Yes, I no longer have any faith or expectations about the radical radical (white) Left getting its shit together about Capitalism. Wisconsin came and went as just another story to the Lefties. Perhaps they really do think Israel is at the root of all the world’s problems, or may it just be that the radical radical (white) Left doesn’t really give a shit about working people and unions because working class Americans and union-busting ain’t intellectual enough issues for the radical radical (white) Left.
Makes one want to become A Dem and “work within the system to change it.” (Jesus!) Or maybe the radical radical (white) Left is invested in Capitalism more than it lets on, actually fears working class Americans. Eugene Debs (6% of the Presidential vote in 1912, 3.5% in 1920 while he was in prison) is NOT resting in peace.
You can’t have peace without justice, and justice needs to be fought for here at home, supporting workers and unions. And first, you need TRUTH. You have to say: “It’s all about Capitalism and ITS Economy, stupid!”
Green Parties, Hip Parties, Above It All Parties (“DEMS & REPUBLICANS ARE ALL THE SAME!”), Tea Parties, Eco Parties, Anarchists, Libertarians, Elitists, Nitwits, Holocaust Revisionists, Secessionists, Snake Handlers, Lunatics and Crooks–Where’s a Regular American Working Person to turn? Where’s this THIRD FUCKING PARTY the Left has gone on about for decades? You know–The Hope And Change And Revolution Party? Whatever.
Well, fuck ’em. If the radical oh-so-radical self-righteous (white yuppie) Left is more absorbed in talking-to-itself, I might as well talk to myself.
The following is my little SLAM at the radical radical (white yuppie second-home in Canada)) Left. Repetitionally inspired by Sue Prent’s “I Don’t Believe In God” prayer. Fun. Or NOT:
(The New Hip Blog For Left-Handed Masturbation! All The Issues That Name The Facts, Tell The Tales, And Expose The International Zionist Conspiracies Controlling New World Order! The Who What Where Why When Of Alternate Alternate Alternate Media!)
Why Obama Bombed Kenya On Tel Aviv’s Orders
by Suzanne St. Vincent Davis-Wasp (Esq.)
Who Knows How Many Hundred Dollar Bills It Would Take Israel To Reach Another Galaxy And Colonize It
by Zeke Toyboy
Where Are The Black Panthers Now When We Need Them To Fight The Jews
by Disgruntled And Anonymous White Christian Leftie Yuppie In Chevy Chase, Maryland
When Israel Plans To Use Nuclear Weapons On Tasmania
by Joe The NanoVirus
What The Fuck The CIA Is Doing To Help Israel Acquire All Our Old Fifties Toy Lead Soldiers
by The Fucking Rodriquez Brothers
Why Who Knows What Went Where When We Didn’t Know How And It Wound Up In Israel
by Nomen Clature
How Two Out Of Three Kosher Bats Out Of Hell Ain’t Bad For Hank And Hal
by Meat Loaf III With Gravy
Israel Wants To Move Into Your Backyard
by Andrea Peaceninne
Why D.C. Is Sending Our Cats To Israel
by Peta Litterbox
Cats Are Murdering Palestinian Babies
by Gaza Wheatgerm
Break The Israeli Boycott On Mice For Palestine
by Joe The Exterminator
Israel’s Secret Settlements In Antarctica
by Ipod S. Authority
Israel Took My Parking Place
by The Donald The Duck
Israel Is Under My Bed
by Jesus St. Child-Nightmare
Vermont Must Help Palestine Secede And
by Peter Diamondstonecutter & Tom Nayloringit
Israel Wants Your Teenage Daughter’s Body
by Fat Prince Saudi Of Arabia
Israel’s Anti-Gay Marriage Lobby In D.C.
by Bruce Lesbian
Israel’s War Of Genocide Against Gay Penguins In Antarctica And Why We Must Support Tasmania
by Dr. Ruth Twitter
Global Warming And Israel’s Desert Wasteland In Antarctica
by Gore Vidal-Goretex
The Untold Struggle Of Christian Polish Folk Singers In Jerusalem
by Woody Dylan Anderson
Israel’s Expanded Fall Line-Up On FOX TV
by Sarah Jessica Parker
Why Israel Fears The New Hip Left
by Larry, Darryl, & Darryl
Why Your Customer Service Rep In India For Verizon Sounds Like He’s Talking In Yiddish
by Ralph Nader IV
How The Jews Took Over The Peace Movement
by Silent Joe The Vigiler
Israel’s Plot To Destroy All Life On Earth A Little At A Time Starting With Gay Penguins In Antarctica
by Mildred Bedridden
Why Israel Should Be Held Responsible For All Natural Disasters And Divorces
by Weather Underground & Jennifer Aniston
Why Israel Was A Pain In The Ass Before It Even Existed
by Chinese University Professor Emeritus Dim Dim Bulb
Israel’s Masterplan To Take Over Your Every Waking Moment
by Dr. Phil & Dr. Speed
Israel Really Hates You (And Your Pets)
by Heinrich ‘The Beast Of Auschwitz’ Herman (89 Years Young!!)
Why The Left Needs To Focus More On Israel
by Dharma Freakout
Because Israel Just Took Over This Blog
by Barry Goldwasser Seinfeld
Oy Vey
Peter Buknatski
Montpelier, Vt.
(Come on you fuckin’ radical radical white Lefties. The issue is how to stop the American Corporate Reich from turning this country into a Fascist Shithole. Hitler blamed the Jews. The Rich and Corporate, with the help of the Republicans, are blaming the working poor–wages, benefits (including Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, Food Stamps, Disability, DISASTER RELIEF, child care, special education), and the RIGHT TO ORGANIZE and Collective Bargaining are under attack here at home. It’s A POGROM. Get With IT!
And, stop this waste-of-time BS about the United States being the Client State of Israel. It’s (duh) the other way around.
Perhaps it is true that the Dems & Republicans are One Party. In that case, I’d advocate voting ALL REPUBLICANS out of office. I mean, who needs ’em, right?)