All posts by Ed Garcia

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Crossposted from My Left Wing

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
Take these broken wings
You got to learn to fly
And learn to live so free
And when we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
-Mr. Mister

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Well, actually, he didn’t. The traffic was pretty constant, and had he tried, he could have ended up as roadkill.
  But when you think about it, that might be a more merciful and quick ending than what endless flocks of chickens experience at the hands of the Colonel, just so bachelors with no cooking skills beyond Top Ramen and TV dinners can stop by and grab a bucket or two on the way to the church potluck.
  Citizen journalist kestrel9000 was on the scene as activists from PETA stood in defense of his flightless brethren.
  Not that kestrels don’t eat chickens – we do, when we can get them – but for Christ’s sake, at least we’re SPORTING about it.

  The fowl truth about KFC – and pictures and videos of PETA activists delivering the word to the people of Harrisonburg, VA – is below the fold.

Okay, now that I have your attention………

PETA addresses the issue of inhumane treatment of chickens by KFC at

PETA is asking KFC to eliminate the worst abuses that chickens suffer on the factory
farms and in the slaughterhouses of its suppliers, including live scalding, life-long crippling,
and painful debeaking. The more than 850 million chickens killed each year for KFC are tortured
in ways that would result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges if cats or dogs were the victims, but KFC still refuses to make changes. As the leader in the chicken industry, KFC has a responsibility to ensure that the chickens raised for its buckets are protected from the worst cruelties.

I was, essentially, minding my own business Thursday afternoon. Doing my radio show, and
blogivating on the side, when I headed for the little boy’s room and noticed that, once again,
the fax machine was dumping its output all over the floor.
So I picked up the mess, and in amongst the usual pile of PSAs for church socials, sales pitches for
streaming services and syndicated shows, and deadly-dull press releases from the Department of
Agriculture and VDOT, I found this:


Beleaguered `Bird’ Sets Sights on KFC to Protest Factory-Farming Abuses

For Immediate Release:
December 7, 2006

Lindsay Rajt 757-622-7382

Harrisonburg, Va. — A giant crippled “chicken” will repeatedly cross the road
in front of a local KFC to lead a protest against the company’s abusive treatment of chickens.

Other PETA members will distribute leaflets to passersby, and one activist will wear a body
screen TV showing shocking video footage of factory-farming abuse.

Date:  Friday, December 8
Time:  11 a.m.
Place:  KFC, 891 Cantrell Ave., Harrisonburg

The more than 850 million chickens killed each year for KFC are tortured in ways that would
result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges if other animals were the victims. They are drugged
and bred to grow so large that many become crippled from the weight of their massive upper
bodies. Many have their throats slit while they are still conscious and are scalded to death in
defeathering tanks. KFC ignored recommendations for animal welfare improvements made by members
of its own advisory panel, including five who have since resigned in frustration.

“KFC stands for cruelty in our book,” says PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich. “If KFC employees
abused cats or dogs the way they abuse chickens, they could be thrown into prison on felony
charges of cruelty to animals.”
For more information, please visit

Wow. PETA in Harrisonburg, VA, the bowels of right-wing hell. This, I decided, I had to see. Plus, it’d get me out of the shop in the middle of the day for a while.
  Most of the rest of the detritus spewed forth from the fax machine went into the scratch
paper box, in deference to the trees that gave their lives so someone could tell every radio
station with a fax machine about the booking availability of various aging rock bands in their latest incarnations.
  The PETA press release, however, got folded up and filed in the cargo pocket of my BDU
trousers which I frequently wear. (I like a lot of pockets.) I made a mental note to shoot off a
quick email to let them know we’d come out and take a look, and went back into the control room.
  Couple minutes later, the receptionist came flouncing into the studio (she flounces everywhere she goes) and told me, “There’s a call on line one from somebody wanting to speak to
the news department…….”
  Knowing who it had to be, I told Angela, “We don’t HAVE a news department.”
  Those huge green eyes of hers took on that confused look with which I am so familiar, and
I grinned and said, “I’ll take care of it.”
  Sure enough, It was Lindsay from PETA. “Hey, I got your fax”, I told her, “and as one progressive to another, I gotta tell ya, this is a pretty right-wing town, you know….could be an interesting experience…”
  She assured me the PETA people were ready for anything that might come their way, and I told her we’d send somebody out to help the chicken cross the road.
  Having given my word, I was now committed.
  So, the following day, when I arrived at work in the morning, I told Walker (the operations manager) that I was going to lunch with Ashley, our web designer and afternoon talent on the country station.
  “Where you guys goin’?” he asked me.
  “KFC,” I told him.
  He shot me a look. “Dammit, Eddie, you just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?”
  I just grinned. “We’re just gonna take some pictures and stuff and I’m gonna bloggerize it.”
  He grumbled something about how PETA doesn’t believe in a free country, and reached into his pocket.
  “Here, you might as well take the Magic Bus”, he said, and tossed me the key.
  And away we went.

  Learned a few things too:

Leading animal behavior scientists from across the globe now tell us that chickens
are inquisitive and interesting animals whose cognitive abilities are more advanced than those of cats, dogs, and even some primates. Chickens understand sophisticated intellectual concepts, learn from watching each other, demonstrate self-control, worry about the future, and even have cultural knowledge that is passed from generation to generation. Dr. Chris Evans, who studies animal behavior and communication at Macquarie University in Australia, says, “As a trick at conferences, I sometimes list these attributes, without mentioning chickens, and people think I’m talking about

And he ain’t kiddin’:

Weird Al Yankovic is hanging out someplace, mighta been the airport, and a fan comes up to him and says hello. That fan happens to be Paul McCartney. “I love your stuff,” enthuses the former Beatle. “Anytime you want to do one of my songs, its yours!!!”

Weird Al is thrilled, but stumped – he can’t figure out which song to do. After two years of fruitless pondering, it finally comes to him in the middle of the night. He sits bolt upright in bed, the passionate refrain to Live and Let Die ringing around his head. “Live and Let Die…Chicken Pot Pie! Yes!”
He contacted members of the orchestra that had played on the original Live and Let Die track, and flew them out to his studio. When he was ready to release the track, he contacted Sir Paul for approval. “I finally came up with the perfect song,” he enthused. But Sir Paul was not amused.

“Oh no…” he said. “I can’t possibly allow this – Linda would never have supported a song that celebrates the killing of chickens.”

Yankovic has performed the song live (he debuted it as part of his concert food medley during a 1992 tour) but Chicken Pot Pie is still, as yet, unreleased…

Somehow, I bet it’s gonna stay that way. Sorry, Weird Al. You’re just gonna have to stick to your bologna.
Promptly at eleven o’ clock, Ashley and I arrived at the Harrisonburg KFC.

No, the KFC marquee sign is not

Ashley (left) with the ear-pleasingly British-accented PETA activist wearing the body-screen video display

Thousands of Chickens Tortured by KFC Supplier

In July 2004, PETA revealed the results of an investigation into a KFC-supplying slaughterhouse in Moorefield, West Virginia, where workers were caught on video stomping on chickens, kicking them, and violently slamming them against floors and walls. Workers also ripped the animals’ beaks off, twisted their heads off, spat tobacco into their eyes and mouths, spray-painted their faces, and squeezed their bodies so hard that the birds expelled feces-all while the chickens were still alive. Dan Rather echoed the views of all kind people when he said on the CBS Evening News, “[T]here’s no mistaking what [the video] depicts: cruelty to animals, chickens horribly mistreated before they’re slaughtered for a fast-food chain.”

