All posts by Rednalsi

Grand Isle Drawbridge Deemed Unsafe

(I know infrastructure isn’t top of the food chain for everyone, but it’s important. – promoted by JulieWaters)

The draw bridge connecting the town of Grand Isle to the town of North Hero has been deemed unsafe for two-way traffic. It has been made one way by use of traffic lights, and still continues to open for boat traffic. The drawbridge sits on US Route 2 and is the only gateway for sailboats to access the Inland Sea section of Lake Champlain.

This is more than an inconvenience for Grand Isle County, as Route 2 is the only north/south connecting road through the islands. Traffic bottlenecks have already been had, but the concern is the ability of the island communties emergency responders to cross during periods of high volume traffic. This is more than a hindrance for the two communities on one side, and three communities on the other who rely on the ability to provide mutual aid.

Word about town is that it will be four years before the bridge can be replaced. Studies need to be done, etc. The sad part is it was known that this bridge was in decline, long before the incident occurred to the west that caused all bridges to be checked. This bridge is so old the book “History of South Hero Island”, shows a picture of it with an out house attached to the back. Deposits were quick and direct to the lake.

This is a serious issue facing an entire Vermont county, and needs to be at the forefront of everyone's minds. Four years is too long. There are several of these traffic choke points throughout US Route 2 as you travel through the Champlain Islands. This is the fastest growing county in the state of Vermont, it needs to be treated better than the bastard child of Chittenden County.

I implore any and all, if you see Governor Jim Douglas, ask about that drawbridge in Grand Isle? If you see Representatives Mitzi Johnson or Ira Trombley, ask what they are doing to get the drawbridge fixed? If you run across Senator Dick Mazza, ask him why his constituents have travel every day over an unsafe bridge, when he is the Chair of the Senate Transportation committee?

Isle La Motte Signs Settlement Agreement

crossposted @

Yep that’s right folks you heard about it here first. That tiny town in Vermont on a small island in Lake Champlain signed a settlement agreement with their former town clerk and treasurer. After being involved in litigation and lawsuits, and being raked over the coals by the Burlington Free Press, it looks like the town might be able to regain some sense of normalcy.

This past Wednesday the settlement was passed by the selectboard, with one abstention which we all know counts toward the majority. With the addition of some words at an executive session the night before, the lawyer for the townspeople suing the town and selectboard members, said it would appease his clients. May that poor town once again return to its sleepy existance.

Blame Corporations For Unresponsive Government That Forgets The People

Our American society is like a runaway train.  Everything is moving so fast we never have time to step back, and look at the big picture.  We concentrate on our strengths so much we overlook our own weaknesses.  It’s time to re-asses

Our own Central Intelligence Agency website confirms this; to see for yourself.  We have the highest military expenditures of any nation in the world.  We have the most number of incarcerated persons in the world.  We also lead the world in illicit drug use.

There is a third world developing within the U.S.  As the divide between wealthy and middle class grows, more working class families are becoming working poor.  All a result of inflated costs of living, and high taxes due to out of control government spending.

Our government of by and for the people, has become a tool of the rich and powerful.  Tax-cuts for the wealthy allow the rich to get richer at the expense of people who have work harder to earn a living.  Our taxes pay for our government to use its military to make the world safe for American corporations.  We trade soldiers lives for business overseas, that makes the rich, richer.

Where is the benefit to the common man?  If the future of American industry is overseas, what is to be the future of the American people?  What jobs can they expect to have in this outsourcing, do business at the lowest cost, world?  Goods may get cheaper, but if Americans are without gainful employ, how will they be able to afford those goods?

I blame corporations for being greedy and pursueing the almighty dollar at any cost.  I blame our government for being unresponsive to the needs of the people.  I blame politicians who vote based on party lines and special interest money, instead of their constituents desires.

I challenge politicians and government to fully fund education rather than spending all our money on defense.  I challenge corporations and business to provide American workers with livable wages and meaningful employ.  I challenge ALL Americans to end the cycle of voter apathy, and send a clear message to our government by voting in record turnouts.

It is time for change.

On Being A Vermonter

What does it mean to be a Vermonter these days?  Is it residing in the state?  Is it that your family has been here for generations?  Do you have an in-depth knowledge of Vermont’s formitive years as the Republic of Vermont?

There is no litmus test for real Vermonters these days.  Anyone can call themselves what they want, it’s a fascade really.  Real Vermonters are typified by what they endure.  The reality is Vermont is a state of many hardships.

Stephen A. Douglas besides debating Lincoln was a native of Brandon, Vermont.  His famous quote went “Vermont is a great place to grow up, provided you leave shortly thereafter.”  This is as true today as the 1800’s when Vermont first started loosing its native son’s and daughters.  Vermont began documenting a loss in the 1820’s as canals opened the way to the west.

Today we loose Vermonters because of economic disadvantage.  Wages are low, good jobs and gainful employ are few.  The costs associated with living here are outrageous.

The problem is Vermont is dominated by low paying service jobs because we are a “tourist state”.  These jobs are most often seasonal, and very few come with benefits.  We need winter and summer clothes, fuel and transportation costs drive up other goods.  We need heat in winter, and energy year-round, very little of which comes from here in Vermont.  It is a lose, lose situation.

There is the problem of land and taxes here in Vermont.  Land is sold at the premium development price here, that often Vermonters are unable to buy into.  People who want to put up a house, have a couple kids, maybe a small farm, are being crowded out by McMansions and Condo’s.  On top of this you add some of the highest property taxes in the nation.  Not to mention our sales and excise taxes.

Vermont is dominated by a consumer economy, there is a trade imbalance across our states borders.  We produce all sorts of specialty products for export, but need to import nearly all the things we require to live here.

The Yankee tradition of making do has gone by the wayside and we’ve moved on to bigger, better, even broadband, in the backwoods.

What have we lost along with those landless son’s and daughters?  Look around, the signs are everywhere, community is what has suffered.  When a town needed something done they pitched in and made it happen.  Now its who’s the low bid, and where can we get grant money or aid.

Local control used to be something Vermonters prided themselves in, but now most of our decisions are being made in Montpelier and Washington.  How many can say they like the decisions that are being made?

As a youth I had but one dream and that was to grow up, live, and die, in the town I was raised.  My future in Vermont is questionable.  I’m getting married this year, and Vermont is a hard place to start out.

All I ever wanted was to be near my family, and now it feels like I’m being forced out by the economic costs of being a Vermonter.