All posts by Ed Garcia

HILLARY: Okay, I f***ing LOVE her.

Now you know.
That’s what all that was REALLY about.
But I can’t hide from it anymore. I’ve been in some serious denial.
This could mean the loss of some hard-earned progressive cred.
And to add insult to injury, it could also have a somewhat adverse effect on my marriage.

How do I love Hillary? Let me count the ways.

Sub folda.

Okay, first of all, Bob Johnson can kiss my kestrel ass.

He’s going to go around and talk shit on my babygirl.

What’s up with this kiss and tell thing, Bob?

Look, I’m a lousy lover. Dozens of former girlfriends and my wife will attest to this fact. I’m as lazy as George Bush. It’s all about me. All the time.


I never would have figured you for the type, Bob.

That said, we clearly see that Bob Johnson does not possess my mad skillz in such matters.

After I make love to a woman, the neighbors light cigarettes.

Anyway, when I’ve got some serious, pent-up emotion invested in this kind of shit….like now…..

I’m just a love machine. A huggin’ kissin’ thing.

So never mind that…that…THING I put up here about hating Hillary. I could never hate her….I was just LASHING OUT, okay?

This is why I love Hillary…..and want her to have my baby:

Because hippie chicks are hot.

Because she swings both ways, and God, I love that in a woman.

Because she helps me mail my letters.

Because I want to be more than just a chapter in somebody’s book.

Because she would wash my back.

Because she doesn’t pick her nose.

Because Hillary has her priorities straight……

Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Because the enemy of my enemy who tries to make nme think my enemies are actually my friends…or is it the enemy of my enemy who tries to make me think my friends are my enemies AND my enemies are my friends is my friend even if she voted with the enemy who said our enemies were a whole nother somebody else who ain’t nobody at all that we was just talkin’ about?

Because we’re not all like that.

Because my current side action is going psycho on me.

Because I shall demonstrate the meaning of “inadequate” to Little Willy.
Most of you know my first name is Eddie.
Occasionally, someone will address me as “Mr. Ed.”
I fully expect that will occur again in the near future.

Because Hillary looks hot in leather.

Because she has a Buddy Jesus. I want a Buddy Jesus.

Because her situational awareness impresses me……..

Because Bob Johnson told me about that thing she does with her tongue.

I’m confident it’ll work out.


Nope (1+ / 0-)

People who are being PAID to like Hillary.  this is actually a pretty good investigation and I thinbk it’s a story that deserves attention.  It’s not just calling out all the Hillary defenders.  It’s calling out the people whose IP addresses come from her office.

Yeah that’s right.

mwOOOOOOOhahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!! And soon, we will crush you all as insects.

Right on  (1+ / 4-)

It is once again another pro-Hillary spin diary. 

Curses, foiled again. And I’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for that meddling kid.

HILLARY: Why I f***ing HATE that b****

Okay, this is what’s up here. For those who are haters of all things Hillary, this is obviously your day on another, highly trafficked, very high-profile orange and white blog.
Look, I don’t much like her either. I’ll support her if she gets the nomination, but for God’s sake, do we HAVE to go through that?
That said, I’m sensing a need for catharsis, for some damned reason, so let’s get this over with:
(I’m still trying to work up the nerve to post this you-know-where)

Two Minute Hate: A daily ritual. Everyone assembles in front of the telescreen at eleven hundred for a two-minute program that shows Hillary Clinton, the Enemy of the People, and marching enemy soldiers. This is a highly emotional moment and it is impossible even for Winston to avoid joining in: ‘A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledgehammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.’ (Part 1, Chapter 1, pg. 16) At the end of Two Minute Hate, Big Brother’s face appears, inspiring everyone with relief and is followed by the three Party slogans.

Below the fold, if you must.

HILLARY: Reasons why I fucking HATE that bitch!

Because she has not fully disclosed her ties to the French Government.

Because she got busted.

Because she does not play well with others.

Because she cheated on Bill with Riff Raff.

Because she cheated on Bill with Rover.

Because she cheated on Bill with my wife. (All is forgiven, dear. Please come home before you max out another credit card.)

Because word gets around in baby circles.

Because I have a funny feeling I know what happened to this little guy.

