I lived in Vermont as a child. We had a farm in Williston (the old Williston). My mother worked at the University of Vermont. My brother still lives in Vermont.
I love Bernie Sanders. In my mind Vermont represents the essence of liberty and freedom, and the US Constitution and democracy. This is why I am appalled about what has been happening to Rocky Anderson. The Secretary of State has done just about everything possible to keep Anderson off the Presidential ballot in Vermont.
Once Anderson volunteers had collected the necessary 1000 signatures, a new law required that each signature be validated by the town clerk in the town where each signer lived. (Many, many towns in Vermont.) The campaign filed suit and won. Rocky Anderson supporters were given two additional weeks to get their signatures validated. The SOS filed an injunction to stop this. Once again the court decided in favor of Anderson. The SOS filed an appeal. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of VT rejected the appeal and determined Anderson’s name appear on the November ballot. The SOS now plans to challenge that. What a waste of taxpayer’s money. What an attempt to circumvent democracy. OUTRAGEOUS. As Ethan Allen once said: “Those who invalidate reason ought seriously to consider whether they argue against reason with or without reason.