All posts by PeteySweety

Lament Of 2014 (And Day 41)

(Or: The Left Could Fuck-Up An Ambush)

shit, we had ’em

we were this close

with the Occupy Wall Street gig

then everything went stupid

Lefties arguing about how’s come

there’s no anti-war stuff

and why we didn’t mention Gaza

plus a whole lot of Lefties

said this wasn’t about labor

or unions or workers rights

or even people

but about campaign financing

and how the corporations

run the government

but how do the corporations

run the government?

let’s see  it’s in one of these

old alerts from ’11

yeah…the corporations

run the government cause

they put out better ads

than the Left does

something about how

we should try to reach the people

in a plain straight-forward way

without all the equivocating

and political correctness

and bickering on details

and being ‘polite’ to Nazis

and letting ‘lib-er-als’ co-opt

the movement for the sake of

‘power-chic’ ?

and that people know this shit

they just need to hear the right spin

like “Capitalism Wants To Kill Your Kid”

hey, I like that one

we shoulda pushed that one

well, all over now

can’t believe what happened in 2012

man, now the government says

I’ve got to pay something called

a ‘Consumer’s Tax’ that goes directly

to Wall Street and the Corporations

for them to take care of Global Warming


we were this close

ah hell, now the corporations

are offering these jobs

called ‘Planning Activists’

and ‘Security Activists’

and ‘Action Activists’ (Knowledge of

explosives and flammables necessary.)

wonder what that last one means?

maybe I should apply for one

hell, I’m an activist

I wonder what they pay?

Peter Buknatski

Montpeleir, Vt.

Day 41–Trick or Treat!)

Obama (Dirty Bastard!) Invokes Martin Luther King

(Did you hear what that FUCKER said dedicating the MLK Memorial?  Shameful!  This rant is dedicated to JUNIOR, who told me about what the FUCKER said.)

“Yes, if the Reverend Dr. King were alive today, I know he would tell us that, although people may think Wall Street is evil, it is also evil to HATE evil.  Because Hate begets more evil, and evil begets more evil, and, in the end, we have only ourselves to blame.  That the righteous way is for Americans to go forward and say:  ‘I know that the only true way to change things is to follow the teachings of the Reverend Dr. King, as defined by President Obama, who is also Black and therefore must know what the Reverend Dr. King really meant when he said whatever he said about not HATING the people who work on Wall Street.’  

Yes, my fellow Americans, the Reverend Dr. King, a true Christian, would have in his heart a message for all of us.  He would say, and take my word for this, I know he would say it…he would say:  ‘Do not HATE people who wish to make money off the suffering of others, or HATE those who oppress the poor, or HATE those who would expunge from our nation’s history all social and economic reforms and all social and economic rights Americans have fought and bled for.’  Because the Reverend Dr. King knew about HATE.  He had dreams about it.  HATE pissed him off.

So, I would say to all Americans that, as a fitting Memorial to the Reverend Dr. King, we consider, as the Reverend Dr. King would, LOVE as a way forward in these difficult times.  That LOVE is more powerful than HATE.  If we LOVE the people who work on Wall Street, if we give them a hug, if we reach out with a neighborly casserole dish to the rich man up in his mansion who runs our town and country, if we try, every day, to see that LOVING is more important than money, than war, than anything that we may think of as evil–then, through this LOVE and LOVING we will erase all evil from our lives, and live in the true spirit of the Reverend Dr. King.

