All posts by PeteySweety

Outrage In Vermont–Heroin/Rolling Stone/SORRELL!

“Rollin’ Stone…

says Vermont’s

got more heroin

than the whole damn


“Rollin’ Stone…

says Vermont’s

the place to go

if ya wanna ‘snow’ vacation

“Gonna catch me

a lotta Hell

when I send 5 copies

to Mr. Bill Sorrell

“Bill Sorrell…

where was he

when all this happened?

“Bill Sorrell…

was he takin’ money

or just nappin’?

“Gonna get me a Pepsi

if it’s still legal

and read all about Heroin

and Bill Sorrell

“In Rollin’ Stone…


“Sorrell ain’t IN the article?

Oh, that’s the U.S. Attorney General

in the article?

“But…what about

Bill Sorrell?…

Where is he now

in all this big

Vermont Heroin squawker?

“Is Vermont gonna

wind up next

in The New Yawka?

“Gonna see Vermont’s

smilin’ face

on the cover

of The New Yawk Times

“Rollin Stone…

“Bill Sorrell…

“17 years…


“17 years…

“Sugary Sweet Soft Drinks…


“Somethin’s wrong…

“For 17 years…”

When…OH WHEN!..and what has to happen now, for you Little Dems to demand ANSWERS from your Little Dem AG about HIS ‘culpability’ is in this OUTRAGE IN VERMONT?!

I will say it for you:  17 Years!  For the last 17 years, under Bill Sorrell’s watch, HEROIN trafficking and use has been growing by leaps and bounds in Vermont.  But, in the last 17 years, Bill Sorrell’s biggest issue has been SODA!


Not hundreds off cases still open on abuse of the elderly and disabled–SODA!

Not abuse of migrant and immigrant workers’ rights–SODA!

Not a possible pipeline that traffics missing young girls through Vermont--FUCKING SODA!!!

What Vermonters should be OUTRAGED about is that CORRUPTION OF A PERSON who now holds–and for 17 years! has held–the office of Vermont Attorney General!  Not the defamation of a container of Vermont Maple Syrup!

HELLO BILL!  I say you are one sleazy piece of work!  I go so far as to say that YOU are the ONE who put VERMONT in ROLLING STONE.  Because I believe YOU have been CRIMINALLY negligent, or, perhaps, CRIMINALLY ASSOCIATED with this growing Heroin problem for the last…what was that, Peter?…oh yeah…17 YEARS!

HELLO???   Any comment from the Office of Vermont Attorney General?  There ought to be.  Shhh…listen…hear that?…it’s so quiet…yeah, too quiet…must be folks are zoned-out…yeah…well…maybe soon the gunfire in the streets will wake them.

Maybe?  Nah…

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vermont (‘Snow’ Capital of the EAST)

News On The March (and Vigil)

(Some thoughts on News, History & Hypocrisy.  For Ariel Pascoe, Student of War.)

First, for all you Dali Lama Hindi Buddhist New Age Freaks, this:

If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the skies, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.”–The BHAGAVAD GITA


Yeah.  Supposedly–because he later claimed so repeatedly over the years–Robert Oppenheimer, a student of the BHAGAVAD GITA (the Sanskrit text, not the Rock Group), said he thought that line while watching the fireball develop at the Trinity site on July 16, 1945.  He also claimed he thought of Vishnu’s line in that same text at the same time:  “I am become Death, shatterer of worlds.”  Man, busy mind there, Oppie.  No thoughts also about Rita Hayworth?

Oppenheimer was your basic fucked-up lib-er-al ‘mystic’ type.  He was all for dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima, rather than do a ‘demonstration’ of it off Tokyo Bay, as many others at Trinity and in the Truman administration proposed.  Even Secretary of War Stimson, I believe, was in favor of the demonstration idea.  But Oppenheimer thought such a ‘demonstration’ of the Bomb’s true power could only be done by a ‘demonstration’ on a real target–a Japanese city.  This is how he stood in July of ’45.  Over the years, Oppenheimer waffled and waxed Hindi and Buddhist while calling up those BHAGAVAD GITA lines.  He said he thought those lines at Trinity.  The myth later became that he actually said Vishnu’s line out loud.  Give me a break!  Lib-er-al after-the-fact plausible deniability.  I feel your pain, Ban-The-Bomb folks.  Mea Culpa (sort of). Give me a hug.

Oppenheimer wasn’t quite the saint he thought he was, or has been made out to be by lib-er-al apologists.  The A-Bomb was his BABY.  And he wanted to see exactly what it could do.  Of course, compared to Edward Teller, with his SUPER (H) BOMB lobbying, Oppenheimer could be sort of regarded as saintly, in a Napoleon/Hitler analogy.*  But can the Hindi crap.  Making up quotes to go along with what is considered Politically Correct. Pul-lease.  

As far as real comments made at Trinity, I myself prefer the absolutely gut-true and ‘poetic’ remark by physicist Kenneth Bainbridge, who, on watching the fireball, turned to Oppenheimer and actually said out loud:  “Now we’re all sons of bitches.”  Yes!  No ‘trendy babble’ that.

So, with all that in mind, folks, let’s look at NEWS that may cause us to wax poetic after-the-fact:

The Chinese are accusing Japanese Prime Minister Abe of being a ‘liar’ and the Russians are still lurking at the Ukrainian border.  Sounds like we’re on the verge of another ‘demonstration’ with our Nuclear TOYS.  Nations run by ‘boys’ like their ‘toys’.  Oh, and Obama met with Pope Francis.  They ate Jello Pudding and joked about how you can really fool some of the people some of the time, and how the media will help fool the rest, all of the time.