Becasue she is a bad influence on Dick Cheney.

Because of what she does with anything she can’t eat.

Because she killed Vince Foster.

Because she killed Luke’s father.

Because she beats her husband.

Because she beats Barbara Boxer.

Because she supports reckless scientific research that shows a basic disregard for the sanctity of human life.

Because her ass act at the Super Bowl cost a bunch of TV stations millions of dollars in fineage.

And lastly, and most importantly:

I hate Hillary Fucking Clinton……
because God Himself, through his Messenger, told me to.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

View Results

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CATAMOUNT TAVERN: Alternative to Alternative Radio, Antipodal Almanac, and…uh…Additional……

“The first Sunday I sang in the church choir, two hundred people changed their religion.” -Ethan Allen

Happy Sunday! No blue laws in Vermont that I know of, so let’s open the bar. Warning: we’re drinking, smoking, playing loud music, and thumbing our nose at the Establishment, so check your sanctimony at the frickin’ door. First round’s on the house.
The ale is cold below the fold.

I was cruising Seven Days, as I frequently do, (looking for a job as often as not) and found this piece about a litle bitty radio station in Bridport.

Having a passing interest in radio myself, I read on and discovered, to my delight and surprise, that I KNOW the guy, from years and years ago. From CALIFORNIA. So Vermont is where you ended up, huh, Chip? Smart man.

Photo credit: Matthew Thorsen at Seven Days

When I was in my late twenties, I was doing the night shift at an AM oldies station in Stockton, CA. The engineer there was a guy by the name of Chip Morgan. One of the best engineers I’d ever known. Over the years, I’d seen him pop up here and there, writing technical columns for a little engineering trade called Radio Guide , formerly Radio Shopper.

Imagine my delight and surprise to discover that he’d settled in the Green Mountain State and created what I would call a dream existence, were it me.

“You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.” -Ethan Allen

On the one hand, Chip operates Wood Creek Farm.

Named for the southern section of Lake Champlain, Wood Creek Farm was originally a 1000 acre British land grant, and has been the home of generations of cattle since before the Revolution. Today it hosts a herd of Black Angus beef – the source of the most tender, juicy and flavorful meat money can buy. The farm is located in Vermont, across the lake from Crown Point – the Northernmost outpost of Revolutionary era America.

As if that wasn’t cool enough, Wood Creek Farm is also home to a radio station!

Talk about operating on another wavelength. But for Morgan and his wife Kathy, it’s commercial-free business as usual. At 89.3 FM (or for the stream-inclined), this 24-hour station – a.k.a. “Mud” – has been intriguing listeners across the Champlain Valley and the Internet since 2003. And thanks to the on-site solar grid and wind turbine, WMUD’s console powers itself.

Acoustically Oriented Music
WMUD features acoustic Blues, Folk, Jazz and World Music, played continuously 24 hours a day. All of our music is based on acoustic instruments and/or traditional vocal styles. Well, most of it.

WMUD is on 89.3 FM and covers this area:

and can also be checked out through the tubes. Your listen links are here.

A sampling of what you’ll hear when you listen to WMUD:

  Atlantic Crossing, Rani Arbo and Daisey Mahem, Aztec Two-Step, Joan Baez, Mary Black, Rory Block, Eric Bogle, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Greg Brown, Capercaillie, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Tracy Chapman, Clifton Chenier, The Chieftains,Slaid Cleaves, David Coffin, Leonard Cohen, Judy Collins, Ry Cooder, Cowboy Junkies, Cox Family, Bob Dylan, Fred Eaglesmith, Steve Earle, Bela Fleck, Jeffrey Foucault, Jerry Garcia, Steve Goodman, Patty Griffin, David Grisman, Arlo Guthrie, Woody Guthrie, Emmylou Harris, John Hartford, John Hiatt, Sara Hickman, Holmes Brothers, Hot Club of Cowtown, Jorma Kaukonen, Leo Kottke, Alison Krauss, Leadbelly, Laura Love, Lyle Lovett, Taj Majal, Ashley MacIsaac, Dougie MacLean, David Mallett, Del McCoury, Suzanne McDermott, Kate and Anna McGarrigle, Lori McKenna, Loreena McKennitt (w00t!), Keb’ Mo’, Bill Monroe, Van Morrison, Geoff Muldaur, Maria Muldaur, Nickel Creek, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Northern Lights, Laura Nyro, Bonnie Raitt, The Roches, Richard Ruane, Tom Rush, John Sebastian, Pete Seeger, Richard Shindell, Chris Smither, Son Volt, Steeleye Span, Richard Thompson, Dave Van Ronk, Suzanne Vega, Jerry Jeff Walker, Doc Watson, Gillian Welch, Dar Williams.


