All posts by PeteySweety

WITH US STILL (for Julie Waters)

( – promoted by kestrel9000)

all the ghosts

of all the good people

we never got to know

meet with all the sunsets

we never got to watch

where they dance and sing

beyond time and dreams

if we stop and listen

we can hear them

even in everyday forgetfulness

they whisper a remembrance

of all that was good in them

and all that is good in us

through all that is bad

they are with us still

to be haunted by them

is life’s embrace

all its love and hope

thoughts and sunsets

we must return this embrace

and never let go

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Lamentations (A Bedtime Story)

we used to have a cat we named Lamentations

he was a very sorry and very baaad little guy

who lived up to his name

now I read where candidates and ex-governors

and the very worst of the worst in our lives

have all these laments

well ‘bleep’ these assholes I say

look at what they’ve done to the country and the world

they should be doing their lamenting from prison cells

now Lamentations one night did not come home

we were in the country and something must have got him in the woods

an owl or a coyote or a fisher or whatever

we lamented for Lamentations and then

got another cat to keep the other three cats company

twenty-five years ago and I still remember him

I wish politicians and the worst of the worst

could just be put out at night in the woods to feed the critters

the coyotes and bears and catamounts get hungry donchaknow

I mean we wouldn’t be going out in the woods

and yelling ‘here, asshole, asshole, asshole’

we’d just say ‘well he was a baaad politician’

but it wouldn’t matter much I guess

because the worst of the worst are just like cats

there will always be more of them

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.  

If I Had A Son (Obama’s Martin comment)

If I had a son

He’d be just like me

Only I don’t have a son

The war took him away

If I had a son

He’d fight for what’s right

He’d stay away from guns

Love the world and its people

But I don’t have a son

Only memories and pictures

He never got a chance

To make a better world

And now they are saying things

I find hard to believe

About sons and mothers

About right and wrong

If my son’s ghost came back  

He’d shake his head

Say: “Dad, what went wrong

While I was over there?”

How could I answer him?

What could I say to explain

Away the utter emptiness

That swallowed us all up?

Say: “Son, I did what I could

But they swallowed us up.

Swallowed you up. I’m so sorry.”

I cannot forgive this emptiness

But If I had a son

We would march together

Fathers and sons across the nation

Filling up emptiness with life and love

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.


War Games

a civil war

a gender war

Americans against


a bugler sounds

the charge

home to become

a battlefield

a loose cannon fires

from the other side

they have joined ranks

marching to glory

how silly they look

coming right at us

we have baked

thousands of pies

and have weapons

they’ve yet to imagine

an army of bullies

who will cry when hit

run home to their mothers

tattle on us

say mommy I fell down

make it better

she will warn them

never again to play at war

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

GMD Poll:

Does Rush Limbaugh have a mommy?

Hearts And Minds

Hey GI, you got cigarettes, candy?

Come on GI, I got sister.

What the fuck was that?

Some kid from Italy I think.

Italy.  Fuckin’ Italy!


Like in A Walk In The Sun

Fightin’ the Battle of Tibet.

Never saw that one.

Shithole country.

I wouldn’t mind fightin’

the Battle of Tibet.

I heard the LT went off again.

Did you hear about last night?

Yeah.  He shot some old man

who was just walkin’ down the road.

The LT’s pushin’ for the good ole Section 8.

Ain’t gonna happen.

He’s an officer.

That stuff’s for us nobodies.

Well, there’s a bird colonel

come down this morning.

I think he’s here

to look all of us over.

Hey GI, you got gum, C-rats?

Get lost kid.

You goddamn German brat.

Yeah, I remember.

Fuckin’ Aachen!

Fuckin’ Krauts!

I lost my watch there.

So, how long ya think

we’re gonna sit here?

I don’t know.

Depends on Colonel Hotshit.

I don’t mind.

I can sit.

Yeah.  Hey, butt me.

You’re fuckin’ worse

than those little bastards

back at Seoul.

Fuckin’ Korea!

You said it.

Tibet will be better though.


All that kama sutra pussy.

Or whatever they call it.

Hey GI, you want to buy sticks?

Got Big O Chinese tobacco too.

