All posts by Ed Garcia

Sunday Funnies! All Snark, No Boojum: The Week In Satiric Review

Hello GMDers:

I’d like you to meet a friend of mine.

Bob Mills was hired to write for Bob Hope in August, 1977. He spent the next seventeen years writing jokes, routines, parody songs, speeches and television scripts for the legendary performer, in the process logging over half a million miles “on the road” with Hope, visiting all corners of the globe from Peking to London, Stockholm to Bora Bora with plenty of stops in between. HOPE WRITER: “My Life Inside Bob Hope’s Comedy Factory” was written between 1993 and 1995 and is dedicated to all the wonderful people who shared a golden age in the history of entertainment, and were privileged to work for one of the most legendary performers of all time. Since 1998, Bob has sailed thousands of miles with Crystal, Princess and Celebrity cruise lines, sharing his TV experiences. He is an Emeritus member of the Writers Guild of America, West.

Crossposted from Bereft on the Left, with graphics and links added.
Bob’s biography, “Hope Writer” is a fascinating read and linked here.

All original material by Bob Mills.
Links and graphic support by kestrel9000.

Keith Richards was injured when he fell out of a palm tree in Fiji. The Mick has told him a hundred times “Never try to trash a palm tree.”…

Rush Limbaugh is off the hook. He pleads to one count of doctor shopping and walks. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office has even removed the yellow tape from around his medicine chest….

And I’ll see you below the fold…

Continuing the revelry…..

The Ku Klux Klan will hold a June rally at Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland. It was supposed to be a secret but, authorities uncovered the plan when the Bed Bath & Beyond in Sharpsburg sold out their entire supply of king size white sheets….

Harvard student Kaavya Viswanathan’s first novel “How Opal Metha Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life” was pulled from the shelves when “similarities” to two novels by Megan McCafferty were discovered. Publisher Little Brown says the book will be retitled “How Opal Metha Got Kissed, Got Wild, Got a Life and Got Caught.”…..

Organizers of the May 1 mass walkout call it “Gran Paro”—-a day without immigrants. It’s estimated that the idle leaf-blowers in Southern California alone will save $1.3 million in gas……

Bush said at a Rose Garden news conference, “Im not a supporter of boycotts.” May not mean much to you, but Fidel Castro is ecstatic….

The Iraq war has stalled the housing market which had flourished briefly after the downfall of Saddam. To compound the sluggish sales, the insurgents keep shooting down the Re/Max hot air balloon….

Incoming Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi vows that U.S.-Italy ties will remain strong. Even though he disapproves of the war in Iraq, the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and the Sopranos…..

Justice Antonin Scalia suggested that if condemned inmates are allowed to object to the method used to kill them, they’ll all appeal. Which Tony refers to as “Mary Queen of Scots Bellyaching.”……

The Pentagon maintains a database of 12 million youths available for military service. At…..

Seagate, the world’s largest disc drive maker, is beefing up its drives to 750 gigabytes.Or, enough memory to store all the rap sheets of crooked congressmen, convicted rappers, jailed athletes, defrocked priest pedophiles and disgraced CEO’s with enough left over for all of the Bush administration’s excuses for failing to capture Osama Bin Laden.

Wartime presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt never served in the military. Unfortunately, that’s their only legitimate comparison to Bush….

According to Catholic Digest,73% of Catholics say the “Da Vinci Code” has had no effect on their faith and 43% of them plan to see the movie. Proving yet again that science fiction is science fiction, whether told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John or Tom Cruise……

Veteran C.I.A. analyst Mary McCarthy was fired for leaking sensitive information to the press. Mary’s mistake wasn’t releasing the info, but failing to give Bob Novak first dibs on it……

Hasbro will market a modernized version of “Monopoly” with non-Atlantic City Streets, more currency and airports instead of railroads. The familiar “Mr. Monopoly” will be replaced by Kenneth Lay…..

The M.G.M. Mirage will partner with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation to build a $700 million hotel-casino in New Haven, Connecticut. Which will be called the “White Man Speak With Forked Tongue—-Grand.”

That’s about it for this week, sportsfans. If you like this kind of stuff, check out my blog!


CATAMOUNT TAVERN: Random musings on perceptions, facial hair, impeachment politics and displacement

The ale is cold below the fold.

I received an email from a correspondent last night that really, really got me thinking. Just when we thought state-based impeachment had kind of fizzled, it appears to have gotten a shot in the arm not only from recent action by our friends in the great state of Illinois, but the signing of a letter by 56 legislators and 13 senators from Vermont. And not a Republican amongst them. I am truly, deeply, shocked. (NOT…..)

So on the state level, the issue is very much alive, at least among Democrats. Hope it’s alive for gops too – alive, that is, like a good case of Phthirus pubis or that annoying fungus some of the male gender kill with Aftate.
But when you move up to the Congress, an interesting dynamic comes into play, given we have those pesky midterm elections on tap.
Yeah, at least to some of us. I was lurking and throwing scoobysnacks around the Saturday night WYFP thread on Daily Kos, and ran across this from someone I’m sure we all know, one of our favorite tacticians in the impeachment movement:


My Problem. (42+ / 0-)

  My problem is that I have been addressing impeachment as a Constitutional necessity, for directly confronting and stamping out forever the Nixon/Bush Doctrine of Runaway Executive Power, but when people come out to smack impeachment down, it’s always smacked down as an electoral strategy, which is not at all what we’re talking about.

  So, uh, I just wanted to say that.

  Waste more of your day at The Next Hurrah.

  by Kagro X on Sat Apr 22, 2006 at 08:40:13 PM EDT

  It raises a larger question, and it seems like I saw another blogger express it in this
way, but I can’t remember who to credit. Hat tip into the ether; if you see this, you know who you are. 
  How is it that every objection to the conduct of the Bush administration gets reduced to an election issue? Is not, for example, blatant and repeated violations of the FISA statutes,f’r’instance, an issue on its own? What about manipulation of prewar intelligence? Abramoff? Valerie Plame? Abu Ghraib? Saber rattling of the nucular variety with Iran?
  What about leaving people to die in a flooded city?
  Is that strictly a campaign issue too? God I hope not.
  But Kagro’s right. The progression of state-based impeachment to the federal level-the handoff from statehouses to the House of Representatives – is, in my view, being inhibited by the politics of an election year. Sure, it’s a campaign issue.
  What the hell isn’t?
  Already,the  Republican side of this as a campaign issue is falling into place: if the “Democrat Party” regains control of the House, they will begin to issue subpoenas and move toward impeachment of the President. Therefore, vote Republican, or else.
  Hell, I say let them run on that. Here comes a cliche: “Bring it on.”
  But, for God’s sake, we cannot run from the legal and ethical issues regarding the conduct of the Bush Administration because it’s an election year. Especially not when this President’s approval ratings have hit a new low – just in time for the latest Osama bin Laden audiobook.
  As I write this, it is my understanding that, despite tons of money, incessant TV ads,  and an offer of three thousand dollars and a free computer to Vermont high school students, who are reacting to his “Why I should be elected” essay contest with unbridled enthusiasm, Bernie Sanders, barring the unforseen, should handily be elected to replace retiring Senator Jim Jeffords. Meanwhile, the impeachment hive is buzzing in Vermont. But Bernie seems to think this is a place where angels fear to tread, as we well know. Boston Globe:

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. –Rep. and U.S. Senate candidate Bernard Sanders says he would be likely to support a move to censure President Bush, but is continuing to take a dim view of calls for Bush’s impeachment.
“If people are serious about changing the direction of America, there’s one way to to that — you do that in November” by electing Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, Sanders said Tuesday.