Here’s a sampling of what you WON’T hear when you listen to WMUD. None of this sort of thing either. At least at WMUD, creatures such as myself have been rendered obsolete.
Oh well.
WMUD is listener-supported. Once you listen, you’ll see that is worth supporting, Underwritings are available and it seems to me this’d be great for a progressive-owned business to throw a little bit of change at. Take a listen. It’s quite addictive.

I’m pleased to turn you onto this website. Wilson’s Almanac is a progressive almanac that comes from Australia. Great to browse through while you’re listening to WMUD and drinking Magic Hat. Wilson’s Almanac features a Book of Days with birthdays, a progressive perspective on history, pagan holidays and more, including a Word Of The Day:


Definition: [n]  pure luck in discovering things you were not looking for

See also: fortune, luck

1754 Horace Walpole, in a letter to Sir Horace Mann, explained how he coined the word `serendipity’. He said that he based it on the

title of a fairy story, The Three Princes of Serendip, because the princes “were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity,

of things they were not in quest of”.

I like that. I wasn’t looking for Wilson’s Almanac when I found it, but you ought to take a look. Satisfaction guaranteed or your bookmark back.

2003: The case of the talking carp

According to two fish-cutters at the New Square (30 miles north of Manhattan, New York) Fish Market, they were about the slaughter a 20-pound carp to make into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner, when it suddenly began shouting apocalyptic warnings in Hebrew.

At 4 pm, Zalmen Rosen, a 57-year-old Hasidic father of eleven, and his co-worker, Luis Nivelo, a Gentile who does not understand Hebrew, were about to club the carp on the head when it began yelling “Tzaruch shemirah” and “Hasof bah”, which, according to the shop owner, essentially means that everyone must account for themselves because the end is near.

Nivelo was understandably so shocked at the sight of a talking fish that he fell over, then ran into the front of the store screaming: “It’s the Devil! The Devil is here!” Not all, however, believe that the talking fish was Satanic.
The Observer reported that many of the 7,000-member Skver sect of Hasidim in New Square believed that God revealed himself in fish form, or else the loquacious carp was channelling the troubled soul of a revered community elder who had recently died.

Just don’t carp at me if you don’t like it. But I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t.
Wilson’s also features a big compendium of Iraq War lies that’s worth looking at. It’s here.

And finally…uh..a checkup from the neck up. This one is a little…..edgy……but here goes.
One of the columnists I enjoy at SevenDays is Mistress Maeve. If you like that sort of thing, it’s just the sort of thing you’ll like. A
little easier on the sensibilities than, say, Dan Savage.
Now the Mistress writes with abandon about a website she recently discovered:

But what if you prefer something more subtle and erotic? It can be overwhelming and discouraging to sift through….to find something more soft and intimate.

As for me….well…….being a guy with a strong libido, I’d discovered this site while still in Bennington. But I’d forgotten about it, and was
happy to rediscover it. Imagine, if you will, the most titillating thing you could think of……all without going below the neck.
It’s a Mistress Maeve piece, so you either know what you’re in for, or you oughta. All you’ll see here is faces….but……wow.
(wipes brow)
OK, the bar, and the floor, is open. Use this as one of those open thread thingies. 
If this Tavern piece seems a little bit edgy, there’s a reason for that. I’m projecting. Our conservative Christian landlords are tired of inviting us to church and church functions, either personally or by proxy, and being rebuffed each time. Therefore, we have been asked to move. Over the last three weks, Amy and I have been almost singlehandedly running two radio stations while breaking in a new program director, and in fact, I’m on the air as I write this. The weekend guy called in sick. This is my 23rd consecutive day without a break, and I’m a little..weird. And this is ME talking.
Drink up, and smoke ’em if you got ’em. If I had ’em, I would………