Because even so-called REAL NEWS now, if you can find any, is like a marketing campaign.  The NET news is all celebrity shit, with the Ukraine and China and Japan thrown in almost in the same sense as having to cover the weather.  And even the PRINT MEDIA has succumbed to NEWS as ENTERTAINMENT.  Imagine something like Hiroshima & Nagasaki today:

“And in other news, it’s being reported that NATO forces have clashed with Russian forces in the western Ukraine, and that–this is still unconfirmed–tactical nuclear weapons were employed.  We’ll update you on that later.  But now, here’s Karma Gibberish in Las Vegas with a timely report on celebrity fashions for Armageddon Eve.  Karma?”

Yeah.  Well remember, it’s all just ENTERTAINMENT.  There will never really be a nuclear war.  The Celebrities and the Dali Lama will stop it.  And the goddamn Pope.

So, now that I’ve bummed you all out, how ’bout this for ENTERTAINING NEWS (This is a ‘Hoot’):

The NET reports this morning that over 30,000 Alaskans have signed a petition to have Alaska secede from the union and rejoin Russia.  I love it.  Apparently, if you get 100,000 signatures on some petitions, they are eligible for consideration at the White House.  I can see it now–PUTIN & PALIN, a new Broadway musical, kind of like Porgy & Bess.  Or maybe like The Sound Of Music:  “The hills are alive, with the sound of Russian.  With words we last heard in 1867…”  (My friend Maggie might get another musical for her Musical Fest at the Savoy.)

Brother.  Or, as Andy Rooney would have put it:  “Did you ever wonder whether some of this stuff is really necessary, or whether we should just put it all in a box at the Yard Sale with a sign that says FREE–PLEASE TAKE THIS NEWS–OR ELSE IT GOES TO THE DUMP?”

As The Man used to say:  “And that’s the way it is.”

*Interesting thought–Teller (Dr. Strangelove) wanted everybody involved with the A-Bomb to join him working on the H-Bomb, the SUPER, he called it.  But that would have taken years more work, and Washington wanted a weapon to use while WWII was still on.

Teller felt Oppenheimer stabbed his H-Bomb work in the back, and later on got his revenge on Oppenheimer by testifying against renewing Oppenheimer’s National Security Rating.  Jesus Christ!  Sound a little like High School?  Remember, these guys are the Fathers of WMDs.  But, what IF?  What if they went to work on the SUPER in ’43 and ’44?  No A-Bomb.  No Hiroshima.  No Nagasaki.  One wonders.  History.  As John Travolta once said:  “Ain’t it cool?

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.


Why I ‘Lub’ Hillary

(Well, the weather sure ain’t funny, so I thought I’d post this in defiance of it.  Humor.  Just right as we move towards April Fool’s Day, when it will no doubt snow again.  

Hillary, ala Harry Dean Stanton in Repo Man, giving Putin another blast.  I love Hillary.)


Hillary Clinton let loose another salvo at Vladimir Putin today, and this time her language was even stronger.

“Look.  He’s a dildo dipshit asshole.  I mean, he ought to be put in the trunk of a ’64 Chevy Malibu and driven around LA and then dumped in the worst section where the bums, winos, and gangs hang out,”  Clinton said.  “Is he an old time Communist, or just an Ordinary Fucking Asshole?  Either way, I hate him.  I don’t want no Communists in my face.  No Assholes either.”

Clinton became more heated as she went on, saying:  “There’s these two guys I know in LA.  The Fucking Rodriquez Brothers.  They told me they could take care of Putin for us.  I’m inclined to recommend them to President Obama.  I’m not going to stand here and watch that little bald pecker repo the Ukraine.  And, if I become President in 2017, I’ll call in every debt that fuck-face owes us.  I’ve got the paper on that dipshit.  He’s got billions stashed away, but he never pays his bills.  While my credit, our credit, is spotless.  If we sent The Fucking Rodriquez Brothers over to Moscow with 20 thousand dollars to buy him off, you think the crazy little fuck wouldn’t take the deal?  Hell, he’d hand over the Ukraine and the keys to his own mother’s car.  I can’t believe we’re putting up with this shit.  Shit, I say.  Shit.”

When asked about her vehement language, Clinton replied:  “Look.  I’m going to run for President.  I’m running now.  This is intense.  But my life is always intense.  And I’ve got this code–I will never, through action or inaction, allow some dildo dipshit asshole to fuck with the international balance of good conduct that allows nations to form alliances based on those nations’ desires to move into Democracy at 120 per, nor will I do anything that will undermine the integrity and value of any nation so inclined to put its foot on the peddle of the aforesaid Democratic engine that drives the World on its highway to destiny.  That’s my code.  I call it The Hillary Code.  Everybody should have a code.  But some dildo dipshits do not.  Any more fucking questions?  Shit.”

After a moment of stunned silence, a young male reporter from Haight-Ashbury FOX asked Clinton about her chances in 2016, considering new and to-be-continued Republican allegations that she “enabled” her husband Bill when he was President to dally with Monica Lewinsky and other female White House aides.

Clinton’s answer was firm, almost Presidential:  “Blow me,” she said.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt

‘Open Issue’ To Bernie

Hey, Bernie.  There’s about 300,000 to 400,000 missing kids (under 18) in America YEARLY.  Seems to me that if there were 300,000 missing Women or Gays or CHRISTIANS or Polacks or whatever, there would be a SERIOUS EFFORT to stop that.  But, with the kiddies here, I haven’t even heard of a SERIOUS STATEMENT from our governing leaders about this Holocaust of Children.