The world’s leading animal welfare experts condemned the cruelty at this KFC supplier. Colorado State University professor of animal science, biomedical sciences, and philosophy, university distinguished professor, and university bioethicist Dr. Bernard Rollin writes, “I can unequivocally state that the behavior I saw exemplified in [this] videotape was totally unacceptable. … The tape showed evidence of a work force that apparently failed to recognize that chickens are living sentient beings capable of feeling pain and distress.”

Apparently, the video referred to in the above blockquoted text had been used on the previous night’s episode of CSI. Listen to the conversation with a truckdriver observing the protest from across the street from the KFC heard in this video of the Harrisonburg protest.

This activist wants to give you something to think about over lunch.

Routine Abuse and Neglect Found Inside German KFC Farm
Even in a country like Germany, where the rights of animals have been written into the Constitution and egg battery cages have been banned because of their inherent cruelty, chickens raised for food suffer hideous lives and miserable deaths. PETA investigators at a chicken farm in Bavaria (owned by Wiesenhof, one of Germany’s largest chicken producers) documented hideous and routine abuse of chickens being raised for KFC restaurants in Germany.

More video from the protest. Listen closely as an activist offers a possible reason why the chicken never actually did cross the road.

The chicken didn’t cross the road, but the kestrel did…

A kestrel stands with a chicken in avian solidarity.

For some final thoughts on this sort of thing, I can’t resist referring you back to Tiger Mom’s excellent diary from a few days back. No one I know realistically expects that we will see a worldwide vegan/vegetarian movement sweep the planet in our lifetime, but hey, if you must eat chicken, do chicken right.
Because, you see, after researching this piece, PETA, as entertaining as they often are (and intentionally so), convinced me of something:
KFC does chickens wrong.
Although I will certainly remain a committed omnivore, when it comes to chicken, I think I’ll take my business elsewhere.
We birds of a feather gotta stick together.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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CATAMOUNT TAVERN: It’s a long, long way from May to December

On the road leading to the Bennington Battle Monument is a statue of a Catamount on a granite pedestal. This was placed as a marker in rememberance of the Catamount Tavern. The Tavern was not named the Catamount Tavern until years after it stopped being a tavern. Whether known as Fay’s House, the Green Mountain Tavern, or the Catamount Tavern, it was the meeting place of Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys. It was here that they planned the assualts on New York and the British. It was here that, according to Vermont sources, the attack on Fort Ticonderoga was planned. The Tavern burned down in 1871.

Consider yourself at home.
Consider yourself one of the family.
We’ve taken to you so strong.
It’s clear we’re going to get along.
Consider yourself well in
Consider yourslef par to the furniture.
There isn’t a lot to spare.
Who cares?..What ever we’ve got we share!

Now open for business below the fold.

You hear this a lot:

Seeking to choke off a Republican rallying cry, the House’s top Democrat has told colleagues that the party will not seek to impeach President Bush even if it gains control of the House in November’s elections, her office said last night. (Dateline: 5/12/2006)

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) told her caucus members during their weekly closed meeting Wednesday “that impeachment is off the table; she is not interested in pursuing it,” spokesman Brendan Daly said.

Hey, Nancy, who died and made you Speaker of the house or something?
Oh, that’s right. The lock on discourse held by the Republicans did. The fearmongering, the ability to lie with impunity, the hate, the politics of division and class warfare, all died an ignominous and painful (painful, at least, if you’re a Republican) death on November 7th.
Cenk Uygur of Air America’s Young Turks, in his “The Biparitsan Myth” piece publised today on Daily Kos and Huffingto Post points out:

….the real proof is in the numbers. Twenty-nine House seats and six Senate seats changed from Republican to Democrat. None changed from Democrat to Republican. Not one.
That’s not bipartisanship. That’s a 35-0 blowout.

This repudiation to me suggests that there’s a little – shall we say – hostility among Americans to the neoconservative agenda.
Allow me to say it, directly:
They have FAILED.
They have failed to build on the incredible comity and goodwill offered to us by the world community after 9/11.
They failed to prevent the events of that horrible day in the face of every indication that  they were going to occur.
They have failed to capture and bring to justice the perpetrator of the murder of 2,749 Americans.
They have failed – those who were sworn – to uphold their oaths to preserve, protect, and defend  the Constitution of the United States.
They have failed to defend our countrymen from the danger they put them in abroad, and they have failed to defend them from the forces of nature at home.
With respect to value, decency, and the execution of their responsibilities as stewards of our country, the Republicans have succeeeded at exactly NOTHING.
Nothing. Nada, zip, zilch, bupkus.
A big fat fucking ZERO.
They have succeeded only at lying. And breaking the law. And exploiting the differences between us so that they become divisions.

This from a piece I found on

Leahy of late has had a fire in his belly, the likes of which we haven’t seen in a while. His sadness at the loss of comity and the discarding of basic Constitutional values under the Bush GOP has turned into outrage, and he has been consistently riveting in front of a crowd in recent months.

But since the election, that outrage has turned into inspiration, and it’s an inspiration he passed on to the crowd tonight. Like the speakers before him, Leahy was funny, thankful, exuberant… but there was an edge that was very serious. He related a conversation where he was recently asked if President Bush should be “worried” that he was now to be Chair of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee. The crowd started cheering.

“No, no” he said, calming the crowd, as if to be prepared for a softening of his rhetoric.

“No, he shouldn’t be worried. He should be terrified.”

And the room exploded.

Leahy went on to assure the crowd that, unlike “some in the administration,” he’d “actually read the Constitution,” and went on to promise that no judges nominated to the federal bench who would ignore that Constitution would ever get past his committee.

Be afraid, Mr. Bush. Be very afraid.

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark offers his views on the Bush Administration:

Articles of Impeachment


President George W. Bush


Vice President Richard B. Cheney,
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, and
Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. – – ARTICLE II, SECTION 4 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H.Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez have committed violations and subversions of the Constitution of the United States of America in an attempt to carry out with impunity crimes against peace and humanity and war crimes and deprivations of the civil rights of the people of the United States and other nations, by assuming powers of an imperial executive unaccountable to law and usurping powers of the Congress, the Judiciary and those reserved to the people of the United States, by the following acts:

1) Seizing power to wage wars of aggression in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, the U.N. Charter and the rule of law; carrying out a massive assault on and occupation of Iraq, a country that was not threatening the United States, resulting in the death and maiming of tens of thousands of Iraqis, and hundreds of U.S. G.I.s.

2) Lying to the people of the U.S., to Congress, and to the U.N., providing false and deceptive rationales for war.

3) Authorizing, ordering and condoning direct attacks on civilians, civilian facilities and locations where civilian casualties were unavoidable.

4) Threatening the independence and sovereignty of Iraq by belligerently changing its government by force and assaulting Iraq in a war of aggression.

5) Authorizing, ordering and condoning assassinations, summary executions, kidnappings, secret and other illegal detentions of individuals, torture and physical and psychological coercion of prisoners to obtain false statements concerning acts and intentions of governments and individuals and violating within the United States, and by authorizing U.S. forces and agents elsewhere, to violate the rights of individuals under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

6) Making, ordering and condoning false statements and propaganda about the conduct of foreign governments and individuals and acts by U.S. government personnel; manipulating the media and foreign governments with false information; concealing information vital to public discussion and informed judgment concerning acts, intentions and possession, or efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction in order to falsely create a climate of fear and destroy opposition to U.S. wars of aggression and first strike attacks.

