All posts by stardust

“Is it better to out the monster or to be quietly devoured”?- Friedrich Nietzsche

In regards to the recent controversy revolving around the ‘Anonymous’ issue, I must say I never expected the issue to become so inflammatory. The possibility of the misuse of GMD’s website & blog for outside or nefarious purposes & any resultant negative consequences is a fair issue. The GMD owner(s) have a legitimate concern as to how GMD is recognized, percieved & what information is allowed to be distributed using its platform.

When I added comment to the Anonymous post, it was never meant to violate WBC rights. All speech is not protected. Unless one is versed in all legal challenges, up on what is & is not protected or constitutional law, issue can be difficult to navigate. There is such a thing as ‘fighting words’, threats & harassment, as well as many other limitations to ‘free speech’. My intention was to recognize ‘Anonymous’ voice on behalf of those who have been subjected to WBC actions in curtailing this activity. Though Anonymous uses strong language, it appears to be sending the message that WBC tactics will be met with the same. Though WBC does not use the same language verbatim, their actions speak much louder than words.

Picketing & shouting at grief-stricken families & friends attending funerals is so far, far beyond the pale there appears to be no laws on the books to deal with this. This is a form of terrorism & should be treated as such. Families of servicemen & women, those whose lifestyles they disagree with, including a young gay man Mathhew Shepherd, slain in an unspeakable manner. The rights of those victimized by reprehensible behavior of WBC & their perverted ‘gospel’ message deserve protection, they also have rights. WBC also targeted the funeral of the nine year old killed by Loughner.…

Free speech & the freedom of the press comes with reponsibilities. Although I do recognize those I disagree with have a right to voice their opinions, as it is necessary to maintain our rights & freedom, I also recognize there are those who dwell among us, from no particular segment of society, religion or politics who exist solely to game everything & everyone as well as every system known to the planet for their own selfish destructive purposes & interests. They do not use, but abuse our rights, privileges & freedom as well as the systems in place to protect them. Sole purpose is promoting the detriment of others, to inflict misery, suffering & pain upon those they consider unacceptable to their personal belief system. When it is no longer isolated individuals but an established group that collectively share & use this deviant behavior which motivates & administers these hideous actions on others, they bring upon themselves also the collective backlash which invariably results. Because they swaddle themselves in the constitution & use it as a guise for their activist form of hatred changes nothing. Sad to say those who do not respect the personhood, rights or freedom of others certainly do have the same rights as well.

Wisdom is justified by its children. Not quite the same as ‘end justifies the means’. Since WBC & their ilk use all methods & means at their disposal to conduct their reprehensible campaign of hatred, the opposition often chooses to use the tactical means & methods available also. Though it has been said fire cannot be fought with fire, I disagree. There is a method of firefighting in which back burning is used to isolate & contain the fire from spreading.

“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

Surprise! Another leak at VY

Not to worry, just those annoying radioactive puffs of steam!

Steam Leak At Yankee Forces Plant To Clear Reactor Building

Wednesday, 02/16/11 5:50pm

John Dillon – Montpelier, Vt.

(Host) The Vermont Yankee nuclear plant had a steam leak today that forced plant operators to clear the reactor building to reduce worker exposure to radiation.…

As anniversary of VT’s historic vote nears Entergy Louisiana effort to overturn it continues

( – promoted by Sue Prent)

“We have a right to our own opinions but not our own facts.” Suffice it to say, Entergy Louisiana & VT Yankee still do not get this. Judging from past & present behavior, they never will. Their display of inherent dishonesty which was found to be corporate-wide, including being caught deliberately giving false information to VT regulators, legislature & those tasked with oversight has proven this, as well as abject failure at the ‘transparency’, as promised. Since then, things have only worsened.

On the anniversary of the historic and infamous vote by VT senate to close Entergy Louisiana owned Vermont Yankee, on schedule, by nearly unanimous 26-4 vote, Entergy Louisiana continues its fear mongering campaign and ‘sky is falling’ message to VT residents with all out assault on the state. The big prize? To overshadow and thereby obscure VT’s victory, all taking place on the anniversary of the vote, hopefully with favorable outcome for them.

Obvious mission to undermine the will of the people by overturning the vote taken one year ago to shutter VY on schedule. Using their corporate might, attempted muscling of VT is very bald. This includes VT business community aligned with AIV-Entergy is also a member, and very own Entergy sponsored VTEP, a ‘diverse business group’ in which all members share at least one thing in common, all support VY continued operation-Entergy is also a member.