I think you should take this issue up, Bernie.  Then Lib-er-als will have something they can put their energy into, since they’re not putting it into War and Injustice.

Further, I think you should run in the 2016 Dem Primary with this as one of your issues.  If you run in the Dem Primary, they’ll HAVE TO LET YOU in the Debates.  And Hillary will have to make you her VP.  And then you can go to town in the National Media.  (FOX News will love it)

But really, it is way past time for this nation to pay attention to its children.  They are going missing.

Human/Sex Trafficking has become a BIG BUSINESS.  Slavery.  I wouldn’t be surprised, if this keeps up, that someday Wall Street will list Missing Children on the Stock Exchange.  

Do it, Bernie.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Town Meeting Blues–for Gwen Hallsmith

(A Country-Blues song)

Last year I went to Town Meeting

Voted for all the right folks

Filled out the Doyle Poll

And talked to the Mayor

He laughed at all of my jokes

But this year I ain’t on that checklist

That goddamn Bank foreclosed on my home

The City Clerk said that livin’ in a box

Was not the way voting districts

Were zoned

My wife and kids left me

After the Mayor laid me off

He said he wanted to save money

For the town

He said that my job

On street maintenance

Could be done by all the work release folks

Comin’ around  

And around

Around and around

Ohhhh…So I can’t go to Town Meeting

But I guess that ain’t all that bad

Cause every time I voted the previous year

The next year I wound up with less

Than I had


Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, VT.


MY FAIR VLADIMIR (PolitenessMan Goes To The Olympics)

(Dedicated to Jen & Maggie and all the crew at Charlie Os World Famous who are boycotting the Olympics on the TV there.  And also boycotting Stoli vodka.  Also to Abby, PolitenessWoman.  I think you’ll like this, folks.  I turned it into a musical at the end.–PS)

Putin:  “Get that !@?/#!*@in’ queer bastard!  Slam the puck up his faggot ass!  Use your…”   ‘THUNK!’  Putin is struck in the head by a STEEL HANKIE.

Putin:  “Sonofafairybitchin’ priestfuckin’…”  ‘THUNK!’  Yet another STEEL HANKIE.

Putin:  “Who threw that?!  Where’s my Mafia Security Guards?!  How dare…”

PolitenessMan:  “I, sir, am the culprit.  Although, in this matter, you yourself, sir, brought about my action.”

Putin:  “And who the fuck are you anyway?!  I’d like to know before I have you shot!”

PolitenessMan:  “I, sir, am PolitenessMan.  And I am here to help you renew and redefine the proper old vestiges of dignity that befit a leader of a Great People.  And to guide you in your future conduct regarding Gays, Ukrainians, Chechnyans, and others, so that one day you will become so gracious a World Figure that historians throughout the ages will place you side by side with Lincoln, Churchill, FDR, and Jimmy Carter.  I am humbly at your service.  But please refrain from further vulgar and unnecessary use of the F-Word and all associated profanities, as our goals here must be addressed at a level commensurate with their import.”

Putin to his Russian Mafia Security Guards:  “Wait!  Wait.  Put your guns away!”  And to PolitenessMan:  “You say that you, PolitenessMan, can make me as great and famous and beloved as Lincoln?  And Jimmy Carter?”

PolitenessMan:  “It will be work, but yes, I can teach you the ways in which you will come to be revered as a modern leader of unmatched civility in handling all the crises that befall, not only your own people, but, ALL THE PEOPLE of the ENTIRE WORLD.”

Putin:  “Wow, PolitenessMan.  That’s all I’ve ever wanted.  To help save the World and be loved by everyone in it.  What can you teach me first?”  And to his Mafia Security Guards:  “Chill, boys.  Take a break.  Go drink some Stoli.”

PolitenessMan:  “First, Vlad, if I may call you Vlad…”

Putin:  “But of course, PolitenessMan.”

PolitenessMan:  “Thank you.  First, Vlad, it is necessary for you to apologize to the ladies of Pussy Riot, and to all the Gay women and men in your nation and the World.  And to then enact laws in Russia for the total equality of all Gay women and men, and, going one well-mannered step further, appointing a wide range of Gay women and men to important and distinguished positions in the Russian government, in Russian enterprise, and Russian science and culture.”

Putin:  “Hell, I can…excuse me, PolitenessMan…I can do that.  Consider it done.”

PolitenessMan:  “Good.  Next step is, lose the Russian Mafia thugs.  They are really not a good fit for a World Leader deserving of the very best in good manners and decorum from the entourage surrounding him.”

Putin:  “Done, PolitenessMan.  Shall I have them shot?”

PolitenessMan:  “No, no, no, no, Vlad.  Have them all dispatched to the Ukraine as your personal ambassadors of good will to assist the Ukrainians in deciding where they wish to fit in the New Polite World Order.”

Putin:  “Yeah.  I’ll tell them to let the Ukies do whatever they want.  If they want to become the 51st state of the United States, that’s fine with me.  To tell you the truth, PolitenessMan, the Ukies became buddy-buddy with Hitler’s Nazis when the Nazis invaded our country in the Great Patriotic War.  I’d just as soon cut them loose.”

PolitenessMan:  “There.  That is already at the higher and more refined stature of the StatesManShip you wish to embrace.  And have the Whole World acknowledge.”

Putin:  “Really, PolitenessMan?  I’m a StatesMan now?  Whoa!  Tell me what else to do.”

Politenessman:  “The Chechnyans, Vlad.”

Putin:  “Oh boy, PolitenessMan, that’s a toughie.  But, as you say, I am now a StatesMan of Stature.  Chechnya, you are FREE!  Long Live Chechnya!  How’s that, PolitenessMan?”

