slow typing, live blogging
Entergy and NRC
I’m following a conference call at NRC HQ in MD.
13 parties in conf @ sign on
ENVY c.10 people
NRC Headquarters c. 10 people
No one from NRC Region 1! They’re supposed to be supervising everday operations.
Southern Co
Dept Envir Cons
Public may comment at end.
No transcription.
Entergy’s Jay Thayer, ex ENVY chief, introduces presenters
Entergy: “Haven’t properly communicated methodology.”
“no new information, just repackaged.”
Entergy first tries to explain what they think the NRC was asking explanations for.
Description of stress model ENVY used to calculate stress response for nozzle due to mechanical loading and thermal stress. IE, predicting failure and system breach.
“a sphere has a hoop stress half the rate of a cylinder.” ENVY took a cross section of the reactor vessel as the basis for its calculations, although the vessel is not a sphere.
Attached piping stresses: assume directionality.
Used +20% uprate for 60 year life of reactor. Is this conservative, or merely easier?
# transient cycles: 100 startups in 30 years. Used 300 in 60 years projection. Used Design basis transients.
How often will you update your projections? Right now, every cycle, 18 months. Re-forecast and re-project every month? Is there a formal process, a person whose job it is to do the reprojection every year?
Yes, someone who’s in the room. But ENVY thinks it assumptions are so conservative, it will never have to recalculate.
NRC: what will be the basis for us to evaluate your programs if you do not provide us with sufficient detail? We need to see that before we can evalute it.
ENVY: We’ll show you as we go along. You just approve the general process, we’ll let you know how it goes. We can’t get into the detail at this meeting.