With VT news media at its disposal, in this past year continuing to the present VT has been bombarded with full page ads from Entergy Louisiana promoting VY as they & apologists attempted to explain away the series of failures spanning six years which served as evidence the plant had fallen into a state of disrepair due to faulty maintenance procedures by the company.

Ads were stopped when VT AG ruled they contained false information. Media blitz from Entergy Louisiana including employees and VT businesses all appearing as virtual bots in Stepford-like trance, as well as slanted & erroneous missives from a variety of sources, primarily VTEP staffers doing double duty as ‘energy lobbyists’ to legislature, Brad Ferland & Guy Page. Also including academicians from NH & VT, who have no nuclear experience or credentials, as evidenced by their irrelevent and inaccuracy-laden commentary. Valley News 1/19/2011 letter titled, “The Truth About Tritium” by Thomas Curphey, is a mere straw man argument as tritium itself has never been the main issue but the spin orchestrated by Entergy Lousiana. Another, Brattleboro Reformer “Free speech, energy choices and public health” op-ed  by Gerry Silverstein, frequent VY apologist to VT news media, in which he compares the health of 38 year old plant to a 38 year old human body, was very strange since this is from a UVM professor teaching medical students. Facepalm.  

Common thread is that all of the aforementioned use inaccurate, irrelevent information thereby showing intended audience, as only those unaware of the issues, not following the story or extremely gullible would consider the information relevant or reliable.

Part of the present strategy, Entergy Louisiana now demands VT legislature ignore & rescind its unique position regarding Entergy Louisiana’s VT Yankee. More strongarm tactics, intent thereof is to virtually overturn the decision agreed upon by Entergy, VT regulatory agencies and legislature & signed into law by governor Douglas to give VT legislature oversight of the plant using nuclear experts & professionals commissioned by state, acting as consultants to oversee & report to them conditions and related activities of the plant. They are now expected to reverse, by fiat, this enhanced legisalation. PSB is expected by Entergy Louisiana to make a decision on CPG, yet another attempt to defy the state control solely within VT’s purview.

According to VT media sources, Entergy lobbyists & supporters press on to make their case for continued operation of the troubled nuclear plant to VT and legislature as noted in this story in Brattleboro Reformer, including the letter from VY supporting trade groups in Reformer story, which was also sent to other VT news orgs, all emphasis mine:

Pro-VY firms urge Shumlin to let PSB do its work…

From story:”Rep. Michael Hebert, R-Vernon, said he agrees with the Thursday letter. A longtime supporter of the plant, Hebert said he will file legislation next week to allow the PSB to complete their task”, that would now be this week.

William Driscoll: “It is clear the Legislature needs to act this session.”

“Nevertheless, Yankee advocates said if Vermont cannot secure effective renewable energy projects at a lower price than a new power purchase agreement with Entergy, lawmakers must reopen conversations about keeping the plant operational.”

Entergy simultaneously continues negotiation for a PPA with VT elec utilities, VPR:

“Entergy Continues To Negotiate Power Deal, While Utilities Plan On Future Without Yankee”…

The 1/22/2011 newsletter from VPIRGs James Moore says this: “Entergy’s plan is to get the Vermont utilities on their side by signing power deals with them.  Then the really heavy lobbying will begin: to reverse last year’s vote.” Small wonder has has been the target of threats.

According to 2/8/2011 AP story, in conference call to investors, as stock tumbles once again-27%-after previous ratings valued Entergy stock just above junk bond status. Entergy Louisiana CEO Wayne Leonard claims VT is ‘pushing the company into a corner & is unsure when the line will be drawn in the sand to oppose this’, and ever-present implied threat to VTs right to decide whether to continue to allow VY continued operation, “We strongly believe that this is federal jurisdiction. We have choices that need to be made and we’ll make them at the appropriate time.”…

Coincidence or strategically timed?

In a blog post, Yes Vermont Yankee blogger makes considerable commentary regarding Entergy/VY events. After making the details of contract with H-Q appear to be a scandal she has uncovered, then claims to ‘go out on a limb’ graciously offering her advice to Entergy and suggesting a price to VT elec utilities in negotiations this week. She then posts excerpts of back & forth letters from McClaughry/VT PSB.

The Letters

From McClaughry:

“Your Board has an obligation to determine whether a PPA merits a certificate of public good. At the same time that the Board is deliberating on this docket, the General Assembly will be debating whether to allow Entergy Vermont Yankee to pursue a certificate of public good for extending Vermont Yankee’s operating period for another twenty years.”

