I got this email yesterday:
Hi John,
I’ve decided to run for lieutenant governor of Vermont in 2010. I’ve included the text from my announcement below, which is followed by links to my campaign platforms, my campaign promises, and the Bungalow Benchly for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont Facebook page. The announcement is fun, but if you’re looking for substance, I recommend the platforms and promises. Remember, Yes Benchly Can!
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for lieutenant governor of the fine state of Vermont. (I am not kidding.)
A very entertaining email followed (I’ll put the whole thing below the fold.
So, Bungalow is a long time Vermont blogger (not a political blogger, but a blogger-blogger). His original livejouranal site (“The Continuing Story of Bungalow Benchly”) can be found here. His current site “Benchly’s Sword” can be found here. His announcement is here.
His bio from the livejournal site simply says “I’m quirky. Period.” In his announcement, along with a list of leftist staple positions, he promises “jukeboxes in all school cafeterias!”
So… er… there ya go. After you read the letter, you’ll kinda want to vote for him. Sort of takes me back to my own announcement of a run for office.
Full email:
Hi John,
I’ve decided to run for lieutenant governor of Vermont in 2010. I’ve included the text from my announcement below, which is followed by links to my campaign platforms, my campaign promises, and the Bungalow Benchly for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont Facebook page. The announcement is fun, but if you’re looking for substance, I recommend the platforms and promises. Remember, Yes Benchly Can!
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for lieutenant governor of the fine state of Vermont. (I am not kidding.)
After several years of Dubie at the helm (read: waste of money), I think it’s time that the Vermont people declared in a bold and unified voice (with a few calculated pauses for dramatic effect and breaths): “if we’re actually going to spend money on this position, we should at least vote for someone with an even better name than Dubie, even if it is just a nickname.”
The office of the lieutenant governor of Vermont is a very important job. The lieutenant governor is the president of the state senate. Of course, if there’s no lieutenant governor, the constitution simply states that the senate can just pick someone else to be president, but still, Very Big Responsibility! And if the governor should fall ill, the lieutenant governor will be right at his/her side to provide OJ, medicine, and a cold washcloth for the forehead. And should that not work and the governor dies, the lieutenant governor becomes the governor. Whoa!
And I’m sure the lieutenant governor does tons of other fun stuff too, but just because I can’t think of anything other than this primary responsibility of waiting, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
And it’s because of that responsibility of waiting, which, incidentally, I think I’m pretty good at (e.g., I once waited outside of Best Buy for four hours for a laptop!), and the weight of that responsibility one feels knowing that the governor’s next cough could mean so much, that I have decided that it is absolutely imperative for the fine people of this fine state to pick someone with a lot of time on their hands to wait. And considering that I’m spending so much time on this announcement and my Facebook group, I think we can all agree that I’m the right person for the job.
I love this state. I’m not particularly fond of its slogan “I LoVermont” because, let’s face it, “LoVermont” is not a real word and I’m all about real words, and good grammar, and proper capitalization, but I love this state!
And speaking of proper capitalization, I think it’s worth mentioning that “lieutenant governor” need not be capitalized unless it precedes the person’s name who holds such a position. This bugs me. Same goes for the state senate and president and what not. They’re not proper nouns! OK, I’m done venting.
I love Vermont! And I want to serve Vermont! So please vote for me, Bungalow Benchly for lieutenant governor. I want to be your Lieutenant Governor Bungalow Benchly! (See how I capitalized there?) For those who believe in God, God bless you and God bless Vermont, and for those of you who don’t, have a nice day! And if you’re agnostic, well, that’s OK, too.
– Bungalow Benchly
Bungalow Benchly for Lieutenant Governor Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/group….
Campaign promises: http://bungalowbenchly.blogspo…
Platforms: http://bungalowbenchly.blogspo…