UPDATE 3 – Tuesday: WCAX, which is as well-connected to the Vermont Republican party as any corporation, reports that “Republican sources have confirmed for WCAX News” that Tom Salmon is joining the Republican party and that he will run for reelection. Statement by Vermont Democratic State Committee below the fold.
(UPDATE 2 – Monday Tuesday (woops): Since its Salmon jump day, I thought I’d bump Julie’s diary from Friday back up top. Totten is less skeptical today, and even has a copy of Salmon’s letter to supporters on the matter (yeah, apparently he still has a couple. Who knew?). Word is that Mr. Auditor’s Democratic re-election consultant team of Burlington Democratic Chair Jake Perkinson and former Peter Welch Staffer Selene Hofer-Shall will be severing ties. — odum)
(UPDATE – Saturday: In terms of professional media picking this up, Hallenbeck echoes what we’ve been hearing, while Totten is skeptical that Tuesday’s announcement will be substantive. – odum)
We’ve got two fairly reliable sources contributing to the following rumors:
- Salmon will be switching parties on Tuesday, September 8th;
- Salmon will still be running for auditor unless Dubie chooses not to run for Governor, in which case Salmon will run for governor instead.
We’ve also heard that someone named Lenny Britton (from South Pomfret), who owns a lumberyard in Windsor County, is talking about running for Senate in 2010.
Remember. You heard it here first. Or second. Or whenever. But, unlike some websites, we’re not going to sit here and pretend after the fact that we knew it was coming but chose not to post about it.
What does any of this mean? I suspect that in Salmon’s case, it merely suggests that he’s returning to his natural spawning grounds. For those of you who weren’t paying attention to the auditor’s race in 2006, he basically didn’t bother running much of a campaign at all, and merely squeaked in over a fairly unimpressive and (as I’ve noted before), smarmy opponent. If he runs as a Republican, I think we’ve got a good chance at beating him just by showing up and actually trying to get someone elected, as opposed to slouching our way into office.
I’d write more, but I think my metaphors are a bit fishy today. It’s best I clam up now.
Statement by the Vermont Democratic Party regarding Auditor Tom Salmon’s Announcement
We are disappointed by Auditor Tom Salmon’s decision to switch to the Republican Party. Auditor Salmon and his family have a long and storied history with the Democratic Party in this state and have enjoyed a great deal of electoral success with the help and support of the party and our dedicated activists.
As shown during this past budget battle and again in his statement today, it is clear that the Auditor identifies himself with Republican Governor Jim Douglas and the “Party of No-New Ideas.”
We will field an exciting slate of well qualified Democratic candidates for every statewide office in 2010. We are confident they will be successful and continue to do great work on behalf of the people of Vermont.