7) Violations and subversions of the Charter of the United Nations and international law, both a part of the “Supreme Law of the land” under Article VI, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, in an attempt to commit with impunity crimes against peace and humanity and war crimes in wars and threats of aggression against Afghanistan, Iraq and others and usurping powers of the United Nations and the peoples of its nations by bribery, coercion and other corrupt acts and by rejecting treaties, committing treaty violations, and frustrating compliance with treaties in order to destroy any means by which international law and institutions can prevent, affect, or adjudicate the exercise of U.S. military and economic power against the international community.

8) Acting to strip United States citizens of their constitutional and human rights, ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to counsel, without charge, and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the Executive of a citizen as an “enemy combatant.”

9) Ordering indefinite detention of non-citizens in the United States and elsewhere, and without charge, at the discretionary designation of the Attorney General or the Secretary of Defense.

10) Ordering and authorizing the Attorney General to override judicial orders of release of detainees under INS jurisdiction, even where the judicial officer after full hearing determines a detainee is wrongfully held by the government.

11) Authorizing secret military tribunals and summary execution of persons who are not citizens who are designated solely at the discretion of the Executive who acts as indicting official, prosecutor and as the only avenue of appellate relief.

12) Refusing to provide public disclosure of the identities and locations of persons who have been arrested, detained and imprisoned by the U.S. government in the United States, including in response to Congressional inquiry.

13) Use of secret arrests of persons within the United States and elsewhere and denial of the right to public trials.

14) Authorizing the monitoring of confidential attorney-client privileged communications by the government, even in the absence of a court order and even where an incarcerated person has not been charged with a crime.

15) Ordering and authorizing the seizure of assets of persons in the United States, prior to hearing or trial, for lawful or innocent association with any entity that at the discretionary designation of the Executive has been deemed “terrorist.”

16) Institutionalization of racial and religious profiling and authorization of domestic spying by federal law enforcement on persons based on their engagement in noncriminal religious and political activity.

17) Refusal to provide information and records necessary and appropriate for the constitutional right of legislative oversight of executive functions.

18) Rejecting treaties protective of peace and human rights and abrogation of the obligations of the United States under, and withdrawal from, international treaties and obligations without consent of the legislative branch, and including termination of the ABM treaty between the United States and Russia, and rescission of the authorizing signature from the Treaty of Rome which served as the basis for the International Criminal Court.

Enough is enough.

It is time.

I’ll leave the details to the experts, but for now, I’ll say this much, and, for the moment, no more:

If it should chance to be
We should see
Some harder days
Empty larder days
Why grouse?
Always a-chance we’ll meet
To foot the bill
Then the drinks are on the house!
Consider yourself our mate.
We don’t want to have no fuss,
For after some consideration, we can state…
Consider yourself
One of us!

C&L: Leahy wants to investigate Laura Ingraham!!!!!

(Crossposted from Daily Kos)
UPDATE: I gotta give a hat tip to proudprogressiveca, who tipped me off to the C&L posting as a possible diary subject. He couldn’t do it himself; he’d already used his diary for the day. “…without whom none of this etc.”
Thanks, bud.

As we are all aware, among the Republican voter intimidation/suppression efforts put forth by the Republicans in the 2006 election was right-wing radio spewer Laura Ingraham encouraging her listeners to jam the Democratic voter assistance hotline.

Looks like she pissed off the wrong person.

Laura, were you so confident that we would lose, you were willing to stick your neck out that far?

You just may be about to get Anne Boleyn’d for your trouble.

Below the fold.

I’ll tell you what, Laura: like I said, you done went and pissed off the wrong person. It’s gonna suck to be you.

From Media Matters:

Ingraham encourages listeners to jam phone lines of Democratic voter assistance hotline

As the weblog Firedoglake first noted, during the November 7 edition of her nationally syndicated talk radio show, Laura Ingraham urged listeners to jam the phone lines of 1-888-DEM-VOTE, a voter assistance hotline sponsored by the Democratic Party. Ingraham stated: “I want you to call it and I want you tell us what you get when you call 1-888-DEM-VOTE. They’re on top of all of the shenanigans at the polling stations. One problem: you can’t get through.” Minutes later, while talking with a listener who called the hotline, Ingraham said: “Let’s keep ‘dem’ lines ringing.”

Mistake, Laura:

John Amato at Crooks and Liars is reporting that soon-to-be-Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is calling for DOJ to investigate Laura Ingraham’s call for her listeners to jam the Democratic voter assistance hotline.

He has the audio, it’s here.

Laura ingraham’s show is carried by the Talk radio Network which is also home to such luminaries as Michael Weiner Savage and Jerry Doyle.

Contact Talk Radio Network, and demand Ingraham’s suspension or termination in light of the potential investigation. Their affiliate relations number is (888) 383-3733. Emails can be sent to

Let’s make an example of Laura and get the airwaves free of this kind of crap, and while were at it, let’s talk about restoring the Fairness Doctrine.

It is time for the end of the reign of the AM hatemongers.

This is MY industry, and I take it very personally.  If a local station carries any TRN programming, call them and insist they drop it.

Attack. Now. End the catapultation of the propaganda.


Anthrax hoaxer was a FREEPER

Sevaral diaries on Daily Kos, including this one by KevinNYC, are reporting that Chad Castagana, the man arrested yesterday for sending anthrax scare letters to Nancy Pelosi, Keith Olbermann, David Letterman, Jon Stewart and others, was a frequent poster at Free Republic.
My love note to them, and my immediate demise as an occasional irritant on that website, are detailed on the jump.

Too cool for school.
Look at this post from the dKos thread linked above.
Here is the screenshot of the posting, which was pulled within three minutes, as well as my user ID having its posting privileges revoked.
Oh well.
Recently, when I got into wingnut trouble behind my calling out Bush on the air over habeas corpus, the diary I linked in the preceding became my most sucessful effort to date, and spawned a sequel.
From the original diary, I wish to quote kossack Delaware Dem, who has been proven right time and again:

The one thing I have learned about wingnuts. (29+ / 0-)

  They are cowards.  Little chickenshits.  They talk tough and make threats.  But they never back them up and run crying like little babies when challenged. 

  If you are receiving threats, immediately report them to the police or the FBI.  Terroristic threatening is a crime.

  Have courage. 

  My Photoblog, Milhouse’s Glasses

  by Delaware Dem on Fri Oct 20, 2006 at 07:47:46 PM EDT

  [ Reply to This ]

Banned from Free Republic. AGAIN. Heh. That’s my second damn screen name.
Guess I’ll have to come up with another one.

Forward, into the breach!

Tomorrow morning at 11:30, we’ll find out if I am worthy of being called “kestrel.”

I am damned sick of looking at this:

And now, I get to say why. On the air.
I get to go to the mat.
Details on the jump.

So we were without a Valley Perspectives program for this Sunday. All the shirts at the radio station are at seminars this week, so I’m answering phones.
Got a call from a guy who wanted to pay his bill. So I shunted that off to the ops manager, who put it on the speaker.
And I challenged the caller to a debate. And he accepted.
My opponent will be Chris Freund, Director of Policy and Communications for The Family Foundation of Virginia. The Big Pimp Daddy for the Marriage Amendment.
Questions to ask? Talk points to use? Traps I must not let myself be led into?
I will diary this again this evening on Daily Kos. Your moral support and input would be much appreciated.


Your complete GOP election information clearinghouse, courtesy of Chris Bowers at MyDD.

–AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl

–AZ-01: Rick Renzi

–AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth

–CA-04: John Doolittle

–CA-11: Richard Pombo

–CA-50: Brian Bilbray

–CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave

–CO-05: Doug Lamborn

–CO-07: Rick O’Donnell

–CT-04: Christopher Shays

–FL-13: Vernon Buchanan

–FL-16: Joe Negron
–FL-22: Clay Shaw
–ID-01: Bill Sali

–IL-06: Peter Roskam

–IL-10: Mark Kirk

–IL-14: Dennis Hastert

–IN-02: Chris Chocola

–IN-08: John Hostettler

–IA-01: Mike Whalen

–KS-02: Jim Ryun
–KY-03: Anne Northup

–KY-04: Geoff Davis

–MD-Sen: Michael Steele

–MN-01: Gil Gutknecht

–MN-06: Michele Bachmann

–MO-Sen: Jim Talent

–MT-Sen: Conrad Burns

–NV-03: Jon Porter

–NH-02: Charlie Bass

–NJ-07: Mike Ferguson

–NM-01: Heather Wilson

–NY-03: Peter King

–NY-20: John Sweeney

–NY-26: Tom Reynolds

–NY-29: Randy Kuhl

–NC-08: Robin Hayes

–NC-11: Charles Taylor

–OH-01: Steve Chabot

–OH-02: Jean Schmidt

–OH-15: Deborah Pryce

–OH-18: Joy Padgett

–PA-04: Melissa Hart

–PA-07: Curt Weldon

–PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick

–PA-10: Don Sherwood

–RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
–TN-Sen: Bob Corker

–VA-Sen: George Allen

–VA-10: Frank Wolf

–WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
–WA-08: Dave Reichert

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.

“Free-dohm? That is a WORSHIP word. You will not SPEAK it.”

Ah, but it is being spoken. It was spoken in Las Vegas.
Loudly and repeatedly, by peoplewho make up communities like this one, out from behind the keyboards, with boots (and sneakers, and Birkenstocks, and zoris, and probably a few bare feet) on the ground.
And it was spoken yet again in Vegas, and more recently than that.
What happens in Vegas sometimes becomes a subspace transmission.
Hailing frequencies open. Set a course below the fold, warp factor six.

Karl Rove’s new talking point for the Republicans is that the terrorists are like the Nazis, and anyone against the Iraq War is like the appeasers before World War II. If that doesn’t work they’re going to use Bush’s analogy, where bin Laden is a Klingon and he’s Captain Kirk .(Bill Maher)

Yeah. Right.
If that’s what Chimpy fucking McFlightsuit thinks,
he needs some time in here

and even if he DOESN’T think that, I’ve got plenty of other reasons to want to see him in there anyway.



Listening to soundbytes of Bush, I have noticed that whenever the “President” invokes a bogeyman or all the bogeymen in aggregate, one thing he almost always says, as he did in his speech at Marian College, is “They hate freedom.” I don’t know whether one of his speechwriters came up with this or not, but Dubya seems to be fond of the phrase.  He delivers the line with breathless sincerity always with a pregnant pause after, and he tends to repeat it.

This bothers me whenever I hear it, partly because of the simpleminded metaphor, “Freedom-R-US,” but it also reminds me of something I couldn’t quite recall.  Until now.  Bush’s use of the word freedom reminds of the old Star Trek episode, The Omega Glory.

Because, you see, Bushco’s understanding – or their respect for – the principles upon which this country was founded is clearly just a little distorted:

“Chiefs and sons of chiefs may speak the words, but the evil one’s tongue would surely turn to fire. I will begin …and you shall finish.  Ee’dplebnista norkohn forkohn perfectunun.”

Ah, yes, indeed, seems like we could use Captain Kirk to set the neocons straight

“No – no! Only the eyes of a chief may see the E Plebmnista!”
“This was not written for chiefs.”

the way he did Cloud William and the Yangs:

”Hear this! Among my people, we carry many such words as this from many lands, many worlds. Many are equally good and are as well respected, but wherever we have gone, no words have said this thing of importance …in quite this way. Look at these three words written larger than the rest with a special pride never written before or since –Tall words proudly saying … “We the people”.

That which you called Ee’d Plebnista was not written for chiefs or kings or warriors or the rich and powerful, but for all the people! …you have slurred the meaning of the words “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…do ordain and establish this constitution “.
These words,  and the words that follow were not written only for the Yang— but for the Kohms as well……
They must apply to everyone, or they mean nothing! Do you understand?


George W. Bush neither understands nor cares.

We do not have Captain Kirk to set Mr. Bush straight. But, in his absence, members of his crew have stepped in to make their best attempt.
At the Star Trek 40th anniversary convention in Las Vegas, the word was delivered.
By George Takei:


  “We’re really talking about America and the fundamental ideals that made this country great. But you know, what’s really worrisome is not only what happened more than 60 years ago, but what is happening to us today. We’ve got to relate history to today as well … When Pearl Harbor was bombed, this entire country was terrorized. And acting on terror, they rounded up people on the West Coast who looked like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor. We’d done nothing, there were no charges, no trial, no attorneys, no due process — we were simply rounded up and incarcerated in these barbed wire prison camps. The same thing is happening today” with Arabs, he said, apparently referring to the Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and “extraordinary rendition” controversies over detention and torture.

  Takei continued, “We have to be mindful and be able to act on the ideals of this country. And you know, when we talk about national security issues — to illustrate how crazy our policy makers are, we have intelligence that’s key to dealing with terrorism. Do you know that the military intelligence service is kicking out Arabic-speaking intelligence officers simply because they happen to be gay? Isn’t that stupid?! Which is more important, national security or homophobia?!” Applause from the audience.

  His ire rising, he went further: “You know, clearly with this administration what’s more important are the silly issues, like homophobia, when national security is a critical issue … I mean, George Bush says” — immediately there were grumblings from certain parts of the audience — “stay the course. Stay the course?! It’s a disaster in Iraq! This man isn’t able to deal with reality!” (Robust applause from the general audience.) “George Bush is staying on course” — (boos from a few) — “with that incompetent Donald Rumsfeld” — (a mixture of chagrin and delight from the audience) — “and that’s who brought us to this ridiculous, disastrous point.” General applause and supportive shout-outs.
  “So I think it’s very important that we know our history, and our history books have been much too mute on the incarceration of American citizens… What?”
Someone in the audience shouted “Left Coast loser!”
Takei said, “What? Who’s a Left Coast loser?” “You are!” “Oh,” Takei laughed, “oh I see! Well, you know, we believe in diversity of opinion as well, and so, y’know, you’re entitled to your opinion. But if you look at the reality — last month over 2,000 Iraqis died. That’s double what died in January. You’re the loser in this case!” Applause and cheers from most of the audience.

By Nichelle Nichols:

  “I think I would like to see this country reach its highest potential, so that democracy really means what it’s supposed to mean — not one person’s ideal, but a collective in which we can live together, live differently, appreciate one another’s differences, not ‘in spite of’ our differences. If you tell me that you love me ‘in spite of’ my color I resent it — I don’t love you in spite of yours. I take people one on one, and I see in your eyes when I look at you and you look at me, and if I’m there, then I know we’re one. And that’s what this world is supposed to be about, and that’s why we have a country as close to that opportunity as any country has ever come.”