But that isn’t good enough for some people………on to that email I received last night from a correspondent in Colchester:

sam wrote:

  The following letter will be leaving my computer immediately after this is sent.  Bernie
Sanders has repeatedly stated he does not believe a call for impeachment of George W. Bush will
lead to action by the Republican controlled House.  If the allegation by Drumheller to be aired 04/23/2006 on CBS’ 60 Minutes doesn’t do it, then the responsibility clearly will have been given
back to U.S. citizens and our respective state legislatures to assume Constitutional authority to
demand action leading to consideration of impeachment of the President of the United States.  Following that, then, responsibility for removing those in both the House and Senate who have refused to assume Constitutional responsibilities for which each took an oath remands to U.S.
citizens to demand they leave office and be replaced by others who may think and act more


  Colchester, Vermont

  Dear Rep. Sanders,

  I realize you have stated your implicit belief that calling for impeachment of President
George W. Bush and his Vice President may not lead to action by your colleagues.  However, given what I’ve read re CBS airing on 04/23/2006 of Tyler Drumheller’s allegations, I and believing he is telling the truth, I urge you to press your colleagues to force the issue and demand open investigation and hearings to impeach this sitting President and remove his administration from

  Further, I recognize that the Speaker of your chamber is 3rd in line to assume the Presidency after Cheney.  However, given his outright resistance to take responsibility for anything about the current President, it is clear to me that he should recuse himself from the possibility of become President.  Because she is appointed by a President who, it is hoped, will be facing impeachment, I believe it is similarly essential that the Secretary of State recuse herself from consideration as a potential assumptive President as well.
  By Congress’ passive inaction heretofore to deal effectively with the dishonesty flaunted and portrayed publicly by the President, the Vice President and their respective advisors, a
Constitutional crisis of serious proportions has been created.  It is now “bottom line” time for
the House to act responsibly to assume its Constitutional responsibility and to act in behalf of the United States of America and our citizens by impeaching Mr. Bush.

  I look forward to your response.


  Colchester, Vermont

After reading this, the thought occurred to me: Bernie Sanders doesn’t have to win with the whole country. Bernie has to win in Vermont, a state that is leading the state-based impeachment movement. Granted that in a Republican-controlled Congress, impeachment is going to fly like one of Mr. Carlson’s turkeys, but that doesn’t mean you don’t make the statement. Impeachment: a word that will not go away.
Can you hear me now?
I wrote back to Sam and asked him for permission to use his letter in blog material. His response:

At this point in what has become one helluva unholy war against anyone and everyone either here
or in the Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan/Nepal … I don’t really give a tinker’s damn if Bernie or that long drink of water, Tarrant, are forced to take positive stands regarding the SOB we’ve got f’n up in, around and way beyond the White and Blair Houses.
Bernie has been playing this one close for the past several years – and I certainly understand the political need as an Independent from/in Vermont behind his avoidance – but, I’ve had it with the comfort-dependent folks in the Democratic and Republican Parties and Bernie (for that matter) who have not been aggressive at home and in Washington to the extent that Hastert and his damned crowd would have been forced to act more pro-Constitution and less pro-passive and conservative.
  So use whatever I write … and let folks deal or not with it.


Oh, gee, Sam, I like ya, but hey. We mustn’t make those Republicans too angry, now. We need to be uniters, not dividers. Mustn’t move too far off the center. Never mind the fact that every time the Democrats move toward the center, the right is emboldened, and moves farther right.
Don’t want to alienate the…alienate the….wait.
Just who are these people that some are afraid of alienating, the ones in the middle of the road, who are more worried about how they’re going to vote in American Idol than how they’re going to vote in the next election? The ones who stopped their personal presses when a litle baby Scientologist was born in a silent room, following which Dad eagerly wolfed down the placenta then burned off the extra carbs by jumping up and down on a couch?

lightning crashes, a new mother cries
her placenta falls to the floor
the angel opens her eyes
and Tom Cruise comes running in
with a bowl, a knife and fork

-with apologies to Live

Is it the people who actually give two shits if Paris Hilton is alive or dead? Is it them?
That’s hot.
How do you alienate someone that isn’t listening in the first place?
So, there’s a topic for discussion over cheese and ale. I am going to take a firm, principled stance of NEUTRALITY on the issue, for the purpose of facilititating the percussive discussive discoursizations. Would taking a definitive stance that this President’s conduct warrants an immediate discussion of impeachment in the United States House of Representatives, hurt Bernie… VERMONT? Is that a negligible risk – that Richie Rich will seize it as a campaign issue? And what if he does? Might that actually work in Bernie’s favor – and advance the cause of beginning serious examination of the Constitutional necessity of impeaching this President?


Okay, by now, you’re no doubt wondering about my encounter with Shep as related by Baruth in his VDB piece. This was a ways back, and just in case somebody from corporate happens to get ahold of this piece (they will) I want everyone to know that I was reprimanded for what I did on the air that day. I was not formally disciplined, but I did receive quite the scolding from the corporation’s Chief Operating Officer, who is almost like a second father to me. I hung my head so hard I damn near had to see a chiropractor. In one sense, it actually hurt my show in the long term. I had been able to get away with “truth to power” on the air like a bandit, as long as I stayed on the national level. This is an example of how much of a street buzz I’d built up about the anti-Bush stance of my show: my father ordered some tamales for my family’s Christmas from a firm in Texas. They came in a big styrofoam cold storage box. The (substitute) postman brought them into the radio station, saying, “I have something for Eddie….” and ceremoniously placed the large white box on the front counter, saying, “It is the head of George W. Bush. Packed in dry ice.” Man, I got away with murder. Every day. The walls of the control room were completely covered in anti-Bush, anti-war, pro-Democrat material. Talking points flapped from the wall on yellow post its everywhere like some kind of weird skin condition. But once I forayed into local politics, I came under increased scrutiny, and had to pull back some. Itshay. But reading Baruth’s piece made it all seem worthwhile.
Here is my original post on Daily Kos:

  Mark Shepard (none / 0)
is an anti-gay fundamentalist Christian. I believe he will be soundly trounced by the gop competition. About the only thing he can run on that I can think of is helping to bring the microtechnology center to Bennington, but I think Dick Sears was involved in that to some extent too. (Although some of the peace activists object to it because it will produce guidance systems for torpedoes.) BTAIM, when Shepard came out of the gate with that asinine defense of marriage initiative,I BLASTED him on the air. Just flat gave him both barrels. “Bennington deserves better, and you deserve better.”
The following Monday, he showed up at the radio station. I about had a heart attack. But I regained my footing when he told me “I represent you….” I drew myself up and said, “No Senator, you don’t represent me.” He proceeded to tell me that his initiative would “in no way affect the civil unions law.” But read the initiative, if you can find it, and read Baker v. State of VT. Note the use of the language “marriage or the lawful incidents thereof.”
Had his initiative passed, the civil unions law would have lost all legal meaning. Short version: I feel that Shepard basically lied to me. I realize that’s a strong statement, but that’s what I got out of the encounter and subsequent research.
Wish I could get back to Vermont. I miss my adopted home terribly, terribly – enough to be heading into the Prozac zone.
Mad love from VA’s Shenandoah Valley.