I therefore call to all those out there, the protesters, the union organizers, the single working mothers, the students and teachers, the elderly and disabled whose benefits have been cut, the parents and loved ones of our troops now dying and killing in Afghanistan, the gay hispanic migrant workers, and all those who live in FEAR and HATE–You must now turn to LOVE.  March in the footsteps of the Reverend Dr. King.  Make LOVE not HATE.  The survival of our nation depends on you making this change of attitude.  That was the CHANGE I meant back in 2008.  The CHANGE that the Reverend Dr. King would have suggested to me himself, I can say with absolute certainty.  The CHANGE that says LOVE is the only social, economic, and human right we need.  Because with LOVE, bad jobs turn into good jobs, bad wages into good wages, bad wars into good wars, bad times into good times, and a bad Wall Street into a GOOD, LOVING, KINDER AND GENTLER Wall Street.  A Wall Street and a nation under God, moving forward with the blessings of the Reverend Dr. King, who looks down upon us today and says:  ‘LOVE Capitalism, and it will LOVE you’ as only the Reverend Dr. King could say it, knowing that I today would say it for him.

Thank you”

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

(And remember, as PolitenessMan would say:  “Sometimes, some people, deserve to be demonized–thus my Steel Hankies.”

Got Dem Union-Bashin’ Blues (for VSEAleslie)

(To the tune of This Land Is Your Land…Sort ‘a)

There’s never a right time

There’s never a good time

Ya just need to keep a polite mind

When ya sign on the bottom line

Cause we don’t really mean it

In fact you just can reem it

This contract ain’t worth the paper it was written on

And it don’t mean shit to me

As I was out walkin’

I ran into a Lib-er-al

I said hey Lib-er-al

Hear about all this squawkin’?

It seems that the unions

Are a gettin’ all uppity you see?

We better help the Nazis suppress ’em

Or else the Nazis will come after you and me

Oh La-de-Dade-dade…I’m such a good person

I vigil with the Peace Folks

I don’t listen to no

Politically Incorrect jokes

And I can debate all the fine points

About why the working class needs to pay more

Cause this land was not made for them

It was made for Donald Trump and me

Oh God I love ya Donald

I’d like to be just like ya

Cause ya get me so inspired

When ya say: “You’re fired!”

I’ll help ya bust up all them unions

And after ya’ve taken everything they have

Don’t forget who helped ya do it

That was ME

Oh La-de-Dade-Da-da

Ain’t gonna give ’em nada

Just gonna keep talkin’ ’em in circles

And keep up the Dada

And when I make a million

I’ll open up a restaurant you’ll see

And no union will be there

To bother me

Oh La-de-Dade-Dada-Nada-Nada-Dada



Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Fall Pome

(A leaf storm this morning.  Goddamn leafies falling like snow!)


leaves snowflakes and tears

hush you on your way

something has been lost again

never to be returned

slippery steps now

all of a delicate move

you cannot let on

how much it means to you

this time when bleak fall

presents the longer view

yet nothing is revealed

days nights and love’s bed

all the more to hope for

something to create anew

never to be forsaken

bleak beauty’s quiet kiss

as the season slowly forgives

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, VT.

What Fire?

Hey, who started the fire?

What fire?

The one they’re not talking about.

Who’s They?

The fuckers that started the fire.

Listen, I don’t know anything about no fire

or what the fuck you’re talking about.

At least I’m talking about it.  You’d think they’d be talking about it.  But I can’t find anything on the web about the fire.  Except that it happened.

And when was this?

Few days ago.  Tuesday.

Old news now.  No wonder they’re not talking about it.  Who cares?

Man, you don’t get it.  This was a really important fire.  There should be some news about it.  But there ain’t.

How ’bout them Red Sox?  Assholes!

Jesus Christ!  You know, some day, if this shit keeps up, we won’t be able to find out what the Red Sox are doing. Just like the fire.

What?  There was a fire at Fenway?!  Why the fuck didn’t you say so!

Hey, where’re you going?

To a TV.  Fox News, whatever.  Got to find out about this fire!

Jeez, look at him go.  Should have said “where’s the fire?”  

What fire?

Excuse me, lady?

I heard you just now as I was passing.  Talking about a fire.  What fire?

Oh, that.  Nothing.  There’s no fire.  I was just talking to myself.

Well, you shouldn’t talk to yourself out loud about fires.  People might get the wrong ideas.

