All posts by greenvtster

Rally in Montpelier Sat Jan 20

Passing this along to anyone interested…

Saturday, January 20th 2007 10 am
Montpelier, VT USA

Website: http://www.unitedfor…

Gather: 10 am- Montpelier City Hall
March to Statehouse:10:30 am
Rally at Statehouse: 11 am
Speak out in VT on Jan 20… speak out in D.C. on Jan 27.

Montpelier City Hall and VT State House Main St and State St Montpelier VT 05602

Debra Stoleroff

Sponsored By:
PeaceVermont, US-Law, VT Peace and Justice Center, Central VT Peace and Justice, VT- AFSC, Central VT WILPF, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel, Green Mtn Veterans for Peace, Iraq Vets for Peace, ISO, UVM Students Against the War, Middlebury Students Against the War, Johnson State College Students Against the War, many other peace and justice organizations in Vermont.

The Senate Factor

There has been a strong bias against electing sitting Senators as President in US elections, and former senators have not faired as well as other candidates, especially governors. Despite this track record, the 2008 field has a LOT of Senate connections. Will this trend “stay the course” or “cut and run”?

More below…

Great summary from this post:

During the last 26 elections, Senators have only won the Presidency twice.

John F. Kennedy was the last President who served in the senate from 1953 to 1960 when he ran for President in 1960.

Prior to Kennedy we have to go back 40 years to find the next one in Warren G. Harding who served in the Senate from 1915-1921 when he ran for president in 1921.

Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon were also senators but they moved from Vice President to Presidency, not from the Senate directly to the Presidency.

Here’s the scoop on the potential 2008 field so far:


U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN)
U.S. Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE)
U.S. Sen. Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY)
U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)
U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT)
U.S. Sen. / 04 nominee John F. Kerry (D-MA)
U.S. Rep. / 04 candidate Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH)
ex-U.S. Sen. Maurice “Mike” Gravel (D-AK)
VP 04 nominee / ex-U.S. Sen. John R. Edwards (D-NC)
Gov. William B. “Bill” Richardson (D-NM)
Gov. Thomas J. “Tom” Vilsack (D-IA)
General Wesley K. Clark (retired) (D-AR)


U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)
U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
ex-House Speaker Newton L. “Newt” Gingrich (R-GA)
ex-New York City Mayor Rudolph W. “Rudy” Giuliani (R-NY)
Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR)
Gov. George Pataki (R-NY)
Gov. W. Mitt Romney (R-MA)

Senators seem so imperious, aloof and… well, senatorial. Dean surged out of the field as a Governor last election, will that happen again? Will Vilsack make an unexpected splash on the Dem side?

End of a Era for “VT Yankee Republicans”

Knocking on doors in Vermont, you are bound to run across some folks that are smart, informed, concerned, reasonable… and then you find out that they are Republicans! Throws ya for a loop, it does.

It struck me over the past few days with the passing of Sen. Stafford, retirement of Sen. Jeffords and even Pres. Ford’s passing that this might also be a passing of an era for VT Republicans. Not the elected ones, but the regular folk.

They are grounded on economic matters, tolerant on social issues, and compassionate about helping neighbors genuinely in need. They want a government that is frugal and efficient in the best Yankee tradition. They don’t want to go butting into everyone’s personal business, and they especially don’t want anyone preaching to them about what they should and should not do with their lives.

What stuck with me was the realization that, more and more in the country and now even in VT, the elected Repubs speak for a party that does not represent these people. Stafford did. Jeffords did. For some of them, Bernie does on populist economic issues. I don’t think Douglas speaks for these folks though. Dubie… I do think that his down-home, plain-spoken thing connects with this block and was a big part of his success. But the governor and certainly the national party have disconnected with these VT “Stafford/Jeffords” R’s.

Got me thinking about if there were any potential Dems who could tap into this neglected constituency in the next Gubernatorial race. Going by the most prestegious source I could find, the GMD Governor’s Poll, here’s some quick thoughts on the top potential candidates, just in regards to this open voting block opportunity and their ability to tap into it.

