All posts by Rama Schneider

The company they keep …

No, this isn’t about the weasel Welch, his success in using lies in attacking and dismantling the low income advocacy ACORN and how he joined his reactionary, radical, right wing buddies in congress to do so.

No … this is about welch and Leahy and Sanders and Obama and the company they keep and who they’ll go to bat for … and it starts with this:

President Barack Obama had some friendly advice on Monday for liberal Democrats who say he has not achieved everything on their wish lists — quit complaining.

(Obama: Liberal critics should stop griping and ‘wake up’, Raw Story, 09/21/10)

Obama pulls this straight from the right wing/weasel welch playbook: build up the strawman and destroy the real person with the subsequent attack.

Forget the fact that progressives I know aren’t upset because Obama didn’t get absolutely everything done; progressives I know are upset because Obama did exactly what Clinton did before him: act as a timid right winger place holder for the fascist of the right.

Along with the litany of excusing torture, increased war spending, more government secrecy, assaults on medical marijuana dispensaries, Wall Street bailouts, hopping in bed with BP, forcing us to send our money to the already glutted insurance companies and their way way way overpaid CEOs and such as all this – we can add

Just days away from the implementation of new rules that will prevent insurers from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions, numerous major insurers have opted to end the sale of child-only policies.

(Major insurers to drop child policies ahead of coverage mandate, Raw Story, 09/21/10)


UPDATE: The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted 9 to 0 on Tuesday morning in favor of Lew’s nomination and referred him to the full Senate. The Senate Budget Committee also has a vote.

A former top executive at Citigroup who participated in the deregulation of Wall Street during the Clinton administration and recently was tapped by President Barack Obama for a top White House post told a Senate panel last week that deregulation didn’t lead to the recent financial crisis.

(Jacob Lew, Obama Nominee And Former Citigroup Executive, Doesn’t Believe Deregulation Led To Financial Crisis, Huffington Post, 09/21/10)

Of course the welch/Leahy/Sanders crew will be busy telling us how great it all is going, and we should be electing more Democrats to Washington DC because things will be soooooooooooooooo different. These three will spend their time defending the DC status quo and Obama’s pretensions to progressive politics.

They’ll do this because they really don’t disagree with the results they’re (not) achieving. (Actions, my friends, speak much louder than words.)

And Obama will whine how we just don’t appreciate his version of “change”.

Another cut ‘n paste letter to the editor …

Thanks to “native vermont” (blech – to the name not the individual) for pointing out the following:

(Note: I am publishing the full text of the letter to illustrate an important point – this is fair use and does not constitute copyright infringement. The issue I’m delving into is about communication and the creation of pretend populism.)

From the Times Argus letter to the editor section of Sept 16, 2010:

Published: September 16, 2010

Has America become the land of the special interest and home of the double standard?

Let’s see, if we lie to the Congress it’s a felony and if Congress lies to us it’s just politics. If we dislike a black person, we’re racist but if a black dislikes a white person, it is a First Amendment right. The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims. In public schools, you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word “God.” You can kill an unborn child, but it is wrong to execute a mass murderer. We don’t burn books in America, we rewrite them. We get rid of the communist and socialist threat by renaming them progressives. We are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea. If you protest against President Obama’s policies, you’re a terrorist, but if you burned an American flag or George Bush in effigy, it was your right.

You can have pornography on TV or the Internet, but you better not put a Nativity scene in a public park at Christmas. We have eliminated all criminals in America; they are now called sick people. We can use a human fetus for medical research, but it is wrong to use an animal.

We take money from those who work hard for it and give it to those who don’t want to work. We all support the Constitution, but only when it supports our political theology. We still have freedom of speech, but only if we are being politically correct. Parenting is being replaced with Ritalin and video games. The land of opportunity is the land of handouts. The similarity between Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill was that neither president did anything to help.

How do we handle a major crisis? The government appoints a committee to determine who is at fault, passes a law, raises taxes and tells us the problem is solved, so they can get back to their re-election campaigns.

What has happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Peg Coutermarsh

Now see if you find any similarities below – hell, see if you find any DIS-similarities:

From, posted Sept 17, 2010:

Has America become the land of the special interest and home of the double standard?