Like GI say, heap good shit!

Get lost.  But here. (points rifle)

Leave all that heap good shit

on the ground there.

Fuck Shit!  GI, you a fucker!

Now beat it!

Fuckin’ gook slope shits.

And here we are tryin’

to help them hold on

to their fuckin’ country.

Fuckin’ Nam!

Hey you two!

Get off your asses!

We’re movin’ out North.

Hope it’s fuckin’ Tibet.


Fuckin’ Afghanistan!

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Massacre Relief

my fourth fuckin’ tour

well I know how to get

the hell outta here

the guys are gonna say:

shit, why didn’t we

think of that?

well lock and load guys

I’ll leave plenty of civilians

left to go around

Obama’s gonna have to

apologize again

fuck him

he increased the goddamned

tours–what the hell

did he expect?

I’m going home

they gave Rusty Calley

3 years under house arrest

I can do that

too bad people have to die

but war is hell

it’s a sonofabitch

and I wish folks back home

would fuckin’ do something

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

International Women’s Day Ode

(For Rush to write 500 times on the blackboard, with his fingernails.)

your mother and your grandmother

and your sister and your wife

and your daughter and her lover

and all the other women in your life

yes I see we have another backlash

like Iron Men* and Hillary

centuries now from Salem

and women are still being pilloried

so they get a box of roses

instead of an ERA

and forget about full health care

haven’t you listened to Rush today?

and even the perverted Catholic Church

wants to put them in their place

and all the candidates are waffling

an unmitigated disgrace

but us girlie-men of yesteryear

would like to thank you on this day

for raising us and loving us

and putting down the toilet seat everyday

it looks like we’ve all got a ways to go

and the nitwits are making confusion

they’re saying that women run the world

some kind of Jung delusion?

if women really ran the world

would we be in Afghanistan?

would a woman be sitting on death row

for using a frying pan on her battering man?

I hope some day you really do run the world

and make us clean up all our messes

and make us stop being assholes

and enjoy what your spirit blesses

so have a good day this Thursday

you really deserve more than one day

cause the bullshit will be back on Friday

ruining everybody’s day

Happy March 8!!!

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

* I had this ‘cringe’ about Robert Bly and the Iron Men back in the late 80s-90s.  I felt that a bunch of guys sitting around a campfire in the woods talking about their mothers raising them and their fathers not being there for them was somehow kind of…well…guy-bonding…and off the point.  Like:  “Gee, if my dad had been around more, my mom wouldn’t have made me take ballet lessons and clean the litter box.  Hey, pass the tom-toms.  Did anybody bring the night crawlers?  I brought the beer.”  

Now my dad taught me stuff like bowling, baseball, football, pool, shooting guns, boxing, cursing, Polack jokes, gambling, drinking, womanizing–Guy Stuff.  Good thing he wasn’t around all that much.  So, when Iron Men came out, and guys were sitting around the campfires, I wondered what their daddies taught them.  And I wondered what they talked about–like:  “My dad was sure one big asshole.  He used to hit my mom.” or:  “My dad wanted me to join the marines.  He scared the shit out of me.”

Or, did they say things like:  “I wish my dad had taught me how to make a bed.  I could have joined the marines.”  or:  “I wish my dad had taught me how to run a vacuum.  I’m still afraid of vacuums.”

Tom-Toms.  It sounded like some exorcising ritual.  Exorcising what?  And whom?  I may be totally wrong on Iron Men, but I’m going with my gut feeling–that’s what a guy does.

Whatever.  (Guy term)

Drones For The Police (The Prisoner)

“Where am I?”

“You’re in The Village.”

“Who’s side are you on, and how did I get here?”

“That would be telling.”

“What do you want?

“We want Information.  In-For-Ma-Tion.  IN-FOR-MA-TION!”

“You won’t get any from me.”

“By hook or by crook, we will.”

“Who are you?”

“The new Number 2.”

“Who is Number 1?”

“You are Number 6.”

“I am not a NUMBER!  I am a FREE MAN!!”

