All posts by RobbKidd

Daily Bread

crossposted on EvolvingPeace(http://www.evolvingw…)

Amongst the films of the Green Mountain Film Festival was a film titled “Our Daily Bread.” As described by many who have seen the film, the film reveals the disturbing elements of the current factory food system. The majority of human population is so far disconnected to their food source that most are unaware of how our food is produced. This film highlights the shocking realities of what is rarely seen.

In Vermont, there is movement of people who are trying to eat local processed and produced food and due to the commoditization of food it has become very difficult to sustain oneself. Under the false pretenses of public health restrictions have been place on small scale producers and restricting your diet to local foods is a mere impossibility. The rise of factory farms throughout the world has displaced the small scale family farms and has created a food system that is unsustainable.

The rise of factory farms has made it impossible for small scale farmers to compete and throughout its advent regulations have been imposed that favor the large scale farms. Regulatory agencies have made it even more restrictive for the small scale farms to sell their products directly to the consumers. A case in point, this last summer in Waitsfield, Vermont American Flatbread Pizza was restricted from using poultry raised on the farm that was directly across the street. Due to supposed health concerns, the Department of Health restricted the practice. What is wrong with a food system that does not allow a restaurant to use meats raised from a farm in its own backyard?

Under the guise of public health, the practice is restricted, but as a consumer I would prefer to have products that are raised or grown from within sight of my home. As an action the Vermont House Agriculture Committee passed a bill(HR 522) that would ease up those restrictions and allow reputable business to sell locally raised meats. This bill is supposed to be debated on the House Floor on Wednesday and I sure hope it passes. Consumers should have access to local processed foods and small scale producers who are the fabric of the rural communities need easement of those restrictions.

As for the point of the film, we as humans are so far disconnected from our food sources that many of us do not know where our food comes from. My partner was a schoolteacher in suburban New Jersey and shockingly she had to instruct her fifth grade students that milk came for a cow. How has it become that we as a culture are so far removed from our food that kids can rattle of statistics of their sports heroes but to know were there food comes from gains blank stares.

Due to ethical and personal reasons I have chosen a vegetarian diet, but as I further progress working on and studying of food supply I am shocked at the lack of public awareness. In large scale factory farms, animals are raised in confined quarters and are given no grasp of fresh air and are fed unnatural diets to increase profit margins. As a vegetarian, I choose not to eat meat; however I feel that an industry that is treating animals in an inhumane manner needs to be changed. Small scale farming is the solution to the problem, local farmers raise there animals in a more hospitable manner and do not just look at animal as a mere commodity. At a recent House Agriculture Committee meaning, a Vermont based slaughter house facility owner revealed that he treats the animals with as much compassion as possible (everything except reading bedtime stories). It is when there is local produced system that the most humane treatments are achievable. While, yes the animals are still slaughtered for consumption the reality is that the human species are carnivores.

There are multiple reasons to further encourage local food production in addition to the ethical treatment of animals. The prevention of super bugs, diseases like the bird-flu, mad cow disease or e-coli contamination are easier within local food systems. Having local produce food immediately removes the causes of nation wide epidemics. As we had recently seen with the e-coli contamination of spinach or the recent story about contaminated dog food. If an illness is created by a local farm, we will instantly know the roots of the problem and act accordingly. As for environmental reasons, keeping a local based food system removes the need for vast usage of fossil fuels in shipping and refrigeration of products. Large scale factory farming also create environmental degradation by accumulation of large manure pits that drain into the water supplies.

While the film “Our Daily Bread” highlights the disconnect we have from our food supply there are individuals and organizations working hard to create a system that is environmentally sustainable and treats animals in an ethical manner. I hope that this latest measure from the Vermont House proceeds to the Senate and governor and it allows for a more locally produced food supply. As well I hope as well that these measures do not just stay in Vermont, but spread out to the rest of the American countryside. If you support measures like this contact your elected officials and help plow the way for more environmentally sustainable agriculture.