Lets see: if we lie to congress, its a felony and if congress lies to us its just politics; the government spends millions to rehab criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims; in public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK , but you better not use the word God in the process; you can kill an unborn child, but its wrong to kill a mass murderer; We dont burn books in America we now rewrite them; we got rid of the communist and socialist threat by renaming it progressives; we are unable to close our border with Mexico, but we have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea;  if we dislike a black person we become racist and if a black person dislikes whites, its their 1st Amendment right; if you protest against Owebamas policies youre a terrorist, but if you burn a flag or an effigy of George Bush it again was your first ammendment right.

You can have porno on TV or the internet, but you better not put up a nativity scene in a public park during Christmas; we have eliminated all criminals in America, they are now called ‘sick people’; we can use a human fetus for human research, but its wrong to use an animal.

We take money from those who work hard for it and give it to those who dont want to work; we all support the Constitution but only when it supports our political ideology; we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are politically correct; parenting has become replaced with Retalin and video games; the land of opportunity is now the land of hand outs; the similarity between hurricane katrina and the gulf oil spill is that neither president did anything to help.

And how do we handle a major crisis today? The government appoints a commitee to determine whos fault it is, then threatens them,passes a law then raises our taxes, tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to their re-election campaign.

What has happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Do the Google/Ask/Yahoo/Bing/Whatever work: (no date)

Pensacola, Fla News Journal, Aug 25th (minor difference in next to last paragraph)

West Virginia University “The Journal”

Macomb (GA) Daily

The list goes on and on and on ….

And it’s not just the plagiarists who are spreading this:see here. Apparently Ms. Coutermarsh’s letter appeared in a Michigan paper as early as the beginning of July!

PS. To the Times Argus – why don’t you at least google a few lines of some of these letters?

I think I’m gonna puke …

I’ve been listening to the gubernatorial and lt gov wannabes as they debate down in Tunbridge on the Mark Johnson show, and I believe every one of them has brought up this “I’m a native Vermonter” bullshit.



What Vermont Tigger doesn’t want you to see … a Vermont success story!

(I am posting this here because apparently Art Woolf closed comments on his below referenced blog without me having a chance to do a response to a response. The gist of my argument is simple: it makes more sense to explore Vermont’s SAT test results based on income than race or other minority status.)

Here is the link to Art Woolf’s post that got me going down this path:…

In short Mr. Woolf poopoos any contention that the Vermont education system is proving itself yet once again by claiming we can attribute our SAT success story to nothing more than Vermont being a mostly “white” state.

I say no, and I say the numbers support me – not Mr. Woolf.

Before you read the following, you should read the Vermont Tigger post ….

Art … an interesting claim, and quite correct about Vermont’s median income. That isn’t, however, what my “much lower” description was referring to – I was referring to the great increase in the number of folks from $100,000+ plus households that were taking the test. Obviously I failed to make that clear, but I stand by that statement.

But it is those numbers and the fact that Vermont is actually in the middle of the country median income wise that makes a comparison of SAT scores by income much more pertinent than scoring by skin color or other minority status.

Here’s a quick comparison of two states with similiar SAT populations but a wide variance of median income …

Median incomes:

Vermont …….. $51,809

New Hampshire .. $67,508

(All the below comes from links taken from http://professionals.collegebo…

Percentage of test takers that were “Black or African American”:

Vermont …….. 1%

New Hampshire .. 1%

Mean reading/math/writing = average of means for “Black or African American”:

Vermont …….. 469/460/462 = 464

New Hampshire .. 478/474/463 = 472

Mean reading/math/writing = average of means for all SAT test takers

Vermont …….. 519/523/507 = 516

New Hampshire .. 521/523/511 = 518

Mean reading/math/writing = average of means for “White”

Vermont …….. 524/525/511 = 520

New Hampshire .. 520/522/510 = 517

Interestingly enough when one views the income level of test takers, one finds that Vermont has higher percentages of test takers in the lowest four economic ranges ($0 – $80,000), but New Hampshire picks up the lead for anything above $80,000. Even more telling is those lower four subgroups provided 61% of Vermont’s test takers but only 51% of New Hampshire’s. Conversly the $80,000 and up group in New Hampshire comprised of 49% compared to Vermont’s 39%.

These two states have almost identical demographic descriptions by percentage (… and… and both states had pretty much equal percentages of the under 18 population taking the SATs.

