All posts by gleason19

Healthcare is a Human Right

Hi All, I am forwarding the info from the flyer for the Sept 24th Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign info meeting. Please forward it to as many people as you can. It’s like a little “email flyer”! Just cut and paste! Thanks.

Presentation by: The Vermont Workers’ Center “Healthcare is a Human Right” CampaignSt. Albans Free LibraryThursdaySeptember 24th @ 5:00pm Meet organizers with the Vermont Workers’ Center and a representative from Senator Bernie Sanders office to learn about what we can do in Vermont to address the healthcare crisis. Change what is “POLITICALLY POSSIBLE” in the healthcare debate through GRASSROOTS organization. Recognize that healthcare is a public good for the community, rather than a commodity to be sold in a marketplace. Come learn about this exciting campaign & how Vermont can keep the momentum for change going when the efforts of federal reform fall far short from fixing this crisis.  For more or call 802 861-4892 PLEASE PASS IT FORWARD! THANKS!!

Douglas, you are the one who is out of touch!

Jim Douglas was quoted in the Free Press saying that Tom Salmon’s switch to the Republican Party should be seen as a wake up call to the Democratic Party. Douglas said that Democratic Party members are out of touch with ordinary Vermonters. First of all, doesn’t the Left alliance of Democratic and Progressive Party members hold a super majority in the state legislature? Isn’t it true that Vermonters voted Democratic for every state office except for Governor and Lt Governor? Isn’t it true that our entire Federal Delegation is in the Democratic caucus? Surly this isn’t all a coincident. I could see maybe a seat or two being a coincident, but not a super majority it the legislature, almost every state office and the entire Federal Delegation. The other question one should ask is would Salmon have been able to get elected in the first place as a Republican or Independent? And will it be possible for Tom Salmon to win re election as a Republican, given Vermont’s voting record? If I were Jim Douglas I would ask myself these question before I ask the opposition party to ask themselves why they are out of the main stream. With all due respect Governor Jim Douglas, it’s not a coincident that the majority of elected offices are held by the Democratic Party. It’s also not a coincident that Douglas isn’t running again, I wouldn’t want to be the third Governor voted out of office in Vermonts history either.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Looks like NY and NH don’t want to be left behind

Governor Paterson said he is going to introduce same sex marriage legislation. It’s not yet known if there is enough support in the state senate. It’s reported that there probably is enough support in the state house. Same sex marriage has already passed in the NH house, if it passes the senate Lynch could veto it or allow it to become law. Lynch is on record for supporting civil unions but not same sex marriage.

I don’t know about you guys but I feel really proud to live in Vermont. Not only did our legislature pass same sex marriage, we also overrided a governors veto. We are the only state in the union that could have done that and every Vermonter should feel proud of that.

Vermont has once again proven itself a leader which other states will follow.

There will not be a voter back lash in the next election for those who voted for same sex marriage. By the time 2010 comes around a few more states will have passed same sex marriage through the legislature or the court and it will become a noncontentious issue.  

Healthcare is a Human Right

The VT Workers Cntr is organizing a Healthcare campaign on May 1st at the state capital building. If you want more info…

Please come and support a good cause if you can

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Democrats in danger of losing Franklin County

DON COLLINS          D Franklin  incumbent

SARA KITTELL         D Franklin  incumbent

RANDY BROCK          R Franklin

BILL ROWELL          R Franklin

This election year is going to be a tough one for Don Collins and Sara Kittell. Don Collins barley held on to his senate seat in 2006 winning by just a few votes. This year the republicans have two great canidates and they seem to be very organized. Driving around the St Albans area you see very few Sarah and Don Collins signs and many Randy Brock and Bill Rowell signs. Randy Brock who lost his positon as state auditor last election is well known and liked in Franklin county. Bill Rowell also seems to be well known and liked. The only thing the democrats have going for them is that this is a presidential election year and voter turn out will be high. Hopefully Obama brings new and young voters out who might help Sarah and Collins keep thier job. I hope the Vermont Democratic party allocates enough money and support to Franklin county this year because my observations make me believe they are going to need it.