Jeez.  Do ya think?

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, vt.

To Vt. State Senators Bill Doyle & Vince Illuzzi


Don’t know if you guys check out this blog (you should), but here goes:

There are elections next year.  Now, there are good Democrats and bad Democrats.  Good Progs and snot-nosed Progs.  And, I believe it is safe to say, there are good Republicans too.  I include the two of you in this category, and I remember what Jim Jeffords did in 2001.  But, fellas, your Party nationally is becoming something beyond the pale.  It’s not just the Tea Party nitwits who have joined your Party.  It seems like the entire Republican Party has an agenda that would not only repeal what’s left of the New Deal and Great Society, but also many basic Constitutional rights, all in the interests of the Very Very Rich and the Corporate Persons who are using your Party for their own self-interests, rather than the good of the country.

National Security should also encompass Economic Security for all the people.  Union busting, the attack on Collective Bargaining, the downsizing of social programs (including FDR’s Social Security), and the overall War On The Poor (as opposed to LBJ’s War On Poverty) seem to have become solid planks in your Party’s Platform.  And this is really really BAD.  It is Un-American.  (Bill–Do you collect Social Security?)

Your Party nationally seems to have lost its Moral Compass, and is also providing aid and comfort to the enemies of this nation.  What the Hell is the story, guys?  And where do the two of you, and other Vermont Republicans, stand?  Because next year’s elections should not be about which Party is going to give more to the Rich and the Corporate Person.  Do you think the Republican Party will win on that kind of platform?  Come on!

I would ask the two of you, and other Vermont Republicans, to come out on record opposing the direction your Party has taken nationally, and reaffirm some old fashioned Republicanism that used to hold the public good and the nation’s good over all the interests of our enemies, either foreign or domestic.

Can you do that?

Of course you can.

Oh, and show us some meat and potato programs you have for the working poor in Vermont.  Not just talk.  Real action.  After all, if your Party succeeds in eviscerating all federal programs, it will be up the the Vermont Legislature to take care of Vermonters.  And not just the ones who can vote.

Thank you,

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt

New Leftie Blog

Yes, I no longer have any faith or expectations about the radical radical (white) Left getting its shit together about Capitalism.  Wisconsin came and went as just another story to the Lefties.  Perhaps they really do think Israel is at the root of all the world’s problems, or may it just be that the radical radical (white) Left doesn’t really give a shit about working people and unions because working class Americans and union-busting ain’t intellectual enough issues for the radical radical (white) Left.  

Makes one want to become A Dem and “work within the system to change it.” (Jesus!)  Or maybe the radical radical (white) Left is invested in Capitalism more than it lets on, actually fears working class Americans.  Eugene Debs (6% of the Presidential vote in 1912, 3.5% in 1920 while he was in prison) is NOT resting in peace.  

You can’t have peace without justice, and justice needs to be fought for here at home, supporting workers and unions.  And first, you need TRUTH.  You have to say:  “It’s all about Capitalism and ITS Economy, stupid!”

Green Parties, Hip Parties, Above It All Parties (“DEMS & REPUBLICANS ARE ALL THE SAME!”), Tea Parties, Eco Parties, Anarchists, Libertarians, Elitists, Nitwits, Holocaust Revisionists, Secessionists, Snake Handlers, Lunatics and Crooks–Where’s a Regular American Working Person to turn?  Where’s this THIRD FUCKING PARTY the Left has gone on about for decades?  You know–The Hope And Change And Revolution Party?  Whatever.

Well, fuck ’em.  If the radical oh-so-radical self-righteous (white yuppie) Left is more absorbed in talking-to-itself, I might as well talk to myself.

The following is my little SLAM at the radical radical (white yuppie second-home in Canada)) Left.  Repetitionally inspired by Sue Prent’s “I Don’t Believe In God” prayer.  Fun.  Or NOT:


(The New Hip Blog For Left-Handed Masturbation!  All The Issues That Name The Facts, Tell The Tales, And Expose The International Zionist Conspiracies Controlling New World Order!  The Who What Where Why When Of Alternate Alternate Alternate Media!)


