWC) officially issued a comprehensive report entitled: Voices of the Vermont Healthcare Crisis: The Human Right to Healthcare.  This report was compiled from personal interview surveys conducted with over 1,200 Vermonters and human rights hearings held this Fall across the state.  The Workers’ Center is also organizing a major related event at the University of Vermont’s Davis Center; Ella Baker Human Rights Conference where over five hundred participants are expected.

“In this report, we present a collection of voices of Vermonters impacted by the healthcare crisis and present data examining our current healthcare system,” says Dawn Stanger, President of the Vermont Workers’ Center.  “We found that over 95 % of Vermonters believe healthcare should be a human right.  We are organizing a statewide network to establish healthcare as a human right and a public good.”

Download the Report Online:…

More info: – General information on the Vermont Workers’ Center – On Healthcare Is Human Right Campaign – On Ella Baker Human Rights Conference and list of guest speakers and workshops

Contact: James Haslam, VT Workers’ Center, 802-272-0882,

More info:

“Healthcare is a Human Right” forum coming to Burlington Oct. 23

( – promoted by odum)

Human Rights Hearing: “Healthcare is a Human Right” to be held at Burlington City Hall, Contois Auditorium (149 Church St., Burlington) Thursday Oct 23 at 7:00 p.m.

Burlington – For months volunteers for the Vermont Workers’ Center have been surveying Vermonters from all across the state, including many in the Burlington area. The results have been clear: Vermonters believe that healthcare should be a human right.

The state, however, has come up short on this issue. More than 11 percent of all Vermonters are without health insurance, including more than 11,000 children. Thousands more are woefully under-insured, and cannot afford their costly premiums and co-pays, which are only rising as the cost of healthcare soars.

The Vermont Workers’ Center is currently undertaking its “Healthcare is a Human Right” campaign to help end this injustice. The goal of the campaign is to spread awareness and build a movement that can help reform the state’s system so it will guarantee care to all Vermonters, regardless of income. On Thursday Oct. 23, this discussion is coming to Burlington at Burlington City Hall, Contois Auditorim. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. (refreshments will be available).

Community faith leaders and healthcare professionals and other community leaders will serve on a Community Listening Panel to hear testimony from residents. Speakers will address the failure of the state’s healthcare system, the plight of those who try to navigate through it, and effective ways to bring about change. The event will give members of the Burlington community a chance to share stories highlighting how our flawed system has caused them suffering and hardship.

“In speaking to Vermonters, we have found that many have suffered greatly, both personally and physically, when they try to navigate through a a healthcare system that leaves so many behind,” said James Haslam, the director of the Vermont Workers’ Center. “This event will give members of the Burlington community a chance to make some of these stories heard.”

The event will include the following listening panel:

Rabbi Joshua Chasan, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue

Jennifer Henry, RN Nurses Union President, Fletcher Allen Health Care

Rebecca Smith Haslam, President, Burlington Education Association

Rev. Sarah Flynn, ALL Souls Ministry in Vermont

Roddy Cleary, former minister Unitarian Universalist Church in Burlington

Al Robinson, Imani Health Institute

Ann Goering, MD, Winooski Family Health

Mohamed Abdi, Somali Bantu Association

Hal Colston, Neighbor Keepers

Mayor Bob Kiss, City of Burlington

Similar “Human Rights Forums” will be held all across the state, in the coming months as the Workers’ Center continues its effort to fight for a just healthcare system that values human lives over profit – an attainable goal, given Vermont’s passionate and engaged citizenry.

All are welcome. For more information visit, or call Erika Simard at 802-316-7827.  

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Tell us your healthcare “horror story”

Burlington – The Vermont Workers’ Center’s “Healthcare is a Human Right” campaign is looking to hear from Vermonters about their healthcare horror stories.

For months volunteers for the Vermont Workers’ Center have been surveying Vermonters from all across the state, about their experience with the healthcare community. The results have been clear: Vermonters believe that healthcare should be a human right.

The state, however, has come up woefully short on this issue. More than 11 percent of all Vermonters are without health insurance, including more than 11,000 children. Thousands more are grossly under-insured, and cannot afford their costly premiums and co-pays,which are only rising as the cost of healthcare soars.

The Vermont Workers’ Center is currently undertaking its “Healthcare is a Human Right” campaign to help end this injustice. The goal of the campaign is to spread awareness and build a movement that can help reform the state’s system so it will guarantee care to all Vermonters, regardless of income. In order to better understand the system’s failings, the Workers’ Center is asking Vermonters to tell their stories about the healthcare system.

Have you ever been denied treatment or surgery does to a lack of money or insurance? Have you had to declare bankruptcy or put off needed medical care? Have you or anyone you know become sick due to a lack of access to quality, affordable healthcare? Any other ways you feel your

basic rights were denied under the current healthcare system?

If any of this applies to you, or if you have other experiences with the system that you would like to share, please call us toll free at 866-229-0009, or email and put “My Horror Story” in the subject line.

“In speaking to Vermonters, we have found that many have suffered greatly, both personally and physically, when they try to navigate through a a healthcare system that leaves so many behind,” said James Haslam, the director of the Vermont Workers’ Center. “We are asking Vermonters to help tell these stories, so we can better address this problem and fight to have healthcare be treated as a human right, and not as a commodity.”

Please join our effort to fight for a just healthcare system that

values human lives over profit.

For more information visit:

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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