Have others got the ROBO call I got today telling lies and distortions about Peter?
This is scary stuff!
I used to think Dubie was like jim Douglas. Mr Milktoast, a centerist republican who was well liked and who you could work with.
After last night’s debate when he stood up for the tea party, said the the IBM spokesperson was lying when he repeated that IBM has no plans to leave VT and accused Peter of lying right to Peter’s face on corrections even after Peter had explained his plan very clearly.
Well now i think Dubie is a SCARY PRO LIFE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST.
Thank god VT has a good education system! [ which Dubie hopes to dismantle] hopefully the average Vermonter is smart enough to figure out his message is all FEAR MONGERING CRAP.
This has certainly motivated me to action.
What are 10 steps the typical person can take to counter this out of state alternate reality – without stooping to the same level??