And I’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling kids.(-8.50\-7.13)

by kestrel9000 on Thu Feb 09, 2006 at 01:26:50 PM EDT

There may be a couple of mistakes on my part in there – if you see any, let me know.
At any rate, Rereading Baker and the civil unions law leads me to the conclusion that and defense of marriage initiative in Vermont would be, on its face, redundant.
Recycling my own stuff:



It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:


The General Assembly finds that:

(1) Civil marriage under Vermont’s marriage statutes consists of a union between a man and a woman. This interpretation of the state’s marriage laws was upheld by the Supreme Court in Baker v. State:.


Vermont’s marriage statutes are set forth in Chapter 1 of Title 15, entitled “Marriage,”  which defines the requirements and eligibility for entering into a marriage, and Chapter 105 of Title  18, entitled “Marriage Records and Licenses,” which prescribes the forms and procedures for obtaining a license and solemnizing a marriage.  Although it is not necessarily the only possible  definition, there is no doubt that the plain and ordinary meaning of “marriage” is the union of one  man and one woman as husband and wife.  See Webster’s New International Dictionary 1506 (2d ed. 1955) (marriage consists of state of “being united to a person .  .  .of the opposite sex as  husband or wife”); Black’s Law Dictionary 986 (7th ed. 1999) (marriage is “[t]he legal union of a  man and woman as husband and wife”).  This understanding of the term is well rooted in Vermont common law.


As used in this chapter:

(1) “Certificate of civil union” means a document that certifies that the persons named on the certificate have established a civil union in this state in compliance with this chapter and 18 V.S.A. chapter 106.

(2) “Civil union” means that two eligible persons have established a relationship pursuant to this chapter, and may receive the benefits and protections and be subject to the responsibilities of spouses.

(3) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of health.

(4) “Marriage” means the legally recognized union of one man and one woman.

(5) “Party to a civil union” means a person who has established a civil union pursuant to this chapter and 18 V.S.A. chapter 106.

Seems to me that “defense of marriage” the way the uptight people want enshrined in law is already there? So, what’s really going on?


Because for all of his pleasant demeanor and entrepreneurial savvy, Shepard strikes me as Vermont’s version of Rick Santorum: ambitious, well-spoken, and more than just a little disturbing when you take the time to really listen to what he has to say.

We have a friend here in VA who is a militant pro lifer. You bring up any argument, any argument at all, in favor of even limited choice in the sense of “pharmaceutical abortion” like Plan B or RU-486 and he immediately interrupts and asks if you would slit a baby’s throat with a knife as soon as the head is clear of the mother’s body. Then tries to tell you there’s no difference. John Cornyn and box turtles. Rick Santorum and fun with Fido. 
That was how my personal encounter with Shep went.
Lemme recycle myself again, and this is from my email to Baruth:

I always get kind of a perverse kick out of how conservatives who are religious fanatics will jump through hoops to deny that their political positions are influenced by their religious beliefs. It’s a trip into the land of “ends justify the means.” What makes it worse, on a personal-annoyance level is that on the day he paid me a visit, his manner was somewhat….condescending, at least initially. He actually asked me if I wanted to legalize murder simply because it is proscribed in the Bible – this was in response to my assertion that I will oppose any attempts to pass laws based on an interpretation of Christianity, or any other religion for that matter. As far as him being a logic-driven engineer, I can’t see the logic in his assertion that same-sex unions have an adverse effect on “traditional” marriage in any way. I think he’s just a plain ole cryptotheocrat.
And to say that “not legalizing gay marriage is not regulating it”? Apply that same logic to, oh say, “recreational drugs”. Tell me that banning them isn’t regulating them.

You can’t have it both ways, Shep.

For mankind to hate truth as it may bring their evil deeds to light and punishment, is very easy and common, but to hate truth as truth, or God as God, which is the same as to hate goodness for its own sake, unconnected with any other consequences, is impossible even to a (premised) diabolical nature itself.
-Ethan Allen

That’s basically how it went. And I came away with the same sense that Baruth did for the guy, complicated by the sense that I’d been…..uh….PREVARICATED to. “Lie” is such an ugly word.
I wish I could find the text of his initiative again. If anyone can dig that up, I’d love to have it. But I can’t help but suspect that, given that the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is already written into Baker and codified further in the Vermont Civil unions law that resulted from that decision, he was never honest with me about what his real goal was. Whether it was a play to his fundamentalist “base” (that probably exists primarily in his own mind), whether it was an attempt to create legislation that caused a conflict with the civil unions law that would have dragged it into court, or whether it was an attempt to catapult his propaganda into the Fox News spotlight, or all of the above, I can’t know. I suspect it was all of the above. But this, as well as the fact that the state GOP abandoned him en masse for a candidate who has no political experience, suggests a number of campaign strategies to help make sure Shep does not win re-election to the State Senate.
As for Shep’s strategeries? He seems to have a plan to remake himself. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
He WAS the walrus…goo goo ga joob…..
A Bennington activist and I discussed possible candidates for a run against Shepard. One guy I like a LOT, and know personally, has already been approached, but has reportedly demurred, due to wanting to spend time with his family. Jesus, the guy hasn’t even been elected yet, and he already….all right, all right, all right.
But if my walking five hundred and twelve miles to Bennington with a backpack full of cheese and crackers and bottled water will change this guy’s mind, then I guess I better go buy some new boots.
Come on, dude,I owe ya. You know why. I know I paid your bill (except for the few bucks you discounted me, which was cool), but still, I owe ya. And I believe in you. There are those who know who I’m talking about. Please relay the message. I offer my services as media director, oppo research….campaign manager….whatever.

I’m open to any opportunities in VT posed by any entity who could use my skill set. Except Republicans, of course. Resume on request. Email addy in my profile.

OK, I’ll buy this round. Let the debates commence.


THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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CATAMOUNT TAVERN: Neighsayers drink with the horses……

I just threw a drink in Josh Marshall’s face.
See, at first, I was cool with it. I saw it as simply an opposing point of view; another way to look at the situation. I pride myself on my tolerance. That and my humility, which is actually my most admirable and meritorious personal trait. And that’s saying a lot, because it has a lot of competition in my personality profile. I’m damned proud of my humility.
(I often think that what the world needs are more geniuses that still have a bit of humility. After all, there are so few of us left.)
Be that as it may, the other day, my wingnut boss called me “the most intolerant person I’ve ever met.” That one sent me reeling. The primary GOP political officer (self-appointed) of my work environment called ME intolerant. This man thinks civil liberties begin and end with the Second Amendment. He seems to give not a fuck about the Fourth or Sixth. I wonder what he’d do if suddenly his Third Amendment rights were violated.
Anyway, I came to the realization that he was at least partly right. I AM intolerant. I am intolerant of this administration and its water-carrying MSM.
I did tell him about the HR 1606 thing as well as the latest attempts to gutshoot the 527s, and while he doesn’t like Move On, he did rail somewhat angrily at the idea of the government suppressing the blogosphere. There’s hope for this guy. he also watched Markos on KO last night. He tried to dismiss the guy, but his rhetoric bellyflopped. “Another anti-gun liberal….” “Hey, wait a minute! What did he say about guns? I missed that! Let’s watch the video and catch what Kos said about guns.”
He changed the subject.
But come to think of it, I guess I did too. I digress.
Quite frequently, and quite adroitly too, if I may.
I’ll go back on topic below the fold.

