While GMD likes to post polls from a plethora of sources, I figured this one would be helpful in stimulating debate.
Times Argus On-Line Poll for 09/18/2008 Which candidate do you support for Governor?
Number of votes cast: 782
And for this one with the Rutland Herald.
Number of votes cast: 775
Polls like this may not be scientifc for they are not fully accurate, however it does refute the central premise of many GMD posts that say Pollina has no support. I agree they are not 100percent accurate; nonetheless I question the validity of polls organized by WGOP-TV, or the national based organizations like Rasmussen who fail to include the non-two party candidates in their polls.
All candidates issues should be reported and elections should not be merely horse-raced. I have clear convictions and reasons for supporting Pollina, for to I hope that you may as well, instead of playing electability games, or even worse judging a candidate by who has raised the most money. Those games are unproductive and uncalled for in a democracy. Vermonters should be able to choose a candidate based on issues and not what wealthy individuals or Wall Street like individuals have contributed to the campaign. The average Vermonter can not afford to pay their bills let alone donate to political campaigns.
So while some posts here at GMD beat the dead horse that Pollina has no chance, it is a much different reality on the street. People are appalled that Symington is the Democratic candidate. I have heard it from Republicans and Democrats say “Pollina is due to be given a chance, for Douglas and Symington had their chances.”
Both Douglas and Symington have been muttering “they are going to…”, however they both have failed to, and instead they had mutually compromised Vermonters values. So as this poll may say, along with the VSEA, NEA, AFL-CIO, and the Abanaki endorsement implications, and the growing display of Pollina lawn signs it is clear that many Vermonters support Pollina and want real change.
After each passing debate more Vermonters are awakening to the understanding that Pollina is the strongest voice to lead Vermont away from the past’s failed politics and economics. How about you, do you support the status quo?
Robb Kidd
Disclosure: I am an active supporter of Anthony Pollina and have donated to his campaign; however I have never been a paid employee of any political party or have held any leadership positions within a political party.