  “And sir,” she continued, addressing the “Left Coast loser” guy, and her voice occasionally cracking, “I am proud that we live in a country where you too can speak your mind, your opinion.” (Applause.) “I believe that it is incumbent on every American, if you are going to be proud, if you are going to deserve being an American, if I’m going to deserve being an American, to never ever ever ever ever let terrorizing words, degrading words, make me less than American. I will stand tall, and if there is a 9/11 every week, they will not scare me!” (Rising applause.) “And they will not scare me to rescind my liberties, my rights, under the Constitution of this United States. I will not give George Bush the right to tape my conversations without cause” — referring, apparently, to the warrantless wiretapping controversy. “I will not do it. I will not allow them to frighten me from flying. I will not do it. I will not live in terror, I will not do it. And then I can say, God bless America.”

And by Walter Koenig:

“Of course, my silence notwithstanding, I totally support what George and Nichelle have said. We live in dire times, and … with the possible exception of the silly man over there…” (referring to “Left Coast loser” guy) “…Star Trek fans do come together and have a homogeneous point of view in terms of trying to achieve some kind of world where we can all live together — where there is peace and we have our cultural differences and our ethnic differences … and still we manage to find a unity and a purpose that can move us into the future together. That’s what this is all about, and you folks, time after time, have proven to us that you want to be part of that. I think that’s the most inspirational thing about Star Trek these days, are the fans, and how they have marshaled their forces to help that come true.”

Takei and Koenig continued answering questions for the final 10 minutes of their session, with some praise from Koenig for William Shatner: “He was the right man at the right time to play Captain Kirk … and I think that’s why the show, despite the fact that we’re four decades old, continues to have a shelf life.” And Takei spoke further, in less charged tones, about issues of discrimination, but also extended an olive branch toward “Left Coast loser” guy: “I respect this gentlemen who had the courage to speak up because he has different political ideas, and it’s that kind of discussion that makes my political ideas that much stronger. And I would advise you to relate your political ideas to the realities that are happening on the ground.”

Once it was time to wrap up, Takei and Koenig stood and spontaneously broke out into a rendition of “God Bless America.” It was at that point that Nichols came back on stage, and joined them arm-in-arm for the final refrain: “God bless America, our home sweet home.”

A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away.
  — Dr. Boyce, “The Menagerie” (“The Cage”), stardate unknown

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth.”
“Or by misleading the innocent.”
  — Spock and McCoy, “And The Children Shall Lead”, stardate 5029.5.

Cheney: No Doubt Saddam Has WMD
Aug. 26, 2002
Dick Cheney, Vice President
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.”

“[A]ny time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap … a wiretap requires a court order.” – President Bush, April 20, 2004.

Do you know that you’re one of the few predator species that preys even on itself?
… Trelane, “The Squire of Gothos,” stardate 2124.5..

“There are some who feel like that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is bring them on,” Bush said.

On September the 11th, we resolved that we would go on the offense against our enemies — and we would not distinguish between the terrorists and those who harbor or support them. So we helped drive the Taliban from power in Afghanistan. We put Al Qaeda on the run, and killed or captured most of those who planned the 9/11 attacks — including the man believed to be the mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He and other suspected terrorists have been questioned by the Central Intelligence Agency — and they have provided valuable information that has helped stop attacks in America and across the world. Now these men have been transferred to Guantanamo Bay, so they can be held to account for their actions. Usama bin Laden and other terrorists are still in hiding. Our message to them is clear: No matter how long it takes, America will find you, and we will bring you to justice.
George W. Bush, 9/11/2006

“And, again, I don’t know where he is,” Bush said (of bin Laden) during the 2002 news conference. “I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. “

No more blah, blah, blah!
… Kirk, “Miri,” stardate 2713.6..

“I do not fully understand, one named Kirk. But the holy words will be obeyed. I swear it.”
Kirk replies: “Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words.”


Trackin’, shootin video,
I’m trackin’, wherever they may go
Campaigning, by now they gotta know,
we’ll just keep trackin’ on.

George Felix Allen, he called a young man a macaca
And boy did he ever step right in a huge pile of caca
The camera was rolling; the video went up on YouTube
America! George Felix Allen’s a racist boob…

WaPo, and the Daily Show,
Sound bites on the radio,
Countdown with our friend Keith O,
We’ll just keep trackin on….

Most times, a camera’s pointed at you,
Better watch what you say and do,
The Internet’s a series of tubes,
What a strange new trip this is!

-with apologies to the Grateful Dead

Have you noticed, ever since Le Brouhaha Macaca kicked in, we’re hearing endless debates on the karmic implications of trackers following candidates wherever they go and catching every word they say hoping to get lucky like “whatshisname in the yellow shirt”?

  Democrat:”It’s a good thing because it keeps them honest.” 

  Republican:”It’s a bad thing because it makes them act like robots and you never see the real person.”

  At least, that was the way I was hearing it until I checked the Bennington Banner’s site today:

“Unfortunately, taping candidates seems to be a new part of the political process,” said Carolyn Dwyer, campaign manager for state Sen. Peter Welch, who is running for Congress.

  Peter Welch seems to have acquired a tracker. But one of the many ways in which Welch differs from Allen: he doesn’t seem to know exactly who the tracker works for. Martha’s people say it isn’t her:


“This campaign did not hire anyone to tape Sen. Welch, ever,” said Brendan McKenna, spokesman for the Republican candidate. “The Rainville campaign has a policy of not recording any political events of our opponents.”

Brendan’s getting plenty of opportunity to polish this rap:

Professor complained

Two weeks ago, a Community College of Vermont professor complained that a campaign aide for Gov. Jim Douglas misrepresented himself before videotaping an appearance at a community college class in White River Junction.

Rainville denies

Rainville spokesman Brendan McKenna denied any involvement by Rainville’s camp.

He couldn’t say why the videographer allegedly told the Welch campaign he’d been hired by Rainville. “If the cameraman says he was hired by the campaign, he’s lying,” said McKenna.

  Well, DUHH. Of course Martha’s not going to admit to trying for a macaca moment. See, there’s those pesky pledge cards. Brendan’s afraid if he pulled some shit like that he’d get a few in the mail covered with something that sounds like George Allen’s racial slur, and smells worse.

  So if the trackers don’t work for Martha, (assuming the trackers DON’T work for Martha) then who?


The dark forces that sent John McCain or Laura Bush out our way?

Free Republic?

Who cares?

The YouTubing of American politics is reality.

A Buddhist sage once observed, “If you understand the world, the world is the way it is. If, however, you do not understand the world, then the world is the way it is.”

It’s not like push-polling. You have people who will volunteer for this stuff just for a shot at their fifteen minutes.

So the reality of the situation is pretty clear.

You watch your step, or you end up taking an unscheduled trip through the tubes of the internet, and those tubes are not trucks, but intestines.

And you come out covered with macaca.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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Snarky Boy: Also-ran blogger, also-ran troll, world class psycho. (UPDATED)

Despite what you will read herein, Snarky’s blog now permits commenting.

Those of you who have managed to keep their gorge down while following the Snarky Boy issue here on Green Mountain Daily, for the most part, have undoubtedly come to the same conclusion. While the Boy is not without talent, he has chosen to take the path of confrontational behavior, ad hominem attacks, and simple namecalling. In short, he appears to be a candidate for Zyprexa: an overactive mind hampered by a type of social retardation all too common in the blogosphere.
More analysis of the psychology of a troll with feelings of inadequacy –  and an UPDATE – below the fold.