PolitenessMan:  “By God, Vlad, as Pickering and Henry Higgins would have put it to Eliza, I think you’ve got it!”

Putin:  “I’ve got it?”

PolitenessMan:  “You’ve got it!  You’ve got it!  I didn’t think you’d get it, but indeed you did!”

Putin:  “And now that I have got it, have got it, have got it, I’ll pass it on to Kim Jong-un and all his kids.  I feel like I’m a new man!  A new man!  A good man!  A man of taste and pleasantries thanks to all you did.”

PolitenessMan:  “And don’t forget the Japanese, the Japanese, of Nippon.  Tell them to apologize for all the World War II crimes they’ve kept neatly hid.”

Putin:  “Yes, PolitenessMan, I’ll do it.  I’ll do it.  I’ll do it.  Two years from now We and China and Japan will be The New World Kids.”

PolitenessMan:  “And now, Vlad, I must be going, be going, be going.  I have to see PolitenessWoman at her latest gig.  But don’t forget the Planet, the Planet, the Planet.”

Putin:  “Yes, I’ll help stop Global Warming and send my Mafia to Wall Street to equalize the economic grid.”

PolitenessMan & Putin:  “So on with the Olympics.  The Olympics.  The Olympics.  We love that Gay figure skating lady and all the jumps and twists she did.”

Putin:  “One more time, PolitenessMan!”

PolitenessMan & Putin:  “Yes, we are men of great good manners, good manners, good manners.  And all the World will thank us for the tastelessness we’ve undone, yes indeed we did.”

PolitenessMan:  “Now I have to say Good Day now.  Good Day now.  Good Day now.”

Putin:  “But come back next year to see me and all the nastiness I will have undid.”  Das vi danya, PolitenessMan!”

PolitenessMan:  “And a good and better and more well-mannered day to us all.  Adieu, Vlad.”

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.  

J’Accuse…! (Missing CHILDREN!)

Ya know, I’ve been ‘sharing’ a lot of Facebook posts on missing dogs and cats.  But every day when I go to the Montpelier Post Office, I look at the posters of Missing Children (under 18).  I’ve made a habit of this for the last year or so.  Kids from all over the country.  Hardly ever any from here in Vermont, but they change the posters quite a bit in a week’s time, I’ve noticed.  More kids are added-on almost every three or four days.  The posters taken down to accommodate these new ones?  Well, I figure, since I’ve been looking at them, the Montpelier Post Office would have to add-on a very large wing to keep all those missing children’s posters up.  A VERY LARGE Wing.

This is a tragedy in our nation that seems to get little attention.  As I have read about it, missing children account for about 750,000 of the more than 800,000 missing Americans each year.  Many of these missing kids are repeat runaways, or kids who have been sort of kidnapped by a divorced parent, and are quickly found.  But all those only bring the figure down to about, if not more than, 400,000 missing kids in the U.S. every year.  Where are they?

Some, many I hope, are leading some kind of new life under a new identity in a new town or city.  Some of these with the help of people who care.  Others may be into prostitution as a way of surviving in their new environment.  No doubt many of these are controlled by pimps who get them into drugs.  And some are already dead.

But what about the booming Big Business of Sex & Human Trafficking?  How many of these missing American kids are now in some foreign country (Saudi Arabia?  Japan?  Britain?  China?  Wherever?) being used as products in the sex slavery trade?  As I said, it has become a very Big Business.  And what happens to them after X amount of years?

I think we Americans need to wake up to this Human Holocaust of disappearing children and Human/Sex/Child Trafficking.  If 400,000 Black people or Gay people or whatever people disappeared in this country every year, I expect we’d have long ago demanded and got some action.

Why the SILENCE about this?  Yes, there are government agencies and private sector and non-profit agencies working on finding these kids, and compiling data about kidnapping and trafficking.  But how come we never hear about their work or results?  I’m sure there have been many successes and many tales to tell.  Also many blind alleys.  What is wrong here?  Is it that our Establishment Media simply just doesn’t care about this issue/story?  As an old-fashioned ex-print journalist, I would put on my old cynical reporter hat again and say:  “Helleva story here.  Bigger than drugs!”  

Is so much money changing hands between so many Americans and foreigners that the network of corruption is so vast and complicated that law enforcement and government agencies can do little to control it?  Or identify the players?  And are there many players involved who don’t even realize what they’re playing at?  What their place in this network is?  That, to me, would mean that many government folks are in on it too.  For the $$$.  It is reasonable of me to raise these questions.  Moreover, as an ex-establishment journalist, it is my duty to raise these questions.  It should be the duty of all American media to raise these questions.  When Big Money drugs are involved, there is always the payoff to the corrupt cop or city official.  We’ve all read our share of crime mysteries over the years to know this is a given.  Right here in Vermont, read Archer Mayor.  And so it must be with Big Money Human Trafficking.

So, I propose we here in Vermont take a serious look at what might be.  We have been reading and hearing about the growing Heroin pipeline through Vermont.  From Florida, up the East Coast, through Jersey and NYC, Providence, R.I., Mass, up through Vermont to Montreal.  And back again.  Now, it seems to me that if the Heroin Traffickers have this Underground Railway, certainly the Human/Sex/Child Traffickers do.  And maybe some of them are doing both at the same time.  And maybe some of them are getting a lot of help along the way, from some fine upstanding citizens and pillars of their communities.  Vermont is along the way.  Isn’t it?  Why is it so quiet out there?  Hmmm…

I have as much as accused our Attorney General, Bill Sorrell, of falling down on the job of fighting the growing Heroin epidemic.  Now I will add to that by saying outright that I believe Vermont is part of the Human/Sex/Child Trafficking Pipeline, and Sorrell is falling down dead on his ass on that too.  Yes, in our little La-La Land of Vermont.  Something ugly.  Something that smells.  Another dirty little Vermont secret.  As an ex-print reporter, I’d bet money that there’s a big story here.  Is Sorrell just incompetent?  Or is the story bigger?  A more involved story than what appears to be the case?