“I have generally been denominated a Deist, the reality of which I never disputed, being conscious I am no Christian, except mere infant baptism make me one; and as to being a Deist, I know not, strictly speaking, whether I am one or not, for I have never read their writings; mine will therefore determine the matter; for I have not in the least disguised my sentiments, but have written freely without any conscious knowledge of prejudice for, or against any man, sectary or party whatever; but wish that good sense, truth and virtue may be promoted and flourish in the world, to the detection of delusion, superstition, and false religion; and therefore my errors in the succeeding treatise, which may be rationally pointed out, will be readily rescinded.” -Ethan Allen

“General Ethan Allen of Vermont died and went to Hell this day.”
  -Reverend Doctor Ezra Stiles, president of Yale College, on learning of the death of Allen. Diary entry (12 February 1789)

“Passed by Ethan Allyn’s grave. An awful Infidel, one of ye wickedest men ye ever walked this guilty globe. I stopped & looked at his grave with a pious horror.”
  -Rev. Nathan Perkins in his Narrative Of A Tour Through The State Of Vermont on 25 May 1789.

“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
– Denis Diderot


The corruption has burst forth, like pus from an infected boil. The existence of taped conversations apparently reveals Bush has taken almost 280 thousand dollars in cash and other gifts, and a US District Attorney is investigating.
This could be the Big One.
Details on the jump.

The U.S. District Attorney’s office in San Diego has issued grand jury subpoenas to multiple witnesses in the probe since October, requiring them to appear before federal investigators.

Ah, the haggis is in the fire now, Bush.

Bush has said that he and his family did nothing wrong in regard to the allegations of receiving extra benefits. Bush has not talked to federal investigators in the extortion probe.

Well, of course he said he did nothing wrong. Has he ever admitted to any sort of mistake? Not that I know of.

Here, then, is the meat and drink of the thing:

SAN DIEGO – A federal investigation into extortion claims by New Orleans Saints running back Reggie Bush and his family has revealed the existence of taped conversations that could confirm Bush took cash and gifts while he was playing football for the University of Southern California.
Lloyd Lake, an investor in a failed sports marketing agency which attempted to launch with Bush as its first client, is the subject of a grand jury probe into the extortion claims. The agency – called New Era Sports & Entertainment – was founded by Lake and San Diego businessman Michael Michaels. Lake told Yahoo! Sports in August 2006 that he contributed a portion of the cash and gifts allegedly given to Bush and his family as part of an agreement to represent the then-USC running back when he signed an NFL contract.

My goodness. These people are supposed to be ROLE MODELS. What do we say to the CHILDREN? Dear God, what do we say?
I realize this is not a sports blog, but I just thought you should know.
SHAME on you, Mr. Bush.

One Tin Soldier

One Tin Soldier

Listen, children, to a story
That was written long ago,

‘Bout a kingdom on a mountain

And the valley-folk below.

On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone,

And the valley-people swore
They’d have it for their very own.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won’t be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after….
One tin soldier rides away.

So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill,

Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they’d kill.

Came an answer from the kingdom,
“With our brothers we will share

All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there.”

Now the valley cried with anger,
“Mount your horses! Draw your sword!”

And they killed the mountain-people,

So they won their just reward.

Now they stood beside the treasure,

On the mountain, dark and red.

Turned the stone and looked beneath it…

was all it said.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won’t be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after….
One tin soldier rides away.

You Haven’t Done Nothin’

We are amazed but not amused
By all the things you say that you’ll do

Though much concerned but not involved
With decisions that are made by you

But we are sick and tired of hearing your song

Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong

‘Cause if you really want to hear our views

“You haven’t done nothing”!

It’s not too cool to be ridiculed

But you brought this upon yourself

The world is tired of pacifiers

We want the truth and nothing else

And we are sick and tired of hearing your song

Telling how you are gonna change right from wrong

‘Cause if you really want to hear our views

“You haven’t done nothing”!