I want to share with you an editorial my local fish-wrapper put up about the Feingold censure resolution:

Feingold’s Flakiness  Posted 2006-03-14

There is something about Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis, that is immensely likeable, no matter the flakiness of some of his actions. Perhaps it’s the fact that there is no guile in him. Stealth and manipulative tactics don’t seem to be a part of his character. He is upfront, direct and candid.

His judgement, though, is sometimes questionable. His latest direct and upfront crusade is for the Senate to “censure” President Bush due to the administration’s electronic surveillance program.

The chances Sen. Feingold’s censure resolution will pass are nil to less-than-zero, but it has certainly delighted Democratic activists who are gaining more and more influence in the party.

Sen. Feingold doesn’t provide any evidence that a single law was broken – as he alleges – nor does he mention that experts (not the pundits, but the constitutional experts) disagree with him.

Osama bin Laden and the Islamicfascism around the globe are dangerous to this nation, just as they have been lethal to Dutch film producers, clubgoers in Bali, women and children in Iraq and passengers on the London subway system. Listening to conversations of such people is a vital part of our defense.

Even if Sen. Feingold disagreed with the program, one would think he would grant the administration the benefit of the doubt since President Bush is trying to protect American lives. Alas, that is not the mentality of the Democratic left.

One congressman who might actually support Sen. Feingold’s resolution is Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich, who has called for President Bush’s impeachment. If the Democrats take over the House in November, Rep. Conyers would take over the House Judiciary Committee. No doubt he would then launch dubious investigations and sent subpoenas galore to the White House, thus obstructing and undercutting this nation’s war on terrorism.

Something to ponder come November.

I am DAMNED SICK AND TIRED of Democrats cowering in fear of political damage. They’re so spooked behind the last few years they’re afraid to move in for the kill on an opponent that is maimed by self-inflicted wounds. If not now, when?
I am a fourth-generation Democrat. My family pisses blue. But I am to the point where I am about to begin advocating a blood purge of the party. And it’s because of people like Hillary, like Steny Hoyer, like Joe Lieberman, like Ben Nelson, like Cuellar. Because of people like Zell Miller. But at least he’s out of play.
Any Democrat that will not support Feingold’s resolution, for example, can kiss my fucking ass. I am SICK TO DEATH of this shit. This sorry-ass excuse for a President has turned record surpluses into staggering deficits, has lied us into an unnecessary and unproductive war, in which our children and theirs are dying, has squandered any good will and sympathy we had around the world after 9/11 with arrogant, jack-booted militarism, violates our Fourth Amendment rights on a daily basis, has granted tax breaks to corporate entities exacerbating the brown-acid-trip deficits which he claims must be combatted by slashing Medicare, Medicaid, low-income heating asistance and student loans, and nearly every other form of assistance this government provides to the least among us. He has exposed the identities of covert operatives as political punishment. His party’s money trail is dirtier than the flow lines at a sewage treatment plant. Elections are a joke-the mechanisms by which we vote are designed and built by his supporters. His mouthpieces dominate the airwaves. And as his standing with the American people falls into the abyss, he contemplates another war as a means to unite the people he has intentionally divided to the same end: insuring control by his party, which he unquestionably places before the good of the country.
To ANYone who will not pursue any and all political and legal means to damage this bastard and his circle-jerk posse as severely and as often as possible, to those who cower in fear of the GOP noise machine, I say: Fight with us, or stay out of it.
And the horse you rode in on is presumably tied to the hitching post outside the Catamount.

“You Haven’t Done Nothing”

We are amazed but not amused
By all the things you say that you’ll do
Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you

But we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
‘Cause if you really want to hear our views
“You haven’t done nothing”!

It’s not too cool to be ridiculed
But you brought this upon yourself
The world is tired of pacifiers
We want the truth and nothing else

And we are sick and tired of hearing your song
Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong
‘Cause if you really want to hear our views
“You haven’t done nothing”!

We would not care to wake up to the nightmare
That’s becoming real life
But when mislead who knows a person’s mind
Can turn as cold as ice un hum

Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
‘Cause if you really want to hear our views
“You haven’t done nothing”!
-Stevie Wonder

That is all.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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(Note: this diary’s literary style has in some part been inspired by Maryscott O’Connor. Mad props to her, and before you ask, I would SO hit that.)

Ales all around!
Tapping foam below the fold.

Ales on my tab:
For residents of NEWFANE, MARLBORO, PUTNEY, DUMMERSTON, and BROOKFIELD! At Town meetings last night, FIVE Vermont towns passed resolutions calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Whether or not this is a PRACTICAL action is of minimal relevance. What is relevant is the statement made – and the news coverage it is generating.

The lackluster, fumbling responses from the podpeople are also quite entertaining:
Jim Barnett, chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, said, “We should not be impeaching presidents just because we disagree with them.”

Right on! You go, Jim!

We should not impeach presidents because we disagree with them. We impeach presidents because they BREAK THE LAW.

Is there anyone out there, besides John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales, who can look me in the eye with a straight face and tell me this President has not broken the law?

If there is, it would undoubtedly sound like this” “Geoj Dubah Buth hath naw boken duh waw.”
Why so muffled?
Because while making that statement, they would undoubtedly be otherwise occupied, giving Dubya a prostate massage with their tongues.

Courtesy of a Kagro X diary on dKos, here’s Maplefrost’s RUTLAND RESOLUTION, which hopefully one day will be engraved in stone on a marker somewhere in the Rutland Courthouse Historic District:


WHEREAS, Section 603 of the Manual of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives provides for impeachments to be initiated on a motion based on charges transmitted from a state legislature, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors as he has repeatedly and intentionally violated the United States Constitution and other laws of the United States, particularly the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Torture Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution is a treaty as part of the “supreme law of the land”,

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has acted to strip Americans of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to legal counsel, without charge and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an “enemy combatant”, all in subversion of law, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered and authorized the Attorney General to override judicial orders for the release of detainees under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly INS) jurisdiction, even though the judicial officer after full hearing has determined that a detainee is held wrongfully by the Government, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered at least thirty times the National Security Agency to intercept and otherwise record international telephone and other signals and communications by American citizens without warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, and designated certain U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants”, all in violation of constitutional guarantees of due process, and

WHEREAS George W. Bush has admitted that he willfully and repeatedly violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and boasted that he would continue to do so, each violation constituting a felony,

NOW THEREFORE the Rutland County Democratic Committee submits that his actions and admissions constitute ample grounds for his impeachment, and that the General Assembly of the State of Vermont has good cause for submitting charges to the U.S. House of Representatives under Section 603 as grounds for George W. Bush’s impeachment.

The County Committee further submits that Articles of Impeachment should charge that George W. Bush has violated his constitutional oath to execute faithfully the office of President and to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

In all of this George W. Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the State of Vermont and of the United States.

