This is from a Blue Hampshire diary: “Policy Straw Poll: Health Care” that asked candidates about their HC positions and the “rule” was that the response must start with the phrase “I am the only candidate who”…
Of course, the campaigns stretched the rules in some cases and were a bit long-winded, but here are just the opening lines that met this rule. You can go to Blue Hampshire for the rest.
From the Edwards campaign:
I am the only candidate to propose a specific plan that guarantees true universal health care and also gives Americans the option of a public plan.
From the Obama campaign:
I am the only candidate who will sign legislation by the end of my first term that will cover every American and cut the cost of every family’s premiums by up to $2,500 — the biggest cost-savings that any presidential candidate has proposed.
From the Dodd campaign:
I am the only candidate that has over 20 years of experience getting things done.
From the Gravel campaign:
I am the only candidate that has proposed a single-payer Health Care Voucher plan.
From the Kucinich campaign:
I am the only candidate to recognize the single payer not-for-profit comprehensive solution to the problem of providing access to health care is a solution that includes everyone and excludes no one
From the Clinton campaign:
Ignored the rules, did not say what was unique about her, released her statement in third-person, pol-speak. (yes, I found it annoying)
From the Biden campaign:
I am the only candidate who knows first-hand what it is like to survive a life-threatening emergency surgery.
From the Richardson campaign:
I am the only candidate who believes that all stakeholders – government, individuals and business – must share the goal and the sacrifice of providing universal health care coverage for all Americans.