Jackson 5 join along with me say

Doo doo wop – hey hey hey
Doo doo wop – wow wow wow
Doo doo wop – co co co
Doo doo wop – naw naw naw
Doo doo wop – bum bum bum
Doo doo wop

We would not care to wake up to the nightmare

That’s becoming real life

But when misled who knows a person’s mind

Can turn as cold as ice

Why do you keep on making us hear your song

Telling us how you are changing right from wrong

‘Cause if you really want to hear our views

“You haven’t done nothing”!

Jackson 5 sing along again say

Doo doo wop
Doo doo wop – oh
Doo doo wop – co co co
Doo doo wop – sing it baby
Doo doo wop – bum bum bum
Doo doo wop – um
Sing it loud for your people

Doo doo wop – um um um
Doo doo wop – stand up be counted, say

Doo doo wop – co co co
Doo doo wop – ow
Doo doo wop – bum bum bum
Doo doo wop – ah hum

Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard

Below the fold…………..

The mama pajama rolled out of bed, and she ran to the police station

When the papa found out, he began to shout, and he started the investigation

It’s against the law,

it was against the law

What the mama saw,

it was against the law.

The mama looked down and spit on the ground ev’ry time my name gets mentioned

The papa say “Oy, if I get that boy

I’m gonna stick him in the house of detention.”

I’m on my way, I don’t know where I’m goin’,

I’m on my way, I’m takin’ my time, but I don’t know where.

Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona

See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard

In a couple of days they come and take me away
But the press let the story leak

And when the radical priest come to get me released

We’s all on the cover of Newsweek

Well, I’m on my way,

I don’t know where I’m goin’

I’m on my way,

I’m takin’ my time, but I don’t know where

Goodbye to Rosie, the Queen of Corona

See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard
See you, me and Julio down by the schoolyard

MSM: I charge you with the death of a child

Over the New Year’s weekend, I kept my TV on Nickelodeon.
And there were two good reasons for that.
Here they are:

A child is dead because of the irresponsibility not just of caregivers, but of the mainstream media.
The heartbreaking – and sickening – story is below the fold.

After the execution of Saddam Hussein by hanging was shown over and over and over all weekend long and beyond on both CNN and Fox News, and presumably elsewhere, I reached another tipping point, and did this on the air.
What you are hearing here is the dry voice extracted from the voicetracker. I recorded it at home, but the quality is kind of sucky; should have taped it from the webstream rather than the air.
Today, HuffPo links to this piece from the AP:

HOUSTON – A 10-year-old boy was apparently mimicking Saddam Hussein’s execution when he hanged himself from a bunk bed, police and family members said.

Sergio Pelico was found dead Sunday in his apartment bedroom after watching a news report on the execution of the former Iraqi leader, said Webster Police Lt. Tom Claunch.

“Our gut reaction is that he was experimenting,” Claunch said after officials spoke with family members. An autopsy of the fifth-grader’s body was pending.

Some may be tempted to blame the caregivers first and solely. First, perhaps, but these were the circumstances:

Sergio’s mother, Sara Pelico DeLeon, was at work Sunday and her children were being watched by a relative when one of them found Sergio’s body, Gustavo said.
Family members held a memorial for the boy Wednesday in the apartment complex activity center. Gustavo said the family is trying to put together enough money to send Sergio’s body to Guatemala for burial.

I do not know how many children were in the household. I have a better idea, however, how many households this obscenity was repeatedly brought into. Nielsen stats are easily available for those who care to seek them out.
Some people get it. I get it. I have gone to LENGTHS to ensure that Julian and Tristan did not see that. They have not, and will not. (The audio of Julian speaking in the aircheck is him simply saying what I told him to say. He hasn’t the first clue what it means.)
I don’t much like country music, but…..I do like this song. My eyes tear up when I hear it, religious references notwithstanding:


“Watching You”

Driving through town just my boy and me
With a happy meal in his booster seat
Knowing that he couldn’t have the toy
Till his nuggets were gone
Green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my breaks and mumbled under my breath
As fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap
Well then my four year old said a four letter word
That started with “s” and I was concerned
So I said son now where did you learn to talk like that

[Chorus one]

He said I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah we’re just alike, hey ain’t we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I’ve been watching you