WHEREFORE, George W. Bush, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any offices of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

February 28, 2006

Adopted: February 28, 2006

Just the existence of this, along with the five resolutions passed at Town Meetings last night, is cause for celebration in itself.
Hopefully, other states in New England – the birthplace of the nation – will follow. Perhaps we are the best suited to remind the country of the impetus for forming this nation in the first goddamned place:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness……..And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Therefore, the arguments that this movement is “futile”; “cannot succeed”; “will hurt Democrats” are respectively untrue, irrelevant, and straight-ahead bullshit.
Those saying that are politicians. The PEOPLE are not career politicians. The people can make this sort of statement without fear of political repercussions. The people are not running a campaign for Senate against a monied carpetbagger who wants to make his mark in Vermont so he can retire to Florida.
The people have nothing to lose – except through inaction, timidity, and fealty to the influence of politicians.
But even politicians get it right sometimes.
Here, then, is a compelling argument for the impeachment of George W. Bush, framed around the argument that he has abrogated his oath of office:

That oath constituted a compact between the President and the American people. That compact has been broken. The people’s trust has been betrayed. The nation’s chief executive has shown himself unwilling or incapable of enforcing its laws, for he has corrupted the rule of law.

Well, yeah. Pardon you for stating the obvious…..wait. That’s…oh, wow, man, did I ever screw up! That’s….uh…..Henry Hyde, talking about the overwhelming importance to the health of the Republic of impeaching Bill Clinton!
Okay, wait a minute, dammit…I’ll find you a better one………

  I believe that this nation sits at a crossroads. One direction points to the higher road of the rule of law. Sometimes hard, sometimes unpleasant, this path relies on truth, justice and the rigorous application of the principle that no man is above the law.

  Now, the other road is the path of least resistance. This is where we start making exceptions to our laws……This is when we pitch the law completely overboard when the mood fits us, when we ignore the facts in order to cover up the truth.

  Shall we follow the rule of law and do our constitutional duty no matter unpleasant, or shall we follow the path of least resistance, close our eyes to the potential lawbreaking, forgive and forget, move on and tear an unfixable hole in our legal system? No man is above the law, and no man is below the law. That’s the principle that we all hold very dear in this country.

No man is above the law! I’m down with that….what? That’s WHO? HAMMER TIME? You mean that’s the Bugman? Tom DeLay, talking about……impeaching Clinton……..shitshitshitshitshit.

Okay….how ’bout this:

Because of the unwillingness of members of Congress to stop the usurpation of power by the President, they are acquiescing in it and they are part of that overall problem. But I think the greater problem is that the members of Congress don’t understand what impeachment is and don’t really understand what abuse of power is. Just as many average citizens have no real concept of what impeachment is, I’m finding out through having worked on this issue and studied it over the last few months that there is a surprising lack of understanding among the members of Congress about it. There is also a lack of understanding of what our government ought to be and what it was intended to be. It’s difficult enough to get members of Congress to focus on some of the specific concrete examples that are readily understandable…….as a practical matter, *it may be impossible to get them to focus on some of these more fundamental, yet more difficult to understand, concepts. That they are difficult to understand, of course, is an indication of how far we’ve drifted from basic constitutional principles.*

Oh, that’s that greasy little man: former Congressman Bob Barr, once again arguing for the neutering of the Big Dawg.
Although something’s happened to Bob – he found God, or started seriously losing sleep over his karma lately, or something. But never mind that.

Would someone care to explain to me what, in the here and now, is so fucking DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?

My point, and I hope I made it, is that a statement from the PEOPLE is, necessarily, free of political taint or restraint. Read the foregoing quotations again – and remember that most of this was over a BLOWJOB.

Tell you what:
Getting back to Bush for a moment, if you don’t mind terribly…….if it’ll get this fucker impeached, I’ll PERSONALLY blow him. I gotsa rotsa risterine, and I’m sure SOMEBODY’ll step forward to help me pay for the years and years of psychotherapy I’ll require.

Free it from the politicians. Make it a POPULAR MOVEMENT. It has BEGUN, and let no one stop it. No one. No political agenda may stand in the way of this statement being made by the people to whom George Walker Bush swore an oath that he has repeatedly abrogated.

There’s been so many things thats held us down.
But now it looks like things are finally comin’ around.
I know we’ve got, a long long way to go,
and where we’ll end up, I don’t know.
But we won’t let nothin’ hold us back,
we’re putting our selves together,
we’re polishing up our act!
If you felt we’ve been held down before,
I know you’ll refuse to be held down anymore!

Don’t you let nothing, nothing,
Stand in your way!
I want ya’ll to listen, listen,
to every word I say, every word I say!

Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’re on the move!
Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’ve got the groove!

I know you know someone that has a negative vibe,
and if you’re trying to make it they only push you aside.
They really don’t have, no where to go.
Ask them where they’re going, they don’t know.
But we won’t let nothin’ hold us back,
we’re gonna put our selves together,
we’re gonna polish up our act!
And if you’ve ever been held down before,
I know you’ll refuse to be held down anymore!

Don’t you let nothing, nothing,
Stand in your way!
I want ya’ll to listen, listen,
to every word I say, every word I say!

Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’re on the move!
Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’ve got the groove!

-McFadden and Whitehead

For mankind to hate truth as it may bring their evil deeds to light and punishment, is very easy and common, but to hate truth as truth, or God as God, which is the same as to hate goodness for its own sake, unconnected with any other consequences, is impossible even to a (premised) diabolical nature itself.
-Ethan Allen

It’s the last call for alcohol. You ain’t got to go home but you got to get the hell outa here.
Unless, of course, you care to comment on my sincere attempts at sedition.

Freedom and Unity.


(Note: this diary’s literary style has in some part been inspired by Maryscott O’Connor. Mad props to her, and before you ask, I would SO hit that.)

Ales all around!
Tapping foam below the fold.

Ales on my tab:
For residents of NEWFANE, MARLBORO, PUTNEY, DUMMERSTON, and BROOKFIELD! At Town meetings last night, FIVE Vermont towns passed resolutions calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Whether or not this is a PRACTICAL action is of minimal relevance. What is relevant is the statement made – and the news coverage it is generating.

The lackluster, fumbling responses from the podpeople are also quite entertaining:
Jim Barnett, chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, said, “We should not be impeaching presidents just because we disagree with them.”

Right on! You go, Jim!

We should not impeach presidents because we disagree with them. We impeach presidents because they BREAK THE LAW.

Is there anyone out there, besides John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales, who can look me in the eye with a straight face and tell me this President has not broken the law?

If there is, it would undoubtedly sound like this” “Geoj Dubah Buth hath naw boken duh waw.”
Why so muffled?
Because while making that statement, they would undoubtedly be otherwise occupied, giving Dubya a prostate massage with their tongues.