This is a good apples to apples comparison, and the above comparison shows that all other things being fairly equal Vermont’s education system is helping young adults move on into their adult lives well prepared academically.

Change? Don’t believe it!

Obama has continued on with the state of emergency first put in place by Bush after the attacks of September 11, 2001. His reasoning?

Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2010.

(US Office of Federal Register)

Nice … any guess on when the “threat” of another terrorist attack will subside?

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Pouring water from glass to glass.

Obama promised to reduce our troop commitment in Iraq.

And he did just that – down to 50,000 “non-combat” military personnel in Iraq from a high of about 180,000. Just as he promised. It was great how Obama managed to pull off this major troop reduction without a boatload of push back from the owners of our militarized economy.

But here’s the cute little twist: all Obama really did was pour water from one glass (Iraq) into another glass (Afghanistan).

That’s why the war-mongers aren’t raising hell, and that is why devout peaceniks such as Sanders, Leahy and Welch will still happily bring home the war pig bacon and lay claim to helping the economy, and that is why I’m not the least bit impressed with Obama’s military moves and that is why I’ll still not be supporting Obama on a political level.

The water levels are the same – the glasses are just different.

Rural Vermont update …

(received via email)

In this update:

— Rural Vermont Events

— Volunteer Opportunities

— Other Upcoming Events & Announcements




Rural Vermont’s series of Free Enterprise Farming workshops kick off this week! Starting this Thursday, and running through the beginning of October, Rural Vermont will host several workshops intended to introduce folks to Rural Vermont’s newest campaign – Free Enterprise Farming – which seeks to create opportunities on the farm and in the marketplace. We believe that those growing, raising, and making farm products in small batches for direct sale to their communities should not have to meet the same regulatory requirements as their giant agri-business counterparts!

Both current and aspiring farmers are invited to come out and hear more about the Free Enterprise Farming campaign, while spending an afternoon learning, sharing, and getting to know a farm that is successfully incorporating either poultry or raw milk into their farm operations. Expect to tour the farm, learn about the farmer’s production, management, and marketing methods, and participate in a discussion about the regulations governing the sale of these products. Bring your questions, your experience, and your brown bag lunch! Each workshop costs $10 for Rural Vermont members, and $20 for all else. SPACE IS LIMITED – and preregistration is highly recommended. Reserve your spot today by calling Rural Vermont at (802) 223-7222 or emailing

(more below the fold)

From Brooder to Plate: Pastured Poultry Opportunities

Thursday August 26, 11 am – 3 pm

Chandler Pond Farm, SOUTH WHEELOCK

Includes a slaughter demonstration – please wear work clothes.

From Cow to Customer: Producing Raw Milk for Direct Sale*

Sunday September 12, 11 am – 3 pm


Intended for folks interested in Tier 1 raw milk production (up to 50 quarts per day).  

From Cow to Customer: Expanding Raw Milk Production to Meet a Growing Demand

Monday September 13, 11 am – 3 pm

Family Cow Farmstand, HINESBURG

Intended for folks interested in Tier 2 raw milk production (up to 40 gallons per day and/or home deliveries).

From Cow to Customer: Producing Raw Milk for Direct Sale*

Saturday October 2, 11 am – 3 pm


Intended for folks interested in Tier 1 raw milk production (up to 50 quarts per day).

*same workshop being offered on two different dates at two different host farms


** Beyond Milk! Raw Dairy Processing Classes

Learn how to make all kinds of delicious dairy goods in your own kitchen! With some simple instruction and good quality raw milk, it’s easy! Rural Vermont is partnering with some raw milk farmers to bring you both. Classes will cover dairy processing basics, and will include info about how and where to purchase local, raw milk.

Each class is $20 – 40 sliding scale. All proceeds benefit Rural Vermont. Pre-registration is required, and class size is limited. Get in touch TODAY to reserve your spot! To sign up, call Rural Vermont at (802) 223-7222 or email

Feta, Ricotta, & Chevre with Sara Armstrong Donegan of Trillium Hill Farm

Friday, August 27th / 1 – 4 pm

United Church of Hinesburg, HINESBURG

Just a few spots left!