We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said lord please help me help my stupid self
Then this side of bedtime later that night
Turning on my son’s scooby doo nightlight
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
And spoke to god like he was talking to a friend
And I said son where’d you learn to pray like that

[Chorus two]

He said I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama’s hand
Yeah we’re just alike, hey ain’t we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I’ve been watching you


With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug
Said my little bear is growing up
He said but when I’m big I’ll still know what to do

[Chorus three]

Cause I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
Then I’ll be as strong as you and superman
We’ll be just alike, hey won’t we dad
When I can do everything you do
Cause I’ve been watching you

I bet Rodney Atkins’ child didn’t see that either.
Anyone who could write a song like that (with a head start from a little song his son made up, Lady Kestrel tells me) understand that our children learn by imitating, and by the example we sat.
No more happy meals, Sergio. No more Scooby Doo night light, cowboy boots or camo pants. No more holding Mommy’s hand.
No growing up to be just like Dad.
To the MSM: I hope you’re happy. I hope you sleep well.
I charge you with the death of this child.
His blood is on your hands.
And yet, another casualty of George W. Bush’s illegal and unjust war based on lies.

LGF Cowards attack Rosemarie…and ME!

Also available at Daily Kos
The chickenshits at Lowlife Gutless Fascists have crossed a line with me.
They have attacked a dear friend of mine.
Guess what: They have angered this kestrel.
My talons are out, and I am on the wing.

Live Game Feeding below the fold.


Rosemarie Jackowski is an advocacy journalist living in Vermont. On March 20, 2003, her 66th birthday, she was arrested for participating in a peaceful protest against the war.

Again, I want to thank the Daily Kos community for the AWESOME response to this diary. Rosemarie is getting a lot of press right now.

I’ll be very direct: I would take a bullet for this lady. I love her to death. She is a doll.

I remember once, she and I were having a semi-heated discussion in email about He Who Must Not Be Named.

Suddenly in my email, I found a picture done in MS Paint of a small cottage on the seashore with gulls wheeling in a cloud-laced sky overhead.

The note accompanying it said, “While debating you, I did this to calm you down.”

It worked.

Maybe she oughta send me another painting now, because I am wicked pissed.
A hat tip to Karmafish for alerting me to this situation.

AP is now covering Rosemarie’s story, and among the attention the coverage has attracted are bloggers who claim fealty to the party of family values and civility, of high-handed morality and civil discourse.

Hypocritical bastards.

I wll make no pretenses here. I have no interest whatsoever in being civil to these dirtbags.

Fuck them.

NOTE:The LGF comments reproduced below are VILE. I have been occasionally peeking in on the right-wing blogs for a while now, but some of this stuff is as bad as I’ve seen it get. Some of it is on an outrage level on par with what you’d find on the WN sites. There are also some Iraq war photos in here that some may not wish to view. If this is something you don’t want to deal with, scroll rapidly down to the picture of the sunrise, or use your browser’s text finder and search out the phrase, “very big yawn” and it will carry you past this material.


Let us begin.

#3  MandyManners  12/18/2006 09:44AM PST

Where’s a reindeer? Maybe we can get her run over by one.

Ar ar ar. So funny I forgot to laugh.

#10  rcris5  12/18/2006 09:48AM PST

Vermont, great white bastion…no blacks, browns and certainly no Jooos allowed.

(here I redacted my narration from last night….)

12  republic  12/18/2006 09:48AM PST

Thank goodness she is a “former school teacher”, although there are plenty of moonbats still to go around.

What the leftist kook moonbats are trying to teach my daughters, in their school, with absolutely no luck, I might add, is beyond me.

This comment speaks for itself.

#14  goodbye_natalie  12/18/2006 09:48AM PST

Nothing that a good Peterbilt couldn’t overcome…treat the loony tune like Wily Coyote and watch the moonbats howl.

#25  troonbop  12/18/2006 09:51AM PST

I wish that retired navy guy could figure out a moe dignified way to “get some”. Sure she’s a younger woman, but she’ll probably just get him to spring for bail and then she’ll break his heart.
Yes, I am a lonely man with issues.

I see why.