It is worth looking into?  But I have little hope our AG will come forward and fill us all in.  Or that the Vermont Democratic Party will want to go near this one.  I would expect the silence to become deafening.  But silence speaks volumes sometimes.  

Therefore, as Zola once put it: J’Accuse…!   I accuse Bill Sorrell, the entire Vermont Attorney General’s office and those in State government who could be able to act on this big money crime that THEY ARE NOT </b>ACTING ON IT AND THAT THEIR INACTION IS DELIBERATE!  Something needs to be done.  This is an election year.  Good time for it.

Now, go to your Post Offices and look at those posters.  These are our CHILDREN.  And evil people have turned them into PRODUCTS.  If American activists took a fraction of the energy they put into Peace and ‘labeling’ GMOs and put that energy into demanding that our missing children become a national priority issue, well, I think there would be folks in government, both State and Federal, who would have to pay attention.  It would DEMAND their attention.  Otherwise, they would look culpable.  Yes, culpable, Mr. Sorrell.

Think about it.  These are our CHILDREN.  CHILDREN!  Look at those faces on those posters.  Do they look familiar?  Of course they do.  We see them every day.  Walking down the streets, coming home from school, laughing, goofing around.  Alive and happy.  They expect things of us.  We teach them, and they teach us.  We are not too old to learn, I hope.  Maybe just too lazy, but we can learn.  

It’s work, these children.  But it is the very best job in the world.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Bernie on NSA/privacy (edited-Working At Home For The NSA)

Well, Bernie’s Town Meeting Forum is over, so I’m editing this for Sue, Stardust & Katrinka.  (And also, Maggie)

I’m 65 years-old and on Social Security.  Imagine the NSA hiring us old folks to work at home to ‘entrap’ people online.  Imagine the following e-mail message in your regular In-Box being written by an 82 year-old Granny working at home part time for the NSA to supplement her ‘cut-back’ monthly SS payments.  Note that her language and diction are not like the young and hip cyber-messages you usually get.  I find this more intriguing.  And more conspiratorial, if not sexier:

“Hi.  Wanna be my Fuck-Buddy?  I’m 26 and blonde with a sexy ‘drop-dead’ body.  Click on my pic gallery attached.

“I’ll be up in your neck of the woods next month and would really like to ‘get-together’ with you.  Giggle.

“And hey!  I’m BI too.  So show your partner my pics.

“All I need from you is a brief response.  Tell me I’m hot and tell me what you think about when you look at my pics.  Do you think about Global Warming?  Heh-heh.  Or do you think other sexy stuff?

“When I’m ready to have sex I like to talk about all kinds of political stuff for foreplay.  All of it political.  All over my body.  I think politics is sooo sexy.  That War in Afghanistan is my favorite.  What a turn-on!  And I like to talk about what it would be like if we all got together and shot a lot of mean selfish sexless rich people, and then had sex on their big fancy dining room tables.  Ohhh yes!  And maybe if we got really kinky, we could do some foreplay together fantasizing about being sexed-up revolutionaries setting up a big sexy bomb at the New York Stock Exchange and blowing Wall Street and half of lower Manhattan all to Hell.  Orgasm City!

“I also love Costume Sex, so we could get military uniforms and sneak into the Pentagon and really go at it.  Yeah.  Deeper and deeper, baby.  So fucking hard!  Faster and faster!  Oh God!

“I’m really into Oral.   So talk politics to me.  Tell me sexy stuff.  Oh God, Yes!  Make me all wet, baby.  Yummm.

“So, please hurry and respond to me.  And baby, will I ever respond to you.  I guarantee you’ve NEVER had it the way I can give it to you.  I promise, baby.  I’m ready for you.  I want to do it all with you.  Tell me you love my sexy long legs and shaved pussy and how they make you want to do to me the things the government is doing to you.  Yeah, baby.  Right there.  Ohhh…that feels so good.  Give me all your nasty moves.  I’m sooooo READY!

“I’ll be the Fuck-Buddy you’ll remember when you’re old and grey and retired from the Peoples’ Liberation Fuck Army.  Living in a big house that was owned by some rich pig who dropped dead from a heart attack after watching us make wild monkey jungle love at the Demonstration in front of his big corporate headquarters.  The one that’s 20 stories high, sticking up like a big penis.  Oh my God!

“Anything political makes me hot.  But smashing the State is where I go completely wild.  It gives me multiples, and I could do it all day and all night and forever.

“I want it.  I want you, baby.  Because I know you’re special.  I Googled you.  It made me come.  I want you to give it to me.  All of it.  You and me, baby, all intimate, wet, and sticky in our private places.  Yes!  Don’t stop now!  Click me.  Lick me.  I want all of you.  I want you to fuck me and tell me how you think and feel about everything while you’re pounding me to heaven!  All your most secret secret dirty thoughts.  Everything you’ve been holding inside you that makes your balls all hard.  All the nasty things you’ve been waiting to scream out loud for so so long, you can scream to me in our climax into ecstasy.  And beyond.  You can shoot a big big load, baby, just for me.  I’ll take it all.  Oh God, YES!  Give it to me!  NOW!  YES!!!