Mozzarella, Farmer’s Cheese, & Camembert with Lea Calderon-Guthe

Friday, September 17th / 1 – 4 pm

Milk provided by Tamarack Hollow Farm in Burlington

East Village Cohousing, BURLINGTON

Swiss Style Cheese (washed rind, semi-hard “raclette”) with Karen Bixler

Wednesday, September 22nd / 1 – 4 pm

Green Acres Milking Shorthorns, SOUTH RANDOLPH

* some previous soft cheesemaking experience recommended


** 3rd Annual Tour de Farms – ADVANCE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shoreham Green, SHOREHAM

Staggered starts: 30 mile at 10:30 am; 25 mile at 11 am; 10 mile at 11:30 am

Advance registration fees: $20 adults/$10 kids 12 & under


Day-of registration fees: $30 adults/$15 kids 12 & under

All kids in trailers & bike seats ride FREE


Rural Vermont, Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition, and Addison County Relocalization Network partner again for what’s becoming one of summer’s hottest events! Choose among three bicylce routes that wind through the beautiful Champlain Valley, and stop and sample Addison County’s freshest and finest foods at farm stops along the way. Fresh air, rural scenery, delicious food, good people = FUN!! New this year, expect special event tee shirts and a “to go” lunch available for purchase. The Tour de Farms is sponsored by Earl’s Cyclery and Sovernet Communications. Following the tour, the Platt Memorial Library will again be hosting the Shoreham Apple Fest on the green with lots of hot food options, farm & craft vendors, along with entertainment and merriment! Register online today or download your registration form & waiver at…



Rural Vermont will again partner with master storyteller Annie Hawkins for an enchanted evening of stories and merriment on Sunday, November 21st at the First Universalist Parish in Chester, Vermont. This event will be a fundraiser for Rural Vermont, and a great way to usher in the holiday season. Stay tuned for more details.




***Do you want to spend a day amongst good food and lovely views,

enjoying early fall colors? Volunteers needed at the Tour de Farms in

southern Addison County on Sunday, September 19. Opportunities include

helping out at farm stops, collecting surveys from cyclists and general

event support. Volunteers will commit to at least 3 hours, and in

exchange receive a free t-shirt.

***We are looking for one person to help out at the Free Enterprise

Farming workshop in Hinesburg on September 13, and one person to help

out at the workshop in Dummerston on October 2. Want to help a farmer

and learn more about raw milk sales in Vermont? Please consider being

that one special volunteer to help during the workshop! You’ll be

helping to check people in and with any other random support needed

throughout the day.

***As always, we need people across the state to help spread the word

far and wide about our upcoming events by hanging up posters and

handing out flyers. Do you have a half hour to spare? Please hang up

posters in your libraries, town bulletin boards, and any other places

that seem appropriate!

For more info on these and other volunteer opportunities, please

contact or call Liz at 223-7222.




** RAFFL & NOFA host New Farmer Workshops Held on Local Farms this Summer

– Farm Equipment Primer: Safety and Types of Equipment for Small Farms, August 25th at the Larson Farm in WELLS ***New Farmer Mixer and Nofavore Celebration afterwards***

– Crop Planning: Succession Planting and Diversification Choices, September 8th at Cerridwen Farm on GMC, POULTNEY

– Organic Pest and Disease Management, September 22, Cerridwen Farm on GMC, POULTNEY

New farmers in the Rutland Region are invited to a series of training workshops at area farms this summer.  These workshops are geared towards beginning farmers that are still “learning the ropes” to succeeding in agriculture. The workshops cover a range of skills that often challenge new farmers. For more info, http://www.rutlandfarmandfood….

** Brookfield Market Day: Celebrating the Bounty of Brookfield Community

Saturday, August 28th, 2 pm

Old Town Hall, Pond Village, BROOKFIELD

The newly-formed Floating Bridge Food and Farms Cooperative will hold their first official event this coming weekend.Brookfield Market Day is a joint venture between the Cooperative and the Brookfield Old Town Hall. Check out the farmers’ market, art in the park, silent auction, book sale, and more. At 5 pm, there will be a chicken barbecue, followed by square dancing. For information about the Floating Bridge Food and Farms Cooperative, contact Judith Irving, Coop Board Chair, 802-276-0787 or visit the web site http://www.FloatingBridgeFooda… for more details.