Robb Kidd

“Our ideals, laws and customs should be based on the proposition that each generation, in turn, becomes the custodian rather than the absolute owner of our resources and each generation has the obligation to pass this inheritance on to the future.”  Charles A. Lindbergh

Wake of a Flood

(with the rain coming later this week, this is on a lot of people’s minds… – promoted by JDRyan)

crossposted on EvolvingPeace http://www.evolvingw…

Here in the Capital City of Vermont, Montpelier we are patiently waiting the thaw of the winter’s snow and ice of frozen rivers. Many are hoping that the ice jam along the river does not unleash flooding that could cause havoc throughout the streets of town; however withholding our hope citizens of all are preparing for the worst and signs of preparation are abundant throughout town. Sand bags are stacked in front of buildings and signs of pre flood sales are at many of the downtown business. While the city of Montpelier braces itself for a possible flood, the rest of the human population should resolve themselves in embracing another thaw.

The ice and snow in Montpelier is a buildup from the winter season, while the planet’s buildup of ice and snow has been for centuries. Unlike the potential flooding of Montpelier, the results of a global thawing will be permanent and difficult to counteract. If a flood hits, Montpelier will be under havoc for a short time and eventually normality will return to the city streets and hopefully without any major casualties. For the planet, scientists are predicting world wide calamities are a possibility, and that serious actions are needed now.

Fortunately, there are only a few slivers of doubt shed upon global warming and the debate is spreading towards constraining it over denying it. But imagine, citizens refuting the potential of a flood. No preparations of moving storage or inventory to higher levels, no planning for evacuation routes and no advance placement of sand bags, everyone just leaving things alone and letting the events of Mother Nature unfold naturally and allowing the full scale repercussions to take place. Disaster strikes and people are left stranded, damage done to business, people drowning and homes destroyed.

So when it comes to the planning of a potential flood I am glad to see the community and government’s involvement in attempting to protect us and proceed with action instead of waiting in resistance or denial. I hope the same will hold true in regards to global warming. The majority of scientists have determined that man has directly attributed to the effects of global warming and global catastrophes are predicted, so like the flooding of a local river from a winter’s thaw, as a society we must take action in preparations of the thaw from an ice-age, whether it is man made or natural.

Robb Kidd

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.” William Shakespeare

Birds Of A Feather

crossposted on Evolving Peace (http://evolvingworld…)

Birds of a feather flock togther: I hope that now Scooter Libby has been tried and convicted in the Valerie Plame-CIA leak case we can visualize the convictions of Vice-President Dick Cheney, Presidential Chief of Staff Karl Rove and President George Bush. While one man (and more) has willfully aspired to defraud the people of the United States by discrediting a critic of the administration’s faulty evidence to invoke war, the nation of Iraq burns in turmoil from the occupation by a foreign power, and thousands of American soldiers have died.

To the critics of this judgment, this is more evidence to on how the Presidential administration purposely manipulated evidence to wage war on Iraq. While, there is so much debate about the recent troop surge in Iraq very little attention has been given to the initial claims and justifications for the war. The administration claimed that “Saddam Hussein” was attempting to purchase aluminum tubes and yellow cake uranium from Niger, which is no known to be a lie.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson (Valerie Plame’s husband) fully disputed that claim and the administration was on a full attack mission like a pack of raging pit bulls. No one could dare and stop them. So while they pursued their full attentions to war, anyone who crossed their paths was deemed an enemy. Presidential logic, “that you are either with us or against” is demonstrated by the administrations full scale policy of discrediting its opponents. I suppose that was the same rational that allowed the spying on innocent Americans, and keeping close watches on peace groups such as the Quakers in Pennsylvania.

While many Americans repeatedly saw fabricated evidence that supported the administrations claims for war, a movement of individuals was silenced from debate and discredited by proponents of war. The purposeful and willful policy to discredit war’s critics is a dangerous precedent that shall never be allowed to take place again. Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders and Congressman Welch all need to step it up a notch and press harder on the Presidential Administration.

Yes, all three have been a strong force countering the Presidents resolve, however there needs to be more. Failure to act upon this administration’s crimes is a dereliction of duty by failing to protect the Constitution. As for the Constitution states:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Around the world, America claims to be spreading democracy, but unfortunately there has been a doctrine propagated by this Presidential administration that places itself higher than the laws they have been sworn to protect. The duty of our members in Congress is to call for the impeachment of the President and Vice-President, anything else is not democracy.

Robb Kidd

“That said, if we allow ourselves to be intimidated and silenced by the liars, our democracy will not survive. We have to continue to confront them.” Joseph Wilson, Ambassador