Whewww…  There.  That was soooo good.  Let’s do it again.  And now it’s your turn to be on top.  All you need to do is hit reply.  You know how to hit reply, don’t you baby?  You just put out your big old cursor and CLICK.  Yeah.

“I love you, baby.  Sooooo much.  Yummmm…”

(Oh, and PS:  I have a pair of handcuffs too.  Oh God…)  


This is a kind of half-assed post, and I don’t understand why it hasn’t been posted already by the Sanders’ people in Vermont.

I have been informed that Bernie is holding a Town Meeting forum tomorrow (1pm, Sat., Jan. 31) at Montpelier City Hall (upstairs in theatre section) about the NSA and ‘privacy’ issues.  Sounds interesting, and I hope to attend and hope Bernie has some inside track on what these NAZIS are doing with our e-mail and online communications and political dialogues.

Just so you know, a ‘good’ Little Dem, Maggie Lenz-McQuilken, informed me of this earlier in the week, and I expected one of you other Dems or Bernie’s office to post it here.  But, alas, it is now Friday, and I think something should be up now on GMD.

I hope to ask Bernie to consider an Independent run for Pres in 2016.  If he could get the Green Party, Socialist Labor, Libertarian, Liberty Union and all other Third Parties (including Roseanne) ‘united’ in a move to put all the anti-establishment votes together in one big populist block, I think he could get at least 15 percent, maybe more, and that would be the beginning of a movement that Dem and Republican Congresspeople, Presidential candidates, Governors, etc. would have to ‘pay attention to’.

Somehow, we’ve got to break down a system that is leading this nation into Hell.  Like with Global Warming, we have not accomplished shit on bringing about CHANGE.  Every goddamn Third Party, with its separate ‘special’ issues and ‘special’ candidates (yawn), has divided up our ‘voting power’ for far too long.  It is time to close ranks and try to make a difference with that voting power.  Votes are what the sonsabitches still have to listen to!

And MAGGIE!–Even though you will only be 31 in 2016, I hereby nominate you for VP with Bernie.  If it ain’t legal, Mags, you can pass it on to Roseanne.  Or Jennifer Aniston.  

I wonder if our crusading AG will be there tomorrow:  “NSA?  That’s FEDERAL.  My hands are tied.”  Yeah, no shit.

If Hillary Clinton is the only bright spot on the 2016 horizon, well, we’re in a sad state.  She should have gotten it in 2008, instead of Mr. Do Nothing/Feel Good.  Perhaps, if a Bernie WIND sweeps over the nation in the next two years, Hillary will be forced to make Bernie her VP, so as not to lose to whatever asshole the Republicans recycle out of their garbage.  I can see it now–OVAL OFFICE, May, 2017:

“Jesus Christ, Bernie, I can’t do that!’

“Madame President, either you do that, or I will be forced to sit here and filibuster you until June.  I’ve brought some of my old speeches and manifestos along to read to you from.  Let’s see.  Oh, here’s a good one…”

“All right!  All right!.  I’ll fucking do it, Bernie!  Just please.  Please don’t start speechifying again.  I’m just a little old lady.  I’ve heard all about the Corporate State and the Rich and the…”

“Don’t forget about the minimum wage and Social Security and…”

“All right!  All right!  What Banks to you want me to seize?”

“I have a list here, Madame President.  Also, abolish the Federal Reserve.  And here’s a list with Halliburton, Monsanto and other major corporations who owe the United States Treasury billions.  And here’s a list of properties their CEOs own here and abroad that we can seize, using the troops you withdrew from Afghanistan last month.  And here’s…”

“Okay.  Where’s those Executive Orders you drew up for all this?  And where’s my Presidential Pen?  God, you’re a pain in the ass, Bernie.”

“Just doing the job you told America I would do as a ‘proactive’ Vice President.  And after you sign those orders, I’d like to talk to you for a few hours about alternate energy, Global Warming and the Monarch butterflies.”

Can we do that tomorrow, Bernie?  I mean, not now…I think I’m getting a headache.”

“As you wish, Madame President.  Actually, I do have to put in an appearance at that big rally in front of Congress about the Equal Rights Amendment, and the federal subsidies on child care for working mothers, and FDA action on the Male Pill, and…”

“Yes.  Please.  Just go.  I need to lie down after I sign all this stuff, and after I order the Pentagon to send those units to occupy Wall Street.”

“I’ll let you know what the people at the rally want you to do.  And thank you, Madame President.  I shall take my leave now.”

“Whew…yeah…Thank you, Bernie.  Oh god!…”

“What is it, Madame President?”

“Oh…I’m out of valium again.  Bernie, please send in one of my aides when you leave.”

“You mean Ms. McQuilken or Ms. Aniston?”

“No, Mr. Clooney.  Or Mr. Tatum, actually, if he’s not too busy.”

“As you wish, Madame President.”

Peter Buknatski

& Maggie Lenz-McQuilken

Montpelier, Vt.  

AG’s Office–Investigate & ‘Run’ With It

 I am calling now for TWO things to happen, as regards the office of Vermont Attorney General.  FIRST, someone outside of the Vermont Dem Party should call for an investigation of Bill Sorrell’s seemingly lack of concern for (or inaction on) these following ‘crime’ problems in Vermont:

#1–The HEROIN epidemic.  This has been growing for years and years under Sorrell’s watch.  With Heroin now heap cheap (no doubt brought about by bringing ‘democracy’ to Afghanistan), it’s only going to get worse.  Shumlin called it–but why didn’t Sorrell?  Vermont is on the Montreal to Florida, and back again, route for Heroin ‘trafficking’–we are WIDE OPEN now for Gang-related crime, the collateral damage intrinsic in this form of ‘BIG MONEY’ drug running.  Where has our Attorney General been in the last few years on addressing this ‘crime’ problem and the future threat of worse to come?  What is his PLAN to deal with it?