From Kurt Janson, General Counsel of the PSB

“…public disclosure of the Confidential Information relating to price and credit arrangements would provide an entity seeking to sell power to, or purchase power from, the Buyers (or HQUS) with knowledge as to the Buyers’ (or HQUS’s) position on several of the most significant factors”[..]…

If we thought the fearmongering falsehoods regarding IBM moving out of VT during the campaign had finally been put to rest following Dubie’s supposed ‘conversation’-never supported by any IBM personnel by the way-well, it wasn’t. In another recent attack from Entergy apologists, VT Tiger siezed IBM testimony to legislative committee in WCAX story and falsely declared IBM had stated clearly if VY does not continue, they will leave the state. Veteran newsman & now VTDigger journalist Jon Margolis had by far the most informative & comprehensive story covering all aspects of the issue:…

– Links to the brouhaha

The story:…



ProVY bloggers weigh in & repeat other blogger’s fallacious comments:………

Prior to IBM snafu, events took a rather ugly and decidedly nasty turn involving some of the same players, when VPIRG staffer James Moore was the recipient of threats from an unnamed colleague of Ethan Allen Institute president John McClaughry, and posted in his EAI newsletter.

Another unclear threat but similiarly including violence was made in ‘Yes Vermont Yankees’ Meredith Angwin in her blog. They all laughed it off & accused Moore of taking it too seriously, with McClaughry, ever the arrogant jerk, suggesting he seek psychriatric help. However the message, intent & threat-actual or implied, was quite sheer. In my personal experience, fortunatly and not surprisingly this un-Vermont like, strange sense of humor is shared exclusively by these individuals and their ilk: Entergy Louisiana supporters, VY apologists, pronuclear claque & those involved with related agendas.

– Links to Threatgate

Synopsis by VTDigger:…

Shay Totten also includes this in his blog:…

CAN’s Bob Stannard has a good one as well:…


As the debacle continues, Entergy Louisiana continues their quest to break the will of Vermonters and force its agenda as it continues to occupy the state. Surely we will continue to see the same sharks circling in and around VT for the opportune time to move in for the kill.


Shumlin establishes Vermont Yankee Oversight Reliability Panel

(A follow-up on the brief teaser piece I posted yesterday.  Thanks for writing this up. – promoted by JulieWaters)

Governor Peter Shumlin, expressing concerns about the continued lack of transparency at Vermont Yankee the aging & troubled nuclear plant, as well as the continuing discovery of additional problems including more radioactive waste contamination discussed these issues Tuesday.

The new contamination has been found in a different location than the leak which occured @ the same time just a year ago prompting concerns that there is a new leak at Vermont Yankee.

On Tuesday, in a morning press conference at the statehouse in Montpelier he addressed these ongoing problems at Vermont Yankee.

VT Digger’s Anne Galloway: “In the wake of new tests that show elevated levels of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, in two monitoring wells at Vermont Yankee, Gov. Peter Shumlin announced on Tuesday that the state will create an oversight panel to keep tabs on Entergy Corporation’s management of the plant.”

Once again reiterating a sentiment expressed last year during the tritium leak, as well as a comment made during his gubernatorial bid, that “Entergy Louisiana does not do business the way we do business in VT.”

Shumlin mandated DPS chief Liz Miller to establish a new committee to provide oversight and expertise on the plant’s condition for the state of VT,  information regarding the problems at Vermont Yankee, including preparation plans for its closure and decommissioning in 2012. This panel would be named the Vermont Yankee Reliability Oversight Panel.

According to the Rutland Herald, Liz Miller, stated that though Uldis Vanags, the state’s nuclear  engineer, is not a nuclear engineer but a health physicist, he would continue to remain as part of the team.

On the Texas-Vermont Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission, Governor Shumlin also replaces Steve Wark and Uldis Vanags with Peter Bradford, adjunct professor at Vermont Law School, member of Vermont Yankee Public Oversight Panel and former NRC Commissioner, and  Richard Saudek, Montpeleir lawyer,former VT PSB chairman as well as former DPS commissioner.


Gov’s presser on video: Shumlin announces plans for oversight panel to keep tabs on management of VT Yankee

By Anne Galloway on February 2, 2011…

My, my. Another weekend announcement from Vermont Yankee

( – promoted by odum)

More trouble at the plant. This time, it’s another ‘leak’. Surprise! Details seem a little unclear.

Press release is from The Burlington Free Press, this afternoon, posted in the Vermont section. I did not notice it myself, who would. Information was recieved from Vermont Yankees’ Larry Smith.

From the Free Press staff report:

“Vermont Yankee officials said Friday afternoon that the tritium that was discovered leaking from the plant a year ago has shown up in a monitoring where it had not previously been detected.”


Someone on the Topix forum posted this.

Here we go again.