All posts by cmdrfoley

New Obama Ad in NH — “Unify”

We will begin airing a new TV ad tomorrow highlighting Obama’s ability to unify the country and restore trust in our government.  The thirty-second spot, entitled “Unify,” features quotes from four newspapers that have endorsed Obama in the New Hampshire primary: the Boston Globe, the Nashua Telegraph, the Portsmouth Herald, and the Valley News.

Tim Foley

Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change.

Sen. Obama’s rally in Manchester with Oprah Winfrey

More than 8,500 Granite Staters from across New Hampshire descended on the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester Sunday night for a rally with Barack, Michelle and special guest Oprah Winfrey.

The event added a boost of momentum and organizational strength to a campaign that is quickly gaining ground in New Hampshire.  In the week preceding the event:

  • More than 650 new volunteers signed up to help the campaign
  • More than 500 supporters volunteered in the lead-up to the rally
  • More than 250 volunteers worked on-site at the event
  • More than 2,300 new New Hampshire supporters joined the campaign

Tim Foley

Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change.

New Obama TV Ad – “Chances I Had”

We are excited to announce that we will begin airing our Sixth television ad in New Hampshire — “Chances I Had.” The thirty-second ad discusses Sen. Obama’s plan to ensure every child gets the same educational opportunities that allowed him to succeed, and he stresses parents’ responsibility to do their part in helping kids learn.

We’ll be hosting ten roundtable discussions on education around the state today and tomorrow, November 15 and 16.  The discussions — many of which will be hosted by members of New Hampshire Educators for Obama — will bring Granite Staters together to learn more about Obama’s commitment to excellence for every child and support for every teacher.

Tim Foley
Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change

Obama at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

Although taking place in Iowa, not in New Hampshire, the traditional Jefferson-Jackson Dinner is a a must-see for Democratic political junkies.

Suffice to say, there is one speech in particular that people are talking about this morning.

David Yespen of the Des Moines Register wrote:

Obama was particularly impressive Saturday night.  Should he win the Iowa caucuses, Saturday’s dinner will be remembered as one of the turning points in his campaign in here…

Garance Franke-Ruta of wrote:

If anyone comes out of this dinner with The Big Mo, it will be him.

And Michael Crowley of The New Republic wrote:

If I had to declare a winner it would definitely be Obama, who made me think anew about his potential as a nominee who can excite voters.

Tim Foley
Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change

New Obama TV spot in New Hampshire: “Need”

Senator Obama’s New Hampshire campaign will begin airing its fifth television ad tomorrow in New Hampshire.  In the thirty-second spot, entitled “Need,” Obama describes American workers as the “bedrock” of our economy and offers his plan to reverse the widening gap between the middle class and the wealthy.

For more than two decades–as a community organizer, a civil rights attorney, a State Senator, and a United States Senator–Obama has been fighting to improve the lives of working Americans.  In September, he unveiled his Middle Class Tax Fairness plan, which would restore balance to our tax code by closing corporate loopholes, providing tax relief for the middle class–including more than 800,000 working people in New Hampshire–and eliminating income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 per year.

Tim Foley
Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change.

Obama makes it official in NH

(Not in Vermont, but just across the border.)

On Monday, Senator Barack Obama officially filed to appear on the ballot in the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire, writing on the traditional Notice to Voters “It is time for real change.” Immediately afterward, Obama was received by a crowd of 1,000 on the State House lawn in Concord, where he stressed that real change is going to take strong, principled leadership and the ability to bring people together.

Obama continues to show that kind of leadership at events when he visits New Hampshire, offering clear, direct answers on the issues that matter to voters.

Tim Foley
Proud to be a New Hampshire staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change.