#2–SEX/HUMAN Trafficking–The same routes and networks through Vermont for the Heroin trafficking are, again, WIDE OPEN for the ANIMALS who deal in SEX and HUMAN SLAVERY.  It is BIG MONEY.  In 2010, A Task Force was formed, in the AG’s office, I believe, to look into this.  Well…What have they found?  Why the SILENCE on this problem?  I’d bet money that money is changing hands on both the Heroin trafficking and the Sex Trafficking.  What’s the story?

#3A*–Abuses of the elderly and disabled.  Years ago, a network of advocates for the elderly and disabled filed a class action suit against the state about the ‘backlog’ of some 300 cases of abuse of the elderly and disabled filed with the AG’s office that were still ‘pending investigation’–in other words, NO ACTION TAKEN as yet back then by the AG’s office.  What has happened with these cases?  And how many more complaints have been filed since then?

#3B*–Abuses of migrant workers in Vermont.  Another of Vermont’s ‘dirty little secrets’ that good liberals give Sorrell a pass on.  There have been many allegations over the years that, in some cases, migrant workers don’t get the pay that’s owed them before they are ‘deported’ by the Department of Immigration.  There also have been many charges made by Advocacy Groups about housing and health conditions and health care.  This applies to those migrant or immigrant workers who work on farms, and in the ‘service’ areas also, such as restaurants, etc.  Again, what’s the story here?

#4–Improper use of tasers and ‘other’ deadly force by Vermont law enforcement.  Well, we know what the ‘white-wash’ record here is from Sorrell, but how many more times does it have to happen before it is regarded as a ‘crime’ in itself?  

#5–And this is a ‘crime’ committed against the ‘intelligence’ off all Vermonters:  Why is Sorrell famous for his ‘campaign’ to wage war on our ‘addictions’ to sugary-sweet sodas and other soft drinks, when, in fact, there are probably a host of ‘civil rights’ violations going on every year, every week in Vermont.  Most of these at the workplace.  Some involving violations against workers who attempt to ‘organize for unionization’ in small businesses in Vermont.  People have been fired for union organizing, for petitioning for unions, etc.  Hell, in Vermont, under Sorrell’s watch, people have lost their jobs for ‘political incorrectness’ when questioning the actions of their bosses, boards, or co-workers.  Look at VPT.  Look at some of the things that have happened with state workers recently.  And in the private and non-profit sectors, it happens almost off-hand now.  And, let us not forget Sexual Harassment.  SODA?  Come on, Bill!

Now, enough said there.  Lots to INVESTIGATE.  I recommend the Vt. Legislature appoint a Special Legislative Investigative Commission composed of people who are NOT seeking or holding public office.  I suspect that Bill Sorrell has had plenty of time over the years to do like J. Edgar Hoover did–make files on potential enemies and gather the ‘dirt’ on all THE PLAYERS in Vermont politics, including his colleagues.  (Yes, that’s another accusation–#6)  Hoover concentrated on ‘subversives’ in the fifties and early sixties, instead of Organized Crime.  It took a DYNAMIC ATTORNEY GENERAL, Bobby Kennedy, to make Hoover pay some attention to real crime.

We have REAL CRIME here in our little liberal La-La Land of Vermont.  And we’re letting our AG get away with not addressing it, and that means we’re in for a substantial ‘altering’ of the QUALITY OF LIFE we’ve been so proud of in Vermont over the decades.

So, the SECOND thing I want to happen is for some good Prog, Liberty Union, Libertarian, whatever, candidate to come forward and RUN FOR AG this year.  Someone of the Pollina, Zuckerman, and yes, Rosemarie Jackowski caliber.  It would be a good thing if ALL the third parties combined their resources to take a crack at getting an INDEPENDENT elected AG in 2014.  Backed by Advocacy Groups for the elderly, disabled, workers, and those concerned about Vermont’s ‘weak reaction’ to BIG MONEY crime, a Third Party candidate ought to be able to walk away with this election.  I’ll bet a certain REPUBLICAN named Vince Illuzzi is considering options.  And, please, Madame/Mister Candidate, don’t be intimidated by the BIG MONEY Sorrell has raised at the AGs’ confab in FLORIDA.  Just another piece of the overall ‘disgusting’ way Bill Sorrell regards Vermonters’ say in things when it comes to his ongoing (too long) career.  Good Lord!  Could this ABOMINATION actually be thinking of the Governor’s office in 2016?  Say it ain’t so, SodaBill.

OK.  And I didn’t even mention what a wimp Sorrell was as regards the Federal Patriot Act right after 9/11.  Defending Vermonters rights?  Ain’t my job, he said.  His hands were tied by the Feds.  Just like his hands have been tied over the years when the Department of Immigration deports migrant workers in Vermont after they’ve served their purpose and still owed pay.  So PLEASE!  SOMEBODY!  It’s past time to get on Sorrell’s CASE.  Good and hard.  A BAD Democrat only begets a WORSE REPUBLICAN in the future.  Something all you Obamanites should think about too.  