Why Obama Bombed Kenya On Tel Aviv’s Orders

by Suzanne St. Vincent Davis-Wasp (Esq.)

Who Knows How Many Hundred Dollar Bills It Would Take Israel To Reach Another Galaxy And Colonize It

by Zeke Toyboy

Where Are The Black Panthers Now When We Need Them To Fight The Jews

by Disgruntled And Anonymous White Christian Leftie Yuppie In Chevy Chase, Maryland

When Israel Plans To Use Nuclear Weapons On Tasmania

by Joe The NanoVirus

What The Fuck The CIA Is Doing To Help Israel Acquire All Our Old Fifties Toy Lead Soldiers

by The Fucking Rodriquez Brothers

Why Who Knows What Went Where When We Didn’t Know How And It Wound Up In Israel

by Nomen Clature

How Two Out Of Three Kosher Bats Out Of Hell Ain’t Bad For Hank And Hal

by Meat Loaf III With Gravy

Israel Wants To Move Into Your Backyard

by Andrea Peaceninne

Why D.C. Is Sending Our Cats To Israel

by Peta Litterbox

Cats Are Murdering Palestinian Babies

by Gaza Wheatgerm

Break The Israeli Boycott On Mice For Palestine

by Joe The Exterminator

Israel’s Secret Settlements In Antarctica

by Ipod S. Authority

Israel Took My Parking Place

by The Donald The Duck

Israel Is Under My Bed

by Jesus St. Child-Nightmare

Vermont Must Help Palestine Secede And


by Peter Diamondstonecutter & Tom Nayloringit

Israel Wants Your Teenage Daughter’s Body

by Fat Prince Saudi Of Arabia

Israel’s Anti-Gay Marriage Lobby In D.C.

by Bruce Lesbian

Israel’s War Of Genocide Against Gay Penguins In Antarctica And Why We Must Support Tasmania

by Dr. Ruth Twitter

Global Warming And Israel’s Desert Wasteland In Antarctica

by Gore Vidal-Goretex

The Untold Struggle Of Christian Polish Folk Singers In Jerusalem

by Woody Dylan Anderson

Israel’s Expanded Fall Line-Up On FOX TV

by Sarah Jessica Parker

Why Israel Fears The New Hip Left

by Larry, Darryl, & Darryl

Why Your Customer Service Rep In India For Verizon Sounds Like He’s Talking In Yiddish

by Ralph Nader IV

How The Jews Took Over The Peace Movement

by Silent Joe The Vigiler

Israel’s Plot To Destroy All Life On Earth A Little At A Time Starting With Gay Penguins In Antarctica

by Mildred Bedridden

Why Israel Should Be Held Responsible For All Natural Disasters And Divorces

by Weather Underground & Jennifer Aniston

Why Israel Was A Pain In The Ass Before It Even Existed

by Chinese University Professor Emeritus Dim Dim Bulb

Israel’s Masterplan To Take Over Your Every Waking Moment

by Dr. Phil & Dr. Speed

Israel Really Hates You (And Your Pets)

by Heinrich ‘The Beast Of Auschwitz’ Herman (89 Years Young!!)

Why The Left Needs To Focus More On Israel

by Dharma Freakout

Because Israel Just Took Over This Blog

by Barry Goldwasser Seinfeld

Oy Vey



Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

(Come on you fuckin’ radical radical white Lefties.  The issue is how to stop the American Corporate Reich from turning this country into a Fascist Shithole.  Hitler blamed the Jews.  The Rich and Corporate, with the help of the Republicans, are blaming the working poor–wages, benefits (including Social Security, Unemployment Compensation, Food Stamps, Disability, DISASTER RELIEF, child care, special education), and the RIGHT TO ORGANIZE and Collective Bargaining are under attack here at home.  It’s A POGROM.  Get With IT!