Number 2:  “Ha-ha-Ha!  Number 6, you’re killing me.  Haven’t you ever heard of Gitmo?  The Patriot Laws?  The War On Terror?  That America is a battlefield in that War, and you are just another Prisoner?  Have you heard of Drones?  Tasers?–Here, in The Village, we prefer to use ROVER.  Have you been reading the papers, latety, Number 6?  Watching FOX News?  A Free Man?  That’s rich.  I’ll have to pass that on to Number 1.  Now, down to business, for it is business along with information, that runs the engine of the planet.  So tell me, Number 6, why did you write that Letter To The Editor, and refuse to use your Happy Meal Card at McDonald’s?  And why did you RESIGN from Citizens For A New America?”

Number 6:  “You can go to Hell!”

Number 2:  “Ah, Number 6, you’re a real hoot.  Look around you.  Talk to the people here.  Read our paper.  Others before you have been, let us say, UN-MUTUAL.  But they have found peace here, as will you, once you come to see that resistance is futile.  In the meantime, take a stroll around.  And don’t do anything UN-MUTUAL.  There are cameras everywhere.  In the trees, in the sky, in your bathroom, in your ice cubes.  Ha-Ha-HA!  A Free Man???  I love it!”

Number 6 is led away.

Number 2 to aide:  “Free Man.  Humph.  Dumber than a box of rocks!  But he’ll make a great Number 1 in 2017.  You know, Number 18, I think our current Number 1 can use this Freedom message.  Why, we can make it bigger than Hope and Change.  Yes.  Excellent plan.”

Number 18:  “Well, as for freedom and all that, sir, I must report that Number 99 has been stirring up the older residents again.  She’s in the clinic now under guard.”

Number 2:  “Hmmm.  I had such hopes for her.  Especially after Michele tanked-out.  Ah well, nothing left for her now but Degree Absolute.  Get the chambers ready, Number 18.”

Number 18:  “Yes sir.  Will you require any assistance besides your manservant?  Number 99 has quite a violent streak.”

Number 2:  “Humph.  She’s only a woman.  Have you ever known anyone to have not been broken by Degree Absolute?  Perhaps I’ll start out with this Free Man/Free Woman baloney.  Ha-ha-HA!  Yes, I love a good Degree Absolute on a morning’s rainy day.  Ha-ha!  Harh!!”

(And that, kiddies, is how Number 99 went to the White House in 2017.  And how she saved the United States from Degree Absolute.  Have a nice day.)

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.  

PolitenessMan Goes To War (Updated for the Marines of Feb. 23, 1945)

(Feb. 23, 1945–Men of the 5th Marine Division raise the American flag on the top of Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima.  The wonderful photo by Joe Rosenthal in the New York Times and papers around the world.  Nimitz was right when he said of those marines:  “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.”  And now we have different kinds of images coming out of Afghanistan.  Junior, you were right.  Images do matter.)

for Junior

Scene:  Three marines pissing on dead Afghani children while also burning Qurans.  Suddenly (‘THUNK! THUNK! THUNK!’), they are struck by three Steel Hankies.

1st marine:  “Shit!  That hurt!”

PolitenessMan:  “Now, now.  Language please.”

2nd marine: “Hey, who the Hell are you, mister?”  (raises his rifle)

PolitenessMan:  “Haven’t you been taught it’s impolite to swear and point?  And at the same time!”  (flings another Steel Hankie, hitting 2nd marine in the nose)

2nd marine:  “Oh God!  I’m hit!  I’m hit!  Corpsman!  Corpsman!  Oh God!…”

PolitenessMan:  “Tut, tut, my friend.  A bloody nose is no excuse for making a scene.  You see, gentlemen, I am PolitenessMan, and the President of the United States has sent me here to restore some good manners, decorum, and good taste here on the battlefield, so that folks back home are not needlessly repulsed by, let us say, behavior one would confront on a Saturday night outside of the sleaziest roadhouse in all the 50 states.”  

3rd marine:  “What the Hell…(PolitenessMan raises up another Steel Hankie)…excuse me…what the heck does good manners have to do with war, PolitenessMan?”

PolitenessMan:  “Think of it this way–if foreign invaders were rampaging through the United States while you were over here, would you want them pissing on your dead baby?  Would you want them burning the old baseball card collections passed down to you by your dear old grandfathers?”

