All posts by Senator Knee Hi

Student Privacy Protection Act

( – promoted by odum)

I’m waiting for a call back from Bernie’s office to see what his stance on H.R 551 might be. The bill would change the “No Child Left Behind Act” to allow students and their families to protect the release of their information to military recruiters by, in effect, requiring them to opt-into the database rather than opt-out of it.

Read all about it here: http://www.democracy…

A downloadable version of this petition can be found at I encourage all of you to print it out, but instead of just circulating it among parents, teachers and fellow adult activists, give it to a teenager. Put this petition in the hands of the people this legislation effects. Let them make their voices heard. This petition has no requirements of age or voting status and it is an excellent way to educate and empower students about how they are impacted by the decisions of the people we elected.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Democracy in Action, Word and Deed

( – promoted by odum)

The demonstration against John Negroponte at the St. Johsnsbury Academy this morning was unhindered by rain or hecklers and we had a fine, peaceful turn out. I am posting here the speech I gave which is but a poor sample of the many moving and articulate statements that were made. I would like to thank everyone who came out, as well as the respectful police presence and the Academy for their restraint. I would also like to congratulate the class of 2006 on their launch into the world and encourage them to stay active, aware and vocal.

I do not come today to cast aspersion on John Negroponte as a father or supporter of the Academy, for these qualities are not in question, nor are they relevant. I would, however, like to express my congratulations to all of these fine graduates of the class of 2006, even those angered or distressed by my presence today.

In this, as in all graduating classes, are many proud and admirable parents who could provide insightful, inspirational and unique counsel to these students. Why choose one whose advice comes from a history of conspiracy, amorality and dishonesty?

Because of Mr. Negroponte’s “special project” Battalion 316, and the human rights abuses he condoned while Ambassador to Honduras, the United States stands condemned for international terrorism in the World Court. Because of his perpetuation, before the United Nations, of administration lies, many of our brave young people in the armed forces are being sent to fight an illegal and unjust war in Iraq. Because of his support of warrentless wiretapping and domestic spying programs, Mr. Negroponte has stripped all Americans of their rights and privacy, treating us with contempt and suspicion.

This is the man who has been chosen by the St. Johnsbury Academy to lead the young people of our community toward their bright futures. Under such guidance, they too may become the agents of murder, lies, greed and corruption.

The Academy is guilty of the sin of omission in failing to inform their students of the truth about former Ambassador Negroponte’s career. Furthermore, they are providing a poor example for these graduates in refusing to allow any criticism of Mr. Negroponte or his record.

The price of greatness is responsibility. If Mr. Negroponte or the Academy that implicitly endorses him refuses the responsibility of critique, then they forfeit any greatness that may be due them.

This school has shunned discourse and balanced information. This school has denied constitutional rights. This school offers as a role model a man whose record has been in question since before these graduates were born. Any such institution is more than shameful. Any such institution is un-democratic, even un-American.

John Negroponte is no more a criminal today than he was yesterday. But the Academy is more deplorable on this day than I have ever known it to be.

My name is Berrian Eno-Van Fleet, graduate of St. Johnsbury Academy, class of 1999.

Battalion 802

The graduation speaker at the St. Johnsbury Academy this coming Monday, June 5th will be John Negroponte. Mr. Negroponte’s son is in the graduating class and Headmaster Lovett insists that the former Ambassador was invited because he is “an influential dad.” There have been alleged threats of disciplinary action against any students participating in demonstrative actions against Mr. Negroponte or possessing controversial information about him. There will be a demonstration in front of Colby Hall in St. Johnsbury at 9am on Monday. Please be cautious as there is armed “free speech zone” enforcement and there has been rumor that the Academy will treat public sidewalks as private property.