Courtesy of a Kagro X diary on dKos, here’s Maplefrost’s RUTLAND RESOLUTION, which hopefully one day will be engraved in stone on a marker somewhere in the Rutland Courthouse Historic District:


WHEREAS, Section 603 of the Manual of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives provides for impeachments to be initiated on a motion based on charges transmitted from a state legislature, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has committed high crimes and misdemeanors as he has repeatedly and intentionally violated the United States Constitution and other laws of the United States, particularly the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Torture Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution is a treaty as part of the “supreme law of the land”,

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has acted to strip Americans of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to legal counsel, without charge and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an “enemy combatant”, all in subversion of law, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered and authorized the Attorney General to override judicial orders for the release of detainees under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly INS) jurisdiction, even though the judicial officer after full hearing has determined that a detainee is held wrongfully by the Government, and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush has ordered at least thirty times the National Security Agency to intercept and otherwise record international telephone and other signals and communications by American citizens without warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review, duly constituted by Congress in 1978, and designated certain U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants”, all in violation of constitutional guarantees of due process, and

WHEREAS George W. Bush has admitted that he willfully and repeatedly violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and boasted that he would continue to do so, each violation constituting a felony,

NOW THEREFORE the Rutland County Democratic Committee submits that his actions and admissions constitute ample grounds for his impeachment, and that the General Assembly of the State of Vermont has good cause for submitting charges to the U.S. House of Representatives under Section 603 as grounds for George W. Bush’s impeachment.

The County Committee further submits that Articles of Impeachment should charge that George W. Bush has violated his constitutional oath to execute faithfully the office of President and to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

In all of this George W. Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the State of Vermont and of the United States.

WHEREFORE, George W. Bush, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any offices of honor, trust or profit under the United States.

February 28, 2006

Adopted: February 28, 2006

Just the existence of this, along with the five resolutions passed at Town Meetings last night, is cause for celebration in itself.
Hopefully, other states in New England – the birthplace of the nation – will follow. Perhaps we are the best suited to remind the country of the impetus for forming this nation in the first goddamned place:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness……..And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Therefore, the arguments that this movement is “futile”; “cannot succeed”; “will hurt Democrats” are respectively untrue, irrelevant, and straight-ahead bullshit.
Those saying that are politicians. The PEOPLE are not career politicians. The people can make this sort of statement without fear of political repercussions. The people are not running a campaign for Senate against a monied carpetbagger who wants to make his mark in Vermont so he can retire to Florida.
The people have nothing to lose – except through inaction, timidity, and fealty to the influence of politicians.
But even politicians get it right sometimes.
Here, then, is a compelling argument for the impeachment of George W. Bush, framed around the argument that he has abrogated his oath of office:

That oath constituted a compact between the President and the American people. That compact has been broken. The people’s trust has been betrayed. The nation’s chief executive has shown himself unwilling or incapable of enforcing its laws, for he has corrupted the rule of law.

Well, yeah. Pardon you for stating the obvious…..wait. That’s…oh, wow, man, did I ever screw up! That’s….uh…..Henry Hyde, talking about the overwhelming importance to the health of the Republic of impeaching Bill Clinton!
Okay, wait a minute, dammit…I’ll find you a better one………

  I believe that this nation sits at a crossroads. One direction points to the higher road of the rule of law. Sometimes hard, sometimes unpleasant, this path relies on truth, justice and the rigorous application of the principle that no man is above the law.

  Now, the other road is the path of least resistance. This is where we start making exceptions to our laws……This is when we pitch the law completely overboard when the mood fits us, when we ignore the facts in order to cover up the truth.

  Shall we follow the rule of law and do our constitutional duty no matter unpleasant, or shall we follow the path of least resistance, close our eyes to the potential lawbreaking, forgive and forget, move on and tear an unfixable hole in our legal system? No man is above the law, and no man is below the law. That’s the principle that we all hold very dear in this country.

No man is above the law! I’m down with that….what? That’s WHO? HAMMER TIME? You mean that’s the Bugman? Tom DeLay, talking about……impeaching Clinton……..shitshitshitshitshit.

Okay….how ’bout this:

Because of the unwillingness of members of Congress to stop the usurpation of power by the President, they are acquiescing in it and they are part of that overall problem. But I think the greater problem is that the members of Congress don’t understand what impeachment is and don’t really understand what abuse of power is. Just as many average citizens have no real concept of what impeachment is, I’m finding out through having worked on this issue and studied it over the last few months that there is a surprising lack of understanding among the members of Congress about it. There is also a lack of understanding of what our government ought to be and what it was intended to be. It’s difficult enough to get members of Congress to focus on some of the specific concrete examples that are readily understandable…….as a practical matter, *it may be impossible to get them to focus on some of these more fundamental, yet more difficult to understand, concepts. That they are difficult to understand, of course, is an indication of how far we’ve drifted from basic constitutional principles.*

Oh, that’s that greasy little man: former Congressman Bob Barr, once again arguing for the neutering of the Big Dawg.
Although something’s happened to Bob – he found God, or started seriously losing sleep over his karma lately, or something. But never mind that.

Would someone care to explain to me what, in the here and now, is so fucking DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?

My point, and I hope I made it, is that a statement from the PEOPLE is, necessarily, free of political taint or restraint. Read the foregoing quotations again – and remember that most of this was over a BLOWJOB.

Tell you what:
Getting back to Bush for a moment, if you don’t mind terribly…….if it’ll get this fucker impeached, I’ll PERSONALLY blow him. I gotsa rotsa risterine, and I’m sure SOMEBODY’ll step forward to help me pay for the years and years of psychotherapy I’ll require.

Free it from the politicians. Make it a POPULAR MOVEMENT. It has BEGUN, and let no one stop it. No one. No political agenda may stand in the way of this statement being made by the people to whom George Walker Bush swore an oath that he has repeatedly abrogated.

There’s been so many things thats held us down.
But now it looks like things are finally comin’ around.
I know we’ve got, a long long way to go,
and where we’ll end up, I don’t know.
But we won’t let nothin’ hold us back,
we’re putting our selves together,
we’re polishing up our act!
If you felt we’ve been held down before,
I know you’ll refuse to be held down anymore!

Don’t you let nothing, nothing,
Stand in your way!
I want ya’ll to listen, listen,
to every word I say, every word I say!

Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’re on the move!
Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’ve got the groove!

I know you know someone that has a negative vow,
and if you’re trying to make it they only push you aside.
They really don’t have, no where to go.
Ask them where they’re going, they don’t know.
But we won’t let nothin’ hold us back,
we’re gonna put our selves together,
we’re gonna polish up our act!
And if you’ve ever been held down before,
I know you’ll refuse to be held down anymore!

Don’t you let nothing, nothing,
Stand in your way!
I want ya’ll to listen, listen,
to every word I say, every word I say!

Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’re on the move!
Ain’t No Stoppin Us Now!
We’ve got the groove!

-McFadden and Whitehead

For mankind to hate truth as it may bring their evil deeds to light and punishment, is very easy and common, but to hate truth as truth, or God as God, which is the same as to hate goodness for its own sake, unconnected with any other consequences, is impossible even to a (premised) diabolical nature itself.
-Ethan Allen

It’s the last call for alcohol. You ain’t got to go home but you got to get the hell outa here.
Unless, of course, you care to comment on my sincere attempts at sedition.

Freedom and Unity.

CATAMOUNT TAVERN: Strong Ale,Subterfuge, Sniping, Strategery..and a Survey

This diary would have been up last night, but I was a little distracted. I refilled a refillable/disposable lighter with the wrong kind of fluid, and in the process of that comedy of errors, I managed to set my right arm on fire. I was neither freebasing nor shooting a Pepsi commercial, and at no time did I shout, “Tito! Tito!”
But for some reason, I found it necessary to keep a piece of frozen food – or a cold beer – in my right hand last night. Typing was out of the question.
At any rate, the Catamount is now open to serve you.
Welcome to it. Bar’s open, belly up and set a spell.
Serving the suds below the fold. 