2nd marine:  “My dead baby?!  I have a baby somewhere?”

1st marine:  “My BASEBALL CARD COLLECTION??!!!”

PolitenessMan:  “Exactly.  Remember, your wives, loved ones, and your dear old grandmothers are watching…”

3rd marine:  “My grandmother?!  I have a grandmother, PolitenessMan?”  (sobs)

PolitenessMan:  “Yes.  And also Jennifer Aniston and Sarah Jessica Parker.  What would would you have them think, gentlemen?”

1st marine:  “Hey, PolitenessMan, those two are old enough to be my dear old grandmother.”

PolitenessMan:  “Just an example.  Think of younger versions of them.  And all the young American ladies you will want to be with someday.  Except, that when you approach them at the Church Social, or, if you like, your neighborhood bar, and ask for a polite dance, they will scream and say: ‘It’s YOU!  You were the one on the news being RUDE and exposing himself over in Afghanistan!  I’d rather turn GAY than dance with you!  In fact, just seeing you now up close has made me Gay!  Come on, Betty, let’s get out of here.  Too many CREEPS!’  You see the ramifications, gentlemen, of your unpolished and untoward behavior?”

(the three marines bow their heads)

1st marine:  “Godda…I mean, gosh, PolitenessMan, you’re right.  I guess we never thought of all that.  Thanks for straightening us out.”

PolitenessMan:  “Not a problem.  I have much work to do here before I report back to the President.  So, off with you, gentlemen.  And remember, when you get in a firefight or ambush, it is in good form to shoot to kill or maim the enemy and, also, to inflict a certain–but not excessive–amount of, let us say, peripheral damage on innocent civilians, depending on the special particulars of the occasion.  It is a war, as you have said.  But remember, keep it in your pants at all times.  Unless you have to put out a fire that some other thoughtless and less refined warrior has inadvertently started.”

1st, 2nd, and 3rd marines:  “Thanks, PolitenessMan.  We’ll never be rude again!  We’ll even say ‘pardon me’ when we shoot the wounded in the head.  You’re one cool righteous dude!  Semper Fi, PolitenessMan!”

(and the marines ‘saddle-up’ and walk off toward the beautiful red glow from the burning hills)

PolitenessMan:  “Yes, I feel absolutely politically and socially correct in what I told the President.  That, in war as in peace, but especially in war, there is no substitute for etiquette.”

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

Occupy My American Psycho Valentine

Be mine

I want you so

I want your house too

And your car

It’s lonely here on Wall Street

I’m 24 stories up

All those teeny tiny people

I want all their money

Today is a good day

To scroll through the clients

Figure out some passwords

Clean out old people’s accounts

I love you so

I’m thinking of you now

As I transfer funds off-shore

I’m 24 years old

Would you like to power-walk

Over to Bryant Park?

I have some old documents

To search for at the Library

Today is my 24th week here

My boss is a feminist bitch

But I’m setting a trap for her

I want her job

Do you like my poem?

Does it speak to you

Of all the things

You’ve ever wanted?

Why are old people so mean?

Don’t you think they should die?

I’m working on that

I love long power-walks through cemeteries

We’re going to ask for

Another bail-out this year

Just like in the ’08 elections

I’m going to buy a yacht

I want to have your underwear

I have these needs

I’ve only had 24 lovers

I want more

I will keep twitting you

Until you give in

I will kill your parents for you

I know they have money

I have to go back to work now

I’m sabotaging the bitch

I want her office

I want to fuck you in her office

Do you see that I am

A deep thinker?

A sensitive soul?

A mover and a shaker?

I have 24 pairs of shoes

My credit card is Visa Black

I do not read books

But I will write on your underwear

I have these needs

At the end of the day

I stare at all the bottom lines

Some of them I snort

So be my Valentine

You will be number 25

All the rest are dead

But I might let you live

Oh it’s lonely here on Wall Street

I hope we have a meeting today

I love meetings

They let my mind wander

Love you so


Invest in tasers and prisons

You’ve made me hard

I want 24 billion dollars

To start with


Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.