Per today’s Rutland Herald, Gay marriage opponents regroup:
Several prominent opponents of gay marriage will announce at a Statehouse press conference this morning the formation of the Vermont Marriage Advisory Council, a group that will hold hearings on the benefits of traditional marriage.
Stephen Cable of Rutland, the founder of the conservative group Vermont Renewal, said the formation of this traditional marriage council is in response to the pro-gay marriage leanings of the Vermont Commission on Family Recognition and Protection.
Note: these people don’t like the public hearings that are going on, so they want their own. More below the fold:
Traditional marriage group Take It to the People will also become more active in the debate this year. Craig Bensen of Cambridge, a member of the group, said he plans to launch an effort called Let Vermont Vote – a push to put a nonbinding referendum on gay marriage before the state’s voters in November.
“Voters have never had the opportunity to weigh in on this debate,” Bensen said. “All the decisions regarding same-sex couples have come from legislators and court justices.”
Now, here’s the fun part. Note the part I emphasized in bold up there. In the very next paragraph of the article (again, emphasis mine):
The news comes months after both groups vowed to tell their supporters to not attend the hearings held by the Vermont Commission on Family Recognition and Protection, the group formed by the Democratic leaders of the Vermont House and Senate last summer.
The commission, however, is just focused on doing their job:
“I’ll probably consult with the other members of the commission about this, but I think we’ll be focused on completing the public hearings we have scheduled,” responded Tom Little, the chair of the Vermont Commission on Family Recognition and Protection. “I have always encouraged one and all to come to these hearings.”
The people in the anti-same sex marriage groups have had every opportunity to speak to the legislature about this and let their feelings known. They have refused to do so because it wasn’t a friendly environment for them, so they’re forming their own little groups to oppose same-sex marriage so they can control the agenda for their meetings and not have to face serious scrutiny from people who question their positions.
Cowards, every one of them.