** Apply to the Vermont Farm Viability Program by August 31st!

Farmers can apply to the Farm Viability Program through August 31 at The Farm Viability Program provides in-depth, one-on-one business planning and technical assistance to farmers. Farmers regularly use the program to help improve business management, planning for expansion or diversification, changing markets or developing new products, starting value-added processing on the farm, or preparing for ownership transition. The program also provides competitive grants and technical assistance to help farmers implement their business plans. Farmers must be full time VT residents, be actively farming and demonstrate at least $10,000 gross income last year to be eligible.

** Growing Local Fest

September 11, 2- 7 pm

Vermont College of Fine Arts Green, MONTPELIER

$10 person, $20 family, $5 students & seniors

2nd annual event celebrates local food, local music, and local fun! Live music by Vorcza, the Dave Keller Band, and Starline Rhythm Boys, with youth farmers’ market, beer tent, food & gardening workshops, pesto contest, home-brew contest, local food vendors, and more. Be sure to stop by and visit the Rural Vermont booth! For more info, visit

** Tunbridge World’s Fair

Thursday-Sunday, September 16-18, 2010

Tunbridge Fairgrounds, TUNBRIDGE, VT

Visit Rural Vermont’s booth at this old-fashioned agricultural fair in a rural setting; featuring working antique displays; horse, pony and oxen pulling; horse racing; cattle and horse shows; junior 4-H exhibits; contra dancing; gymkhana; and free shows. More info at

** 4th Annual Northeast Animal Power Field Days

Friday-Sunday, October 15-17, 2010

Tunbridge Fairgrounds, TUNBRIDGE, VT

Dedicated to working draft animal enterprises supporting local communities and a land-based economy, this two-day trade fair and conference will feature workshops, equipment demonstrations, working demos, exhibitors, local food, swap meet, and more. ?Friday, October 15th will feature field and forest working demos at Howevale Farm, adjacent to the Tunridge Fairgrounds. Friday evening will include a community potluck dinner on the Tunbridge Fairgrounds. ?Saturday, October 16th will focus on workshops and equipment presentations, resource exhibitors, local food vendors, and networking sessions, throughout the Fairgrounds. ?Sunday, October 17th will start off with a Community/Teamster Appreciation Breakfast, then will offer a variety of activities including the premier annual meeting of the newly formed Draft Animal Power Network.Visit Rural Vermont’s booth at the Field Days! For more info, check out: http://www.animalpowerfieldday… or join our Discussion Forum:  For more info: 802-234-5524,or

~Remember to visit the Rural Vermont website often for the latest agriculture news, to buy your NOTECARDS, get more information on issues, and to become a member of Rural Vermont!

Check out our Facebook page…

A litmus test …

While I have already decided I won’t be voting for any Democratic candidates at the federal level this year, I’ve seen no reason not to be willing to consider those at the state level … for the most part (Deb, that whole idea of turning our school system into jails for those young adults between 16 and 18 is a horrible idea. I cannot and will not ever support that type of governance.)

Problem is that just as I thought I could leave the “surrender monkey” mantra behind along comes an Islamic cultural center (including mosque), and immediately such stalwart (not) “leaders” of the Democratic Party as Obama and Reid can’t wait to toss innocent people overboard in an attempt to appease the bigots of the reactionary and radical right wing … just like Peter “the weasel” Welch did when he joined his right wing  buddies in destroying an organization built by the efforts and dreams of hard working Americans across this nation.

Welch helped destroy ACORN and to this day uses the same lies (and yes we know they were all lies) today to justify his weasel actions a year ago that were based on lies (and yes we know they were all lies).

Obama, Reid and any other Democratic surrender monkey willing to pander to this hateful screed of death and destruction pouring from the political hatemongers of the right are out to literally destroy the Constitution of the United States. And any other politicians willing to stand by and let this happen are just as guilty.

So here is my litmus test for all state level candidates for any office: What is your stance on the actions taken and words spoken by Obama, Reid and others that say this now famous not even built yet cultural center (including a mosque) shouldn’t be built where and as proposed?

How to pass: in simple to understand, unambiguous language stand up for the constitution, what is right and progressive values (and yes – I’m looking for a total refutation of Obama’s about face and Reid’s outright surrender).

How to fail: stand up for the bigots of the reactionary, radical right; Obama and Reid … or don’t even bother commenting … or equivocate.

Pass? You might get my vote.

Fail? You will not get my vote under any circumstances.