Parker: I think he can connect with these folks. He’s got the quiet moral integrity, might be a little to wonkish on the issues though?

Dunne: It could be hard for Matt taking advantage of this angle because his personal style is just so darned polished, but he has to be making inroads with his community service approach.

Markowitz: I don’t really know her that well or her style so its hard for me to say, but I do think she has developed a reputation for competency and just plain getting the job done in the SOS office that would help.

Spaulding: He’s got a beard and his name is Jeb, that’s a good start. He’s a pretty down to earth guy. Have to see how his policies would take shape.

Symington: Another one I don’t know well. As Speaker, will VT’ers think she’s more suited to insider politics? That’s my first, uninformed thought.

Tracy: Strikes me as an sharp, effective pol who takes a stand for what he thinks, not a natural connection with this block but could possibly work into one.

Sorrell: Doesn’t seem like a guy who would be a good match here, seems more… sophisticated or something. Can he connect?

Shumlin: I don’t think so, always sounds to me like he’s lecturing folks.

Again, this commentary is only in relation to the observation I had about there being a potential block of neglected Stafford/Jeffords Rep’s out there, not on these folks’ overall strengths as Dem candidates. AND, that’s my view from way outside the Montpelier beltway, feel free to add your own thoughts of course.

Looking at it from this angle, I think Parker is best suited to expand the base into this Yankee bloc. Anyone else not mentioned yet that ties into this line of thinking for you?

Property Taxes – we get what we pay for

( – promoted by odum)

There’s a lot of talk, and it looks like there may be some action, on property taxes. Before we jump in too rashly, I’d suggest that we are getting just what we pay for…

“Minnesota, Vermont and New Hampshire remain nation’s healthiest states”



Vermont 3rd Safest State


Vermont 4th Most Livable State


“Vermont Again Named Nation’s Smartest State”


Vermont tied for 2nd in Percent of Public School Fourth Graders Proficient or Better in Reading in 2005


Vermont #6 in State/Local taxes as
% of per capita income…

The real question we should ask if we want to look at this issue responsibly is
“Should we trade off these benefits to lower our taxes?”

IP tire burn

From BFP today:


“Jim Hogue, a Vermont Green gubernatorial candidate who has portrayed Ethan Allen as a performer, said Douglas should have “dug his heels in” on the tire burn and found some more “imaginative ways” to fight the company’s plan.

“Vermont should not be used as a guinea pig” by International Paper, Hogue said.

I was hoping that Scudder would hammer on this issue, I think it would resonate. Douglas obviously has friends in high places who he can call to get a favor done, why didn’t he call for some support on this issue??

Did you see the VPIRG “duck and cover” press release about the burn? Keep your children inside for recess…?

With the actual burn starting today, this has all the ingredients to be an issue that could hurt Douglas, IMO.

Torrent of Tarrant Wavers

Our local street corner was decked out in garish orange and red this morning as a outbreak of Tarrant for Senate signs greeted the morning traffic. Unlike the long-time, Friday morning Stop the War crowd, or the few recent Dunne supporters last week, or the local House candidate showings just before primary day, these folks were all strangers to me. As I approached I had to think about how to greet… my usual honk, wave and thumbs up would clearly not be rolled out in this case. I did end up giving these folks a neighborly, polite but reserved Yankee wave, kind of a visual “ayup”. Not insulting, but certainly not committal to the cause. Hey, they look like they’re in town for the first time, let’s be polite at least!

Probably just trying to earn a day’s pay… Anyone have the story on if these folks are moved by their passion for RT’s health care plan, innovative energy proposals, or laser-like focus on bringing business to VT? …Or is their devotion more based on a campaign jobs-creation program?

Did he ever hand out those laptops to young volunteers this summer? I almost thought about asking my daughter if she wanted to earn a nice new iBook, but I didn’t want to start her off on that jaded path so early (plenty of time to become cynical about politicians later in life).