“Those who invalidate reason ought seriously to consider whether they argue against reason with or without reason; if with reason, then they establish the principles that they are laboring to dethrone: but if they argue without reason (which, in order to be consistent with themselves they must do), they are out of reach of rational conviction, nor do they deserve a rational argument.”
-Ethan Allen

Curiouser and curiouser. Mark Shepard reads Human Rights Watch!  Who woulda thunk it? A guy that doesn’t think adult humans should have the right to marry whoever they want reads Human Rights Watch. Shep, as I’m sure you’ll recall, got his panties all in a twist because a bill was introduced into the Statehouse daring to suggest it might be polite to thank Venezuela for their energy assistance.
Went and ticked them Venezuelans off real good too:

“Mark Shepard lies or is an irresponsible fool when he claims that in Venezuela freedom of expression is suppressed, the media is censored and legal rights are suppressed,” read a statement released late Thursday by the government’s Ministry of Communication and Information.

Jeezum, you’d think the guy said we should go assassinate their president or something. Cheap thrills for the winger wing of his base, I guess…..

“I really don’t have a reputation for plugging politics,” Shepard said. “It’s not in my nature.”

Oh, goodness. I fear I may have insulted him.

Shepard, who represents Bennington County and Wilmington, is vying for a seat in the U.S. House. He said the resolution appeared to be a “tweak” at President George W. Bush disguised as a thank-you card.

“Clearly, this is a political maneuver by the sponsors,” he said.

Or, maybe it’s MY intelligence that’s being insulted.  Apparently, he thinks Venezuela has a big problem with the cold just like New England does……

“As a matter of foreign policy, there must be a better way to alleviate the difficulties from the high cost of oil. What do the people in Venezuela think when they see their wealth going to the richest nation in the world?”

Uh…’s a bit of warmth, not a bunch of wealth, Shep.They probably not only enjoy the “tweak” at the Bushies, they could be hoping for some nice thank-you notes from people in the Green Mountain State, so they can write back and ask them what it’s like when it gets that cold: Average temperature ranges in Caracas are from 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) to 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit) all year.
Besides, when they answer the thank you letters, they can tell themselves they’re helping even more: their letters will give folks something else to burn when the oil runs out…..

The Impeach Tree in Vermont appears to be sprouting some new branches. Is this a graft seeking more sweet fruit, or a natural, healthy mutuation?

MONTPELIER — Democratic congressional candidate Peter Welch called Friday for the firing or resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, calling him “the face of failed policies in Iraq.”

Could it be the company Rummy keeps?

Yep, Rummy goes back with a bunch a people:.

“I call on Rumsfeld’s resignation because his poor judgment has unnecessarily put Vermonters and Americans at risk and has undermined our ability to accomplish our goals,” Welch said.

“Americans should not forget that Rumsfeld has failed to eliminate the single greatest threat to our security, to find Osama bin Laden and dismantle his terror network,” he added.

Well, that’s certainly worth remembering…..but so’s this:

“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
– G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

“I want justice…There’s an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive,'”
– G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
– G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

“I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

But the military is quick to rush to SecDef’s defense, making it doubtful that the Vermont National Guard will support a coup d’etat:

Republican congressional candidate Martha Rainville, who is currently adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard, said “now is not the time for political grandstanding or fingerpointing.”

“Demanding the removal of Secretary Rumsfeld is not going to hasten the dismantling of the worldwide terror network or ensure security of our homeland, nor will it speed the process of turning responsibility for the security of Iraq over to the Iraqi defense forces,” Rainville said in a statement released by her campaign.

Darn. Somehow, Martha Rainville musta got battle hardened, Rumsfeld style. It boggles the mind that the Adjutant General of the National Guard in the state that has the highest per capita losses in the Iraq war could be sticking up for the guy that sends weekend warriors into a combat zone without the proper body armor.

And look who got caught flat-footed:

State Sen. Mark Shepard, R-Bennington, who is vying with Rainville for his party’s nomination, said of a Rumsfeld ouster, “I haven’t thought about it until now. … I’m certainly not prepared to make such a statement.”

Of COURSE you haven’t thought about it, Shep. We understand.

But we’re missing somebody here. The whole field has weighed in, except for……..

07/21/05 “Rutland Herald” – – A Congressional candidate who wants to impeach President Bush insists he can win the Republican primary.

Dennis Morrisseau, 62, of West Pawlet, plans to seek the Republican nomination to run for U.S. House of Representatives. The seat is being vacated by Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who plans a run for the U.S. Senate.

A central part of his platform, Morrisseau said, will be bringing articles of impeachment against Bush.


Aw, Dennis. You used to be a Democrat, dammit!  What happened to ya?
Do a Perot. If you lose the primary, run as an independent! That way, Vermont Republicans have a choice until the bitter end. It’s only fair. (evil snicker)

While 38.8 percent of Vermonters — and likely the lion’s share of Vermont Republicans — voted for Bush, Morrisseau said he thinks there is enough anti-Bush sentiment within Republican circles for his message to find an audience.

“I think I’ve got a great shot,” he said. “There’s been movement since the election, if you track the polls. That’s not just Democrats, that’s Republicans, too. Down in southern Vermont, the man is reviled among Republicans.”

Morrisseau was dismissive of the party leadership in Vermont.

“The Republican leadership is Bush people for the most part,” he said. “Generally speaking, I don’t pay much attention to party leadership. I recommend that. I recommend it highly.”

Yeah, the Republican leadership here are certainly Bush people. They even get invited to slumber parties:
Least that Chimpy can do for his Vermont campaign manager, right?
Careful, Jim. You don’t want to catch what George’s got……

Hope that shot covers the “bird flu”……

Oh, and speaking of “the bird”……BWAHAHAHAHA!

Heard the latest about the Big Giant Head? The guy that called on AlQaida to blow up the Coit Tower, and even called for a boycott of our state’s economy – until threatened by an angry army of teddy bears with a money dog in his race? Seems like Billdo has a soft spot in his heart for Phil Donahue. Maybe it’s an Irish solidarity thing. You know how those Irishmen stick together……unless it’s like, in Ulster or something…..
ANYway, He Who Bill Dares Not Name, Keith Olbermann, has affixed his John Hancock to this latest falafel foolishness..or is that foolish falafelness? Crooks and Liars has the video up, and it’s a hoot, in your choice of Quicktime or WMV. Barmaid! Draw this fine person another ale…..drink up, now, and enjoy the show.

A contented Olbermann viewer last night

RenaRF at dKos has a petition of her own going. Won’t you sign now, and help rid the world of those who don’t know the difference between a loofah and a falafel? It only takes a minute, and it can make such a difference in the life of a small child.

Rokay. We did sniping, we did subterfuge, (Did you catch it? Or was I too subterfugeous?) now let’s do strategery….uh..STRATEGY. Yeah. What you said.
The gops get to have a primary for the House race.  We don’t.
And mad props to Zuckerman, by the way.
I feel this irresistable urge to divide and conquer, manipulate, exploit, and generally fuck up my karma. Take my devious poll and tell me what you think.
And have another ale!