#18  blutonazi98  12/18/2006 09:49AM PST

i think the 73 year old captain is trying to get into a pair of 69 year old pants

Andrew Schoerke. Military veteran and a married man. His wife’s name is Nancy.
I guess this asshole is doing his best to live up to his screen name – a bully and a fascist.

#24  FrogMarch  12/18/2006 09:50AM PST

Leftists like to hide behind Grandma and small children.

Cindy is just middle-aged. Bye cindy.

I’m not hiding behind anyone.

#35  locutus  12/18/2006 09:56AM PST


She’s not a loony toon by any means, said Andrew Schoerke, 73, a retired U.S. Navy captain who was arrested with her.

Of course, they have to stand her up against a retired Navy captain so they can imply “see, even this hard-boiled old guy who still wears a crew-cut and salutes the American flag every morning agrees with the Peace Grandma.” It gives her instant “street-cred” with every veteran, past, present or future.

Rosemarie Jackowski is a retired Air Force officer. I’m so sorry if that fact that indicates she has all the cred she needs on her own shoots down your line of “reasoning”.

If you and your ilk are capable of anything resembling “reasoning.” Which I doubt.

#36  Colorado Mike  12/18/2006 09:58AM PST

Shows the difference between my home town in Colo and Vermont. We had a moon bat protest here at a local park (near a major throughfare on the east side of town) They were told by the cops to not even step into the street (or think about blocking traffic) One of them did and the cops teargassed the whole lot… Heh, heh, heh.

I’m going to stop interjecting comments of my own here. I might say something I’ll regret later.

(Note from morning pre-posting review: And I wasn’t kidding. I read some of my own stuff and I was scared of me.)

“These people are fucking sick…” – Lady Kestrel

#50  Terp Mole  12/18/2006 10:11AM PST

Lex-Nex search

  Associated Press State & Local Wire
  April 13, 1999
  Bennington women complaining about child support system

  Several Bennington County women are complaining the state child support office has turned itself into a “deadbeat dad protection agency” that is ignoring their needs.
  The agency has “morphed itself into a deadbeat dad protection agency,” said Rosemarie Jackowski who said she was owed nearly $250,000 in back child support for her now 30-year-old daughter.

Shakedown granny.

#54  goodbye_natalie  12/18/2006 10:17AM PST

Where does the left dreg up these fossils? So what, we’ve got crazy Aunt Rosemarie out dancing the waltz in the middle of the street holding a sign? Probably looks like a scene out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Call out the psychiatric clinic and get the old woman off the streets before she hurts herself.

I know I said I wasn’t gonna interject anymore, but:

#58  TotallySirius  12/18/2006 10:20AM PST

Well,one problem is that there isn’t jack shit to do in Vermont….ever hear any stories about the Burlington nightlife?

The boredom causes dain bramage.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You don’t get out much yourself, do you? hehehehehehehehe

74  shortboard surfer  12/18/2006 11:26AM PST

Will she toss a fully-loaded Depends over the White House fence?

Okay. I have to stop. I cannot read this shit anymore:

99  Terp Mole  12/18/2006 12:25PM PST


Mandy(lacks)Manners @ #80: WTF? Do you actually think a father should just get to walk away no matter how long after the CS is owed?

Since when did Vermont taxpayers become liable for $250K (nice round number that) for this peacenik spreading her hippie legs in 1969?

Maybe she should find the trucker or carney who knocked her up and take him to court.

Let me digress for a second and share with you something Mudcat Saunders told me, and he also told me I could quote him on this:

I hate doing the fucking internet. Once in a while I’ll get a good idea from some blog that somebody sends me, but I despise the fact that a (coward) can go on line, say some shit about you, use some bullshit name, and you can’t find him to kick his ass. MUDCAT

That said, some of these people seem to think Rosemarie has a problem.

They are correct. Rosemarie indeed has a problem.
Let me show you what Rosemarie’s problem is.

Rosemarie’s problem is this:

And this:

Come to think of it, I myself have a problem with this:

And this:

Did my government do this?

And what of this?