UPDATE: I received an email – actually, several of them – from Snarky last night promising a response to this post on her own blog. I fought the temptation to look at it during the workday ALL DAY LONG, fearing it would distract me from my duties and lure me into composing an intricate multipoint response.
I needn’t have worried.
What I got was disappointed. A picture of a chick. Wow. According to one of the Snarky emails I got last night, in spite of this, Snarky is a chick. (If you  can forgive this here dude the slightly sexist diminutive on this occasion.)
You can find the email excerpt in the comments.
Then, we get:

But they’re just fragile little bloggers over there. We know that. Why else would they attack the Snarky Boy and then lock him out — thus preventing a response?

Never mind the fact that she has it backwards: someone locked her out (not me), THEN I attacked.
Be that as it may.

I call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man blogger whose own blog allows NO ONE to comment. Again, there’s that gosh darn “point the finger and point three back at yourself” thing. Frickin’ annoying, isn’t it?
Fill your hand, you (son of a?) bitch.

Ah, watch the site meter jump!

Didn’t see a site meter, Snark. Can you point me to it? You obviously have my email address.
Oh, Snarky was full of brilliant insight:

Too bad I already jumped your wife’s bones. But enjoy the sloppy seconds….

Hmmm! Well, what can I say to that but….
Yo mama.
And Snarky seems to have a fixation with milady:

Go fuck your ugly wife.

Again, what am I left with as an appropriate response but:
Yo mama.
But then there’s the EXCITING news, in a post prior to Snarky’s weak-kneed response to this diary:

The Snarkmaster has been invited to submit sample tapes for what could be a soon-to-be-announced Snarky Radio Show! Imagine that!

Oh, BOY. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh yip dippity doo. PLEASE stream. I don’t even need a toll free number to call in. I’ll GLADLY pay for the calls. We’ll see how most of an adult life in the business does against a homemade aircheck.

Welcome to MY world, Snarky.
Maybe Snarky needs a producer, or some imaging for the show. All she needs do is ask. Music beds? I got ’em. Cooledit? I know it. Big baaaaad voice? I can get one.
No charge to a fellow liberal trying to get started in the business.

After all, once he?she? gets on the air, we’ll find out which time he/she lied: in the profile stating “Gender:Male” or in the email to me stating “I’m a woman, you fool.”

Can’t wait.
But I hope the radio show is better than the response to this diary, or it won’t be long for the world.
Actually, it almost can’t help but be. Because I know Snarky can do better than THAT shit.
Cheers! 🙂 

That’s right, I said “all too common”.
I have a morbid fascination with blog trolls. I don’t know why – it’s a lot like rubbernecking
the scene of a four-car pileup, hoping (yet not admitting it to yourself) to see a severed body part – but I do. I’m not proud of it, but on the other hand, Thomas Noguchi, coroner to the stars, was said to have his issues too.
  I’m not alone. The morbid fascination with socially retarded trolls at one point dominated the leading political blog in America, Daily Kos:

Delete my fucking account, Kos
by ErrinF [Subscribe]
Thu Aug 03, 2006 at 05:15:24 PM EDT

  I want out of this farce of a website. I thought this was on open forum for progressives to
discuss their views. Instead, it is little more than the internet wing of the Democratic
propoganda machine. Now that I want out, a fair minded and liberal website would let me delete my
account and go. Instead, DailyKos will give me no such option. Like some sort of cult, I was
welcomed in freely but am now being barred from leaving. I do not want to simply leave and let my
info remain here at a website I am disgusted by and want no further part in. Since Kos won’t
allow me the decent option of deleting my account (just about every blog DOES let you delete your
account when you want to), then somebody here needs to delete my account for me. To deny me
deletion of my own account is unacceptable.

  * ErrinF’s diary :: ::

  You all suck. A lot of you wouldn’t know what a progressive thought was if it bit you in the
ass. To you, a progressive thought is whatever the Democratic party line spoonfeeds you. A
tremendous amount of you are Democrats because mommy and daddy were Democrats. Churches and
political parties are full of blind conformists that are simply towing the line they’ve been told
to from the get go, with little regard to actual political thought, let alone progressive
political thought. The amount of blind conformity that goes on in America is what fuels the
corrupt two party system. DailyKos exemplifies blind conformity, and I regret any and all
association I have had with it. I should be allowed to delete my account and go; Why should I be
forced to stay amid this pathetic cult of personality? The herd mentality that goes on here
sickens me now, AND I WANT OUT. Regardless of my personal experience here, EVERYBODY WHO SIGNED UP TO THIS WEBSITE SHOULD BE FREE TO DELETE THEIR ACCOUNTS IF THEY SO WISH TO. For Kos to deny us
this is downright fascist.
  Since I can’t delete my account myself, my only recourse is to be as abrasive and disruptive as
I can be UNTIL MY ACCOUNT GETS DELETED. As long as my account remains here, I do not feel
comfortable leaving. Is it really such a tough request to delete my account so I can go? Just
what kind of website lets you join up but won’t let you leave? One that regards people as little
more than statistics, that’s what. How like the Democratic Party for Kos to view his site’s
members as little more than statistics.
  DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT, KOS. You don’t want me hanging around, and neither do I.

This psychotic raving generated 1607 comments on Daily Kos. But the joke soon got old, and ErrinF was, of course, banned. A subsequent diary posted by a sockpuppet was deleted midstream by administrators, (I have a copy if anyone wants it. Great snark in the comments. Pure comedy gold.) at which point ErrinF, using sockpuppets, spent a morning vandalizing diary tags.
This example was pulled from one of many diaries vandalized by ErrinF:

Tags: Joe Lieberman, CT-Sen, Ned Lamont, DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT, You all STILL suck. This so-called blog is nothing but a one-sided bullshitfest of small-minded partisan
drones. There’s no REAL political dialogue going on here, just a bunch of collective backrubs and
liberal reacharound. To top it all off, this farce of a fool’s paradise heavily depends on
censorship to control all political debate and stifle all opposition and dissent. I’m going to
liberate my ErrinF account from this ship of fools, and that’s fucking that., What do you think
this is? A chicken party?! DELETE MY FUCKING ACCOUNT ALREADY, KOS. There is no room for argument here. When a person opens an account at, the email they are sent from this website specifically says “Our system will delete the account automatically if it remains unused.”. That means accounts CAN be deleted, so delete my fucking ErrinF account. As long as it remains active, which means I can login as ErrinF and see ErrinF among the users for this site, I will remain
active here. (all tags) :: Add/Edit Tags to this Story

So Snarky Boy may feel himself unique, original, and funny, but even as an attention-seeking troll, we see that he is massively outclassed. He wants attention so badly, perhaps he could take some lessons from ErrinF. 
If that’d even help his cause.
Because Snarky Boy wouldn’t last half an hour on Daily Kos. Any number of people there would make him run home crying to mommy.

Oh, and the ErrinF diary seen above was obtained through the site of another dKos serial troll, Cynthia “Harriet” Haynes of California’s Bay Area. And not the tony part of the Bay Area, either.

I am comfortable with the “outing” because she outs herself on her own website. Cynthia has been known to the Daily Kos community by a number of names, which puts her nicely in the same class as Snarky: she has been “herself”, “unbe”, “beaten down”, “Bug Girl”, “skpp”, “zzberlin”, and one more, I think, that I can’t recall at the moment. Cynthia even went so far as to attempt to register the name “dailykos” as a trademark. Snarky has yet to show any such creativity, instead preferring to break his own arm patting himself on the back, declaiming his superiority as a wordsmith while slamming the work of others.
  With a little help from his army of sock puppets.
Here’s the diary from “herself” that was ultimately deleted, due to…..due to…..well, look for yourself and I’m sure you’ll understand.