“”Waiting, are they? Waiting, are they? Well, goddam ’em, let ’em wait!”
[Ethan Allen, to his physician who said “General, I fear the angels are waiting for you”, quoted in Saturday Review, April 5, 1958]”

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

View Results

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Drinking at the Catamount Tavern: Let it begin here

It doesn’t take a crystal ball or a dowsing stick to come to the realization that Vermont is not exactly Crawford, Texas, or anywhere in Utah.. You might be surprised at where some of the voices calling for an end to this criminal and reckless Administration come from…..
The insurrection continues below the fold.

No doubt, you’ve heard about the resolution put forth in Newfane:

We the voters of Newfane would like Town Meeting, March 2006, to consider the following resolution:

Whereas George W. Bush has:

1. Misled the nation about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction;

2. Misled the nation about ties between Iraq and Al Quaeda;

3. Used these falsehoods to lead our nation into war unsupported by international law;

4. Not told the truth about American policy with respect to the use of torture; and

5. Has directed the government to engage in domestic spying, in direct contravention of U.S. law.

Therefore, the voters of the town of Newfane ask that our representative to the U.S. House of Representatives file articles of impeachment to remove him from office.

NEWFANE(Brattleboro Reformer)

— Among votes to approve the budget and education spending at Town Meeting, residents will wade into national waters and vote from the floor for the impeachment of President George W. Bush.
Selectboard member Dan DeWalt wrote the Town Meeting resolution and gathered enough signatures to get the question on to the ballot.
The vote for impeachment will be taken from the floor.
DeWalt said he was not going to bring any evidence to Newfane’s meeting, claiming that the people of the town know enough about Bush’s presidency to vote on the resolution.
If voters approve the resolution, DeWalt said he is going to ask U.S. Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., to file the articles of impeachment to remove the president from office.
“We have an immoral government operating illegally,” DeWalt said. “I feel morally compelled to act.”

You know what they say, ‘It takes a village”…….

Newfane votes on this resolution at Town Meeting Tuesday, March 7th.

But did you catch this?

Statement by Dennis Morrisseau, Republican candidate for Congress.

They are totalitarians. Obvious totalitarians. That is why they have to come down. The war in Iraq is not the reason. They began the war as a means to power over us. The war is first a way to silence us. Further sham elections will be an aid in that, but we have been suffering sham elections in America for some time now. (More on that later)

“Rove’s Dream”. You can probably Google it. It’s right in the open and yet somehow unseen: The plan to take control of all three branches of government and make that control permanent. “The Architect” Bush calls him. This “Architect”, said to be a gay man, who bashes gays, has designed a strange church.  An Orwellian church adding the power of religious belief and bigotry to government power, all in derogation of our beloved constitution, our beloved short history, real religion, our true values. Hate is love. War is peace. Stealing your lives, your sustenance, your oil, your children, your votes, your money, your minds—all in the name of “Freedom”, in the name of “Democracy”. That’s what we’re going to impeach them for.

These men and Ms. Rice are not Republicans. They are also certainly not conservatives. Nor Americans. I mean that. I hate to say it, because of the history of the phrase: they are un-American—in clear violation of their oath’s of office to “preserve and protect the Constitution”. Read the oaths. Read the Constitution. You can do all that in half an hour. Take the time.

These men and Ms. Rice are not hidden. Right in front of our noses they are condoning torture and a war of conquest. What are the permanent Iraq bases for? In court and in public, this group is claiming that The President’s War Powers trump all other US and international law—that Bush’s “inherent powers” as commander-in-chief to manage the war, mean that he can ignore court orders, written law, the Congress, and can override the Constitution itself, at will. That is why we must impeach them. And, by the way, I am a Republican. Running for Congress now, for ’06, up in Vermont.

  Wow. Even from a Red Teamer in the Green Mountain State, we hear the call to IMPEACH! (Not that we can expect Governor Douglas to jump on that bandwagon – he was Chimpy’s Vermont campaign manager in the 2004 election.)
  Now Morrisseau is one of the two “dark horses” in the race for the GOP nomination to fill the House seat Bernie’s vacating as he steps up to the Senate, but any Republican speaking so is at least worthy of note. (As for the other “dark horse” in that race……..don’t get me started on Mark Shepard. Not just now. We’ll do that another time, if it becomes relevant.)
  To Peter Welch, I would say that the appropriate response to Morrisseau’s stance in this respect is to STEAL THAT ISSUE. Morrisseau is already the most marginal candidate in the House race. Marginalize him further, and steal that issue from him.

  What is not generally known is that impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States can be initiated in the House of Representatives by action taken by a state Legislature.

  Lifted from a diary by arbortender on Daily Kos:

Pages 314-315 of the House Rules for the 109th Congress, incorporating Jefferson’s Manual, which the House uses as a supplement to its standing rules, read as follows:

  Section 603. Inception of impeachment proceedings in the House.
  In the  House there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion:
  by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469)

  And the rumor mill is buzzing with something I can’t talk about just yet, but I can say that something may be about to break open under the dome in Montpelier. I hope that time comes soon.

An unjust composition never fails to contain error and falsehood. Therefore an unjust connection of ideas is not derived from nature, but from the imperfect composition of man. Misconnection of ideas is the same as misjudging, and has no positive existence, being merely a creature of the imagination; but nature and truth are real and uniform; and the rational mind by reasoning, discerns the uniformity, and is thereby enabled to make a just composition of ideas, which will stand the test of truth. But the fantastical illuminations of the credulous and superstitious part of mankind, proceed from weakness, and as far as they take place in the world subvert the religion of REASON, NATURE and TRUTH.

from “Reason: The Only Oracle Of Man”

  What would Ethan Allen say about a President who claims that Jesus Christ is his favorite philosopher, yet pursues an unjust and illegal war at the expense of the people he was elected to serve? A man that declares the wall of separation of church and state to be a bridge? Who leaves poor people to die on rooftops in a city devastated by floods? Who sanctions the use of torture, subversion of our civil liberties, and indefinite detention of at least one American civilian in a military lockup? Who subsidizes corporate interests with huge tax breaks in the face of a staggering deficit that swells at the rate of at least 170 million dollars a day based on the costs of the war in Iraq alone?
  A person who turns a blind, accepting eye to this is complicit in the destruction of the Republic, and should remember that while he points the finger at Cindy Sheehan or Michael Moore (who have more patriotism in their little finger than most Republicans have in their entire body), he points three back at himself.


  The patriots see this – the unAmerican, traitorous sheep of the Right either do not, or are fine with it because they place their jingoism, their economic and social Darwinism, and their irrational belief in the supernatural ahead of the good of this country and its people. And that is beyond the pale, and beneath contempt. My grandfather built ships to support a war against people like that. He fought them then, and I will fight them now. All enemies, foreign and domestic.
  What would Ethan Allen say of a Robin Hood in reverse – who robs from the poor to give to the rich?
  “The fantastical illuminations of the credulous and superstitious part of mankind” are what Bushco depends on to stay in power. The weakness must end.
  What better place than the home of Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys for “the religion of REASON, NATURE and TRUTH” to rise up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?

“It’s not a matter of whether the war is not real, or if it is, Victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact.”  -George Orwell

“What an impressive crowd: the haves, and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base.” – George W. Bush

“There are your enemies. They are ours, or this night Molly Stark sleeps a widow!”
–Vermont Yankee General Stark, reportedly challenging his men to fight to the death against the British who were coming to seize the colonial storehouseful of horses, food, and munitions.

  Let it begin now, and let it begin here.