And, stop this waste-of-time BS about the United States being the Client State of Israel.  It’s (duh) the other way around.

Perhaps it is true that the Dems & Republicans are One Party.  In that case, I’d advocate voting ALL REPUBLICANS out of office.  I mean, who needs ’em, right?)



(A ‘happy’ end of Summer poem for Junior)

busted unions and democracy

irradiated food and people

wars to kill the whole planet

my garden is dying too

soon we’ll grow to hate nature

yeah that’s what they want

pin the blame on a heat wave

companies will sell us the water

nobody’s responsible for God

and God is sure acting up

he must be a real character

God should maybe run a company

the doctor says I’ve got cancer

to be careful of what I eat

I laughed til I coughed blood

be careful what I think too Doc

I used to have roses in my garden

used to look at them every day

it’s like people now who don’t

look at each other on the street

everybody knows but they’re afraid

they’ll see how much worse it is

so you go on living and wait

for that monthly check in the mail

some day soon I’ll go out there

and there won’t be any check anymore

people will turn to killing each other

politicians will encourage them

they’ll give out big money for it

send all the checks in the mail

so people can go out and make death

as the last right they have in life

the sky will fill up with clouds

and it will stay that way just waiting

for the end

but you know

one happy thought to think?

most of us will never live to see it

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.


Affirmative Action

After the bastards busted

the union, my life went

to shit; I lost my job,

and then my house and my

wife and kids; they should

never have given Wall Street

that money back in ’08, but

they did, and that’s what

started it, and that’s why

I’m here today, because they’ve

taken everything and doing

this is all I have left.

I want you to all get behind

the counter now; the police

will be here soon, and I don’t

want anyone to get hurt except

me; and not until I make my

statement, not until I tell

every sonofabitching media

bastard just who is responsible

for what I’m doing and why

this is going to happen again

and again all over the country

because the more they take

from us, the more of us are

going to do this; this isn’t

terrorism, it’s anger and despair,

and a lot of other things.

You folks want to see a picture

of my wife and kids?  They’ll

probably call her and I hope

she doesn’t say some stupid

weepy shit about how things are

not that bad, cause they fucking

are, and it’s past time something

should have been done about it;

if I could use this gun on every

one of those fat pig bastards

and the politicians who help them

do this to us…yeah, then things

wouldn’t be that bad, Marsha;

then maybe we could all live like

human beings, instead of like

a bunch of hateful frightened

sheep afraid to face what needs

to be done before it’s all too late.

Here’s the police.  Will you look

at all those guns and rifles.  You’d

think they were coming after bin Laden,

the assholes.  They want me to throw

out my gun and come out, but I’m

going to send you folks out now, just

hope the stupid fucks hold their fire;

then we’ll have us a nice chat; then

I’ll tell them all about what is

really criminal in this fucked-up

country, and who they should be

pointing all those fucking guns at;

who they should be really worried

about, because it isn’t me or you

or your friends or any real honest

regular person; it’s those fuckers

in their big fancy offices plotting

to do it all again, and the government

will give them more billions, and why

not our fucking Food Stamps too;

might as well take it all, you bastards!

No, I’m not coming out you assholes;

I want to read a statement.  My name


Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.


they said

hand it over

and he did

didn’t stop once

to think about it

you have to be


dealing with thugs

it’s not worth it

none of it

not justice

freedom or love

it’s all just money

take it all

he said

I’ve got a wife

and two kids

where are your wife

and two kids

they said

he told them

down on your knees

they ordered

you don’t know

our names or faces

this never happened

yes sirs

he said

just please don’t

hurt me

they laughed

you stay right there

they said

don’t move

he didn’t move

a muscle

he was still there

waiting when

they came back

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

(We are trained to ‘hand it over’ in this society.

Not worth getting hurt over a little cash.  So, shit, Obama is Everyman.)