Can Snarky Boy be far behind Harriet? Who, on her ftp page, has posted a picture of a vial of injectable Zyprexa?

Let’s see.


The final character in this play is Ed Garcia. Ed is banking on one and only one
quality: The seemingly ethnic quality of his name. He’s clearly hoping that a man named “Garcia”
will be given a free pass in the liberal community of Central Vermont. He hasn’t, after all,
proven much in his arguments. And he’s been more than willing to fire his punitive pistol at anyone who dares to utter an alternative opinion to his mighty hero, Odum.

(Pinche cabron, él puede aspirar mi velga. -eg)

Why, dear Odum, do you keep deleting my access to your beloved website?…..Change sucks. Give it up, white boy.


The not-so-fine folks at Green Mountain Daily have banned me from their site. Imagine that. Boy, that took them several days longer than I predicted. Pussies.


Ever feel like you’re rolling a boulder up hill? Well you should. You don’t know who you’re fucking with, but it’s not Pollina or Dubie. I fight like you fight — only better.Keep fucking with me, Odum. But sooner or later, you’ll learn.

From: Snarky Boy (
Sat, 19 Aug 2006 21:13:31 -0700 (PDT)
Green Mountain Daily

Re-install Snarky Boy’s ID or let’s have a war.
It’s your choice.

Pedantic, with a pot-kettle problem to boot:

If we focus on Lieberman — not “Liberman”, as Odom writes

And I like this one:

Speak English, my friend. This “sock puppet” stuff isFrench to me.

FRENCH? Does SnarkyBoy intend to accuse Odum of being a “surrender monkey?” Will SnarkyBoy serve freedom fries at the next Vermont blogger’s barbecue? We have already established that Snarky has a bit of a race problem. Will Snarky now call me a macaca?
Does he have the stones?

No, I think Snarky Boy is singing castrati.

It doesn’t take a great mind to see that Snarky Boy, who calls people “pussies” in his misogynistic styling, has a problem of his own with intestinal fortitude:

SnarkyBoy  (1.00 / 1) [delete comment]
is a PUNK cuz of he comes to GMd and post all this bULLSHIT and goes to all diffrent dairies but then you go to his sorry ass bolg and you cant post no coments. Thats pretty chikenshit. he could mess up somebody elses blog up but dont let anybody talk on his. if snarky Boy would turn on his coments i would say all kinds of stuff. And make Snaky Boy look Wicked STUPID.
by: Dragline @ Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 14:39:58 PM EDT

Jesus. Obviously, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see what Snarky’s really about: he wants to fight us over here so he doesn’t have to fight us over there.

So what, then, in conclusion, have we established about Snarky Boy? He has a race problem; he uses misogynistic slurs,

[hidden comment] All talk… (0.00 / 3) [delete comment]
…but no real diaries. Everybody now: Odum is a pussy. Oops, make that: Odum is a pasty pussy.

Oh yeah, we’re having fun now.

by: Snarky Boy @ Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 20:46:34 PM EDT
[ Reply |

he has accused Odum of marital infidelity –

[hidden comment]  Ew.  (0.00 / 3) [delete comment]
Did you say co-mingle? I knew you fucked Charity. I just knew it.

by: Snarky Boy @ Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 20:58:19 PM EDT
[ Reply | ]

did Charity catch that, where Snarky accused Odum of sleeping with her? Did Charity’s husband catch that? Did Odum’s wife?
And when we combine that with Snarky’s obvious self-absorption, he begins to look more and more like a Republican – or perhaps, Joe Lieberman. Which would explain his “Ned Lamont” sockpuppet identity.

Then there’s the matter of Odum’s car, in the midst of a cloud of threatening and self-aggrandizing emails from Snarky,  being broken into, and his cellphone stolen, as well as an ashtray full of change. I wonder what being a housepainter pays?
I can think of another housepainter with similar complexes: delusions of grandeur, race issues…down, Godwin! Down! Good boy.

Only thing is, if Snarky seeks a final solution to the GMD question, he’s going about it wrong. He doesn’t have near the charisma, near the acumen, nor does he have a cute little mustache. As far as I know.

Snarky Boy. Bigoted, attention-craving, an also-ran as a blogger, and given to threats, name-calling, and attempts at intimidation. All while hiding behind a pseudonym.
It’s really too bad. A lot of wasted potential there. Snarky Boy gives me another reason to wish, desperately, I could get back to Vermont. I would like to meet Snarky Boy.
No, that is not a threat of violence. I sincerely mean that. I could see some good times resulting from that: some beers, some bong hitz, and a high speed connection.
But first, Snarky would have to learn a very important concept: that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

  What the fuck’s wrong with
  you, kid?!

  I don’t have time for your
  bullshit, Billy.  What do you

    My stage is no place for your
  personal shit!

  That’s life, man.

  Life my ass, motherfucker!
  This is a business, and you’re
  not too far gone to see that.
  (a beat)
    I’ve told you this before.
  You’re not pulling them in
  like you used to.  The only
  person who gives a fuck about
  your music is yourself.

  Fuck off!

  But Billy can’t help laughing–

  Just like your old man…

  Prince shoots him a threatening look–

  Yeah — you got it.  Tell me
  I’m wrong.
  (a beat)
    You’re not blind.  Look around
  you.  No one’s digging you.

  Prince turns away–

  Look at your band.  Are they
  in here right now?  They’re
  out there ’cause they can’t
  stand being in the same room
  with you.
  (a beat)
  Aw, buddy. What a fucking waste…like
  father, like son–

  Lay off that!

  Billy turns to go–

  Take your head out of your
  ass, kid, check it out —
  unless you like the view up
  there.  Your music doesn’t
  make sense to anyone but

    He closes the door behind him.  Prince
  stands dully a moment, then sits heavily
  in a chair.  Exhaustion suddenly
  overwhelms him.  He rests his head in
  his hands, moments tick by…

  He shakes himself awake — Morris and
  Jerome stand by the door–

  That was fucked up what you
  did man.  Morris doesn’t like
  it. And I don’t like it either.

  I don’t care.

  Hee, hee…huh, it’s obvious
  you don’t have what it takes
  to be on top.

  He pulls an envelope from his pocket–

  But to show you that I’m
  sympathetic to your problems –
  – here’s a pass to our show
  tomorrow night.  Enjoy it.

  They leave.  Then Morris sticks his head
  into the doorway–

  Oh…….Don’t forget to bring a
  girlfriend.  Whawhak!

  Snarky: I know you don’t want me to, but I love you anyway. Neener neener neener.
  Good night, and good luck.

  This is my face, dear Snarky.


  Make a dartboard.

  -Eddie Garcia, Harrisonburg, VA

  dKos: kestrel9000

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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CT-Sen:AntiSemitism? I found some, and it’s Republican.

Many scurrilous charges have been leveled by the nutjob wing of America displeased over the casting-out of Joe Lieberman. We have heard the Vice-President associate Ned Lamont with AlQaeda, we’ve heard Republicans call this a victory for the terrorists……

and they talk their shit, and we snicker. Bwahahahaha. The fear and smear dog is ceasing to hunt.

But what if I told you there are right-wing, even REPUBLICAN nut jobs who are PLEASED- beside themselves with joy, in fact – that Joe has been shown the door by the Democrats?

Make no mistake, they’re out there.

You are about to enter the land of the scumbag. Get that antibacterial soap ready, and make sure your water heater is ready for that hot shower. You’re gonna need it.