*(I put these two 3s together because I feel they are of the same ilk–PREDATORY CRIMES against people who have limited ability to defend themselves.  Sometimes the elderly person will actually be robbed of money or items out of his/her home by an independent or ‘freelance’ caregiver, and excuses are made about the old person being…well, old and forgetful.  Immigrant and migrant workers are preyed upon because their rights as ‘aliens’ and ‘transients’ put them in a different category than regular Vermont residents.  Both are heinous crimes.  Notice I didn’t go into the mentally ill or children.  There are separate State agencies that should monitor these areas.  Same with INMATES–The Department of Corrections.  Although I believe that if one State agency is dropping the ball, it would be ‘nice’ if the AG’s office were on top of that.  As Obama said Tuesday night:  Have A Nice Day.)

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.  

The (f’d-up) State Of The Union

“My fellow Americans.  Hi.  Gimme five.  You don’t really want to know, do you?  And how ’bout this fucking weather?  I mean, shit, Alaska’s warmer than California.  What do you think?  Think we should just get it over with?  The Boys In The Boardroom, who selected me in ’08, wouldn’t mind a little Nuclear War.  Get your minds off what you’re bitchin’ about.  And warm up Chicago.

“The State of the Union?  You’ve got to be shittin’ me.  The State of the Union is now on sale at WalMart.  Made in China.  By little kiddies.  What all you assholes need to do is get together and become Activists.  And make WalMart label all this shit.  Like: This State Of The Union Product May Cause Cancer Or Bubonic Plague If Used In Certain Environments Otherwise Thought To Be Not Recommended For Human Life.  Heh-heh.  Thought you’d like that.  These are the jokes, folks.  But, all seriousness aside, we should label everything.  Americans love labels.  So, to start with, I’m having the Department of Homeland Security put out 2 million T-Shirts with the logo: SMART PEOPLE CREATE TERROR.  Because when you label things and people, Americans are much more comfortable.  And healthier and happier.  And we can get on with the important work of our nation.  And, what is that, you ask?  Shit.  The fuck if I know.  The Boys In The Boardroom keep changing what the important work of our nation is, almost every week.  Did they tell you?  No?  Well, good.  As your President, that makes me feel even closer to all of you, as a people, and as a bunch of flaming assholes.  Heh-heh.

“I’ll tell you a little story.  Back in ’09, I used to sit in the Oval Office and say to myself: ‘Bama, if you don’t do shit in five years, nobody will care.  Americans are dumber than a box of rocks.’  But now, my fellow Americans, I’ve grown more philosophical, having so much idle time to become so.  And I think to myself that if the American people really want change, they’ll get off their brain-dead asses and do it themselves.  I mean, it’s not like I’m going to help you.  In fact, I may even have to kill a lot of you, and put more of you in jail.  But, go ahead–be my guest.  Change things.  Yeah.  Why don’t you start by changing the fucking channel?  Heh-heh.  Cause I know you don’t like what you’re hearing.  The Boys In The Boardroom told me I could say any kind of shit I wanted to tonight.  Because you fuckers will take anything.  They told me that after they killed Kennedy, and you all bought that Warren Commission Report and that Magic Bullet shit–man, that was a good one–and then you threw the covers over your heads and went to sleep, that they knew there and then that you’d put up with any and all kinds of shit.  War and Injustice and Fairy Tales.  Look at this Arctic Vortex crap.  Ain’t that a cute fairy tale name for: THE WEATHER IS SAYING THE END IS NEAR?  Arctic Vortex.  Sounds like a new fashion line at WalMart.  Heh-heh.  Like my fucked-up Health Care.  The only thing I did in five years.  Hey, maybe the Boys In The Boardroom will decide that, with this Arctic Vortex motha, it would be cool to cut off Fuel Assistance entirely.  Yeah.  I mean, all those unemployed elderly people turning up the heat?  Yeah.  My new campaign to fight Global Warming.  Cut off Fuel Assistance.  The Boys In The Boardroom should thank me for thinking that up all by myself.  Maybe give me a really good job in 2017.  A Game Show Host.  Yeah.  I could be the Black Bob Barker.  You know: ‘Higher!…Lower!…Oh sorry…There goes the buzzer…You’re fucked!…Take him away, FEMA!’  Want to know what’s behind the curtain, my fellow Americans?  You wait.  You’ll love this one.  Maybe a little later this year.  Heh-heh.

“You dumb sorry-assed sonsabitches.  Fucking pathetic.  Brush up on your Chinese, is my advice.  Hey, how’s this one: THE EARTH IS FLAT.  Didn’t you know that?  I just told you.  And I’m your Government, so it must be so.  Right?  Yeah.  So, you stupid shits, be careful when you’re traveling this Summer, if you can afford to.  Might fall off the edge of the Earth.  That’s where the Devil is.  Waiting for you.  Become Christians.  That’s more Presidential advice.  When the Republicans take over the White House in 2017, because you elect them because I didn’t do shit, you’re all going to have to become Christians anyway.  They’ll make laws.  Yeah, they’ll Do Something!  You see, I’m not so bad.  Me doing nothing is something you’re all going to miss in about five years or so.  

“But, hey.  Don’t worry.  Be happy.  And if you can’t be happy, eat some Jello Pudding.  Ummm-ummm.  Good shit, my fellow Americans.  So, have a nice day tomorrow, and remember what I said tonight.  You might feel a little off for a while.  Feel like losers.  But losers make the world go round.  Don’t let any Smart Person tell you any different.  If some Smart-Ass Person gives you any shit, you just tell that sucker that Bama says CHILL.  Smart people like to spoil all the fun.  And we’re having fun, right?  I know I am.  And, my fellow Americans, you ain’t seen shit yet.  Yeah.  It’s going to get even more fun.

“Thank you and Good Night…and, oh yeah…Go Fuck Yourselves…Heh-heh…I knew you wanted me to say that.”

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.