It’s gonna get ugly below the fold.
(crossposted from Daily Kos)

Meet Hal Turner.

Self-professed Republican, racist nutjob, and shortwave radio host, not to mention the proprietor of a wonderfully hateful little website.

If you can stomach it, before we get into Joe here, I want to give you a little perspective.

(I’ve waited for an excuse to bring this asswipe to the attention of the blogosphere for a long time now, and I can’t BELIEVE it took me FIVE DAYS to think of checking his game after the CT-Sen primary. I’m slipping. Forgive me.)

Here’s a sampling of front-paged hatefests you’ll find there:



WHen you read this MSNBC story, take note of how they carefully avoid telling you that ALL FIVE ARE BLACK!



Whether they’re in California, New York or darkest Africa, negroes just can’t help being negroes. Tell me again how “we’re all equal?”



Tell me again how “They’re just coming here to work hard and better their lives?”

Those of you who still think illegal aliens should be given “a path to citizenship” really need to get your head out of your ass. They BROEK OUR LAW to come here. Do you really think they’ll bother obeying any of our othe laws? Stop being stupid. Speak out: “Build a wall; Deport them all!”



Jew-run media “shocked” at “intolerance.” Of course, the jew media is not shocked by grown men jack-hammering each other in the ass. . . . but then again, perversion and degeneracy is the hallmark of the filthy jew!!

Had enough?





Study shows almost all of the 500 murders in Los Angeles from 1994-2000 were black-on-black or Hispanic-on-Hispanic!

Tell me again how “we’re all equal?” You don;t see whites doing this kind of violence on the same scale as blacks and hispanics. When will some of you wake up to the fact that non-whites are GENETICALLY different from whites to such an extent as to make them living among us a bad thing?

Some of you are so afraid of being called a racist, you are actually willing to ignore 500 murders for the sake of political correctness. Get your head out of your ass and start speaking out even if you ARE called “racist!”

If we Whites don’t do something now, we will lose America to these non-white savages!


Yep, they’re out there.

Here’s the Hal Turner take on the CT-Senate primary, with some comments from his haloscans………


One thing first.

I want to show you the death threat I got trolling his boards a few months ago. We’ll get to Joe, I promise………

It all started with an objection to the racist attacks on immigrants that are grist for the Hal Turner mill:




    Al Rejas | 04.29.06 – 1:08 am | #

To which I responded creatively.

I think y’all pissed this guy off.

My website offers a solution to dealing with the anger of such people.

Bob Dobalina | Homepage | 04.29.06 – 7:03 pm | #

Shitskinner wrote:

Bob Dobalina, We know where you’re at now. And we’re going to take you out. You really fucked up posting here. We have you’re IP address. We have you’re home address. We know all about you. You really did fuck up, you’ll see!……..

Gee, pinky, if you know all that, then you also know I hold an FFL with a Class III SOT.

Think about it.

Bob Dobalina | Homepage | 04.30.06 – 2:39 pm | #

I occasionally correspond with Daryle Jenkins, the head guy of an antifa group called One People’s Project. He likes Hal about as much as I do:

Hey long time no hear! I will keep you posted, but we are about to play with Turner again. And I see they LOVED your homepage link!


ANY-way. On to Joementum. Hal and his sicko cultists are happy he lost too – but their reasons are a little different than ours.

Published Wednesday, August 9, 2006 11:52 AM EDT




Jew news stories and opinion columnists are already screaming how unfair and wrong it is to oust Lieberman. One Democrat columnist (jew) in the New York Post even wrote “So now that the wackadoo wing of the party has a bloody scalp, what are they going to do with it? Wave it at Islamic terrorists in Iraq and Lebanon and Afghanistan and Indonesia and Great Britain and Spain and Israel and New York and declare peace?”

Hal Turner answers, “no, they’re waving the bloody scalp at JEWS and declaring peace! And that WILL work because all these wars have been driven by neo-con jews who are more interested in protecting Israel than they are doing what’s right for the United States.”

He links to this article in the NY Daily News. Then…… there’s the comments.

Hold on to your gorge.

BUT: when you hear the right wing asswipes make veiled charges of antiSemitism against Democrats who voted out Joe Lieberman, they should know this about Hal fucking Turner:

(oh, and speaking of Fox News……)

Turner’s case is particularly instructive, because he not only is unusually — even eagerly and proudly — vile, he also has history of activity within the Republican Party. On top of that, he reportedly has (or had) a friendship with one of the conservative media’s leading figures: Limbaugh Jr. himself, Sean Hannity.

What it illustrates is how the dynamic of the transmission belt works: the extremist side of the equation provides the mainstream right-wing agitators with a fresh supply of outrage and talking points, and the mainstream connections give the far right a legitimacy, a connection with the larger political discourse, they would not otherwise have.

During the 1990s, Turner made a habit of calling into Hannity’s WABC radio program as “Hal from North Bergen,” one of the show’s regular callers. “Hal” liked to say increasingly outrageous things: in August 1998, according to the One People’s Project profile [Google cache],

he remarked on Hannity’s show that “if it weren’t for the white man, blacks would still be swinging from the trees in Africa.” Hannity not only failed to rebuke “Hal” for the remark, he continued plugging into Turner whenever he called.

Turner in fact had a history of quasi-racist activism, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which profiled Turner last year:

    As early as 1994, he was defending racism, holding a rally for New York radio talk show host Bob Grant, who had been fired from his show for making racist comments about blacks. In the late 199s, Turner often called in to local radio shows as “Hal from North Bergen,” telling their hosts things like, “The problem with police brutality is that cops don’t use it enough.”

All this culminated in 2000, when Turner stepped forward to run for the Republican nomination for Congress in his home district in New Jersey. He appeared on Hannity’s Fox News program and received his old friend’s endorsement. Turner himself has claimed that during this time, he and Hannity were “good friends.” Hannity himself has since remained mum on the subject — because as noxious as Turner may have been before 2000, afterward, his true stripes became unmistakable.

Turner lost that race, and it became something of a turning point for his ideological career. Where before his bigotry had been of the “edgy” variety, he soon openly embraced the ideology of various hate groups and white supremacists, as the SPLC explained:

    In 2000, Turner sought the local Republican nomination for Congress, and was enraged when GOP leaders instead supported Theresa de Leon, a dark-skinned Hispanic who was the chief financial officer for New York’s Legal Aid Society and the mother of 10 children. It was at this moment that Turner had a reported “epiphany,” deciding the system was rigged against white men and abandoning all ties to the mainstream.

    Not long after, he started up “The Hal Turner Show,” renting time on shortwave radio maverick Allan Weiner’s WBCQ, located in Monticello, Maine.

    Building up a substantial audience and paying for the five-nights-a-week, two-hour show with advertising and donations, he became a favorite of many on the radical right, including several in the neo-Nazi National Alliance*. After neo-Nazi World Church of the Creator* leader Matt Hale was arrested in late 2002 for allegedly soliciting the murder of a federal judge, Turner openly supported Hale.

Hal Turner. AntiSemite. Racist nutjob. Nose problem. Republican.

And perhaps only unusual among Republicans in that he is out front about what he is.

Oh, I almost forgot: a little love note I got from Hal after I tried spraying some of the above information all over his haloscans:

Subject:     Nice try

Date:     Sun, 30 Oct 2005 17:29:45 -0500

From:     Hal Turner <>


None of your lies are getting published.  Nice try, though.

They’re published now, Hal. And I don’t think they’re lies.

Have a nice day.