At this point, the anger is getting the better of me. It is now 9:27 pm Eastern, Monday, 18 December 2006.
I am going to stop writing now. I will finish this diary when I get up in the morning, and will post it after I get my kids on the school bus. But before I close for the night, I want to share with you the third of three emails I sent to the LGF admins today:

Hey, what’s wrong with you cowardly little punks? Why haven’t you responded to me?
Cowards (REDACTED) Every one of you.
And you’ll prove that by not responding to this.
Hey, how’d the election work out for you?

Good night. (and good luck…)

(very big yawn)

Okay, I’m back.
First thing I’m going to do is some heavy review and redactions on what I wrote, in beer-fueled anger, last night. Then, I’m going to ask for your help.
Rosemarie has not, as of this writing, found an attorney.
Some additional background and commentary on this matter can be found here. (hat tip: vtpeace)
A legal defense fund has been established, and is being jointly administered in Bennington by Nancy Schoerke and kossack vtpeace. Details are here, in the comment thread.
A blog for discussion of this issue and updates relevant to the situation has been created, and can be found here.
Another thing we’d like to do is hand-deliver a big old stack of letters to Governor Douglas’ office in Montpelier, asking him to pardon or grant clemency to Rosemarie.
He will probably refuse, but we can ask. The boots are on the ground to get this done. Please, write a letter, enclose a check if you can, and send it to the address in the comment thread linked above. vtpeace is working on getting paypal going, but she’s having trouple with it and I can’t help her. If anyone’s conversant with that, she could use some assistance.
If you’d like to post your letter in the comment thread, please do so. That would be a great thing.
All forms of assistance – from financial to moral support to prayers – are appreciated, and thank you.


(Crossposted to Daily Kos)
Between me and Odum, we’ll keep you on memory lane….plus, I’l give you the latest on a dear friend.

Rosemarie Jackowski is an advocacy journalist living in Vermont. On March 20, 2003, her 66th birthday, she was arrested for participating in a peaceful protest against the war. After her arrest, she was incarcerated, hand cuffed, booked, finger printed, photographed, arraigned, tried, convicted and sentenced. The jury arrived at a guilty verdict in less than 10 minutes. The conviction has been appealed in the State Supreme Court. The decision of the court is expected to be rendered sometime within a year. If the appeal is won, the government will retry Rosemarie. If the appeal is lost, Rosemarie will most likely go to prison.

Principles are not always convenient….
The legal struggle continues below the fold.

This diary dedicated to the memory of Robert P. Scanlon.

March 20, 2003. I’ll never forget the day.
Having just been invested with the title of Program Director at WZEC in Bennington, I was at a lunch meeting at Carmody’s on Main Street with Ken, the corporate COO and Doug, the station’s general manager. On a TV over the bar, CNN was showcasing the shock and awe.
Usually it’s me that’s the distractable one, but on this occasion, the entire meeting was a little hamstrung by the awful news of the day.
Just as we managed to get the meeting back on track, an angry klaxon from an 18-wheeler cut somebody off midsentence. We looked out the window, and traffic was backed up as far as wee could see in either direction.
Doug and I exchanged grins, knowing what this had to be.
Ken picked up on it immediately. I think I was squirming like a little dog under a “sit ‘n’ stay” command that wanted to go outside.
“Why don’t you go see what’s going on, Ed,” said Ken, and I happily obliged.
At the Four Corners, the protest was underway. Angry people lined the sidewalks, shaking their fists and shouting. The supporters were closer in, appauding and flashing peace signs.

Later protests at the Corners.

Rosemarie is in red, on the right.

In the center with the long blonde hair is Wendy Woods. Second from left is Claude De Lucia. Feel free to jump in and identify any others if you can.

There was one hyper, greasy little guy with dark hair, running up and down the sidewalk, screaming incoherently about how he wanted to go into the street and start beating up protestors. “One at a time! I’ll kick ALL their asses!”
I caught his eye. “Calm DOWN, dude. You’re being stupid.”
“Oh YEAH?”, he said, suddenly up in my face.
“How ’bout I kick YOUR ass? Huh? HUH?”
It was ludicrous. I lost the battle not to burst out laughing when Adam, the kid doing afternoons for me, came running out of the radio station, laughing himself.
“I got your back, Ed! I got your back, brothah!”
In the intersection, protestors moved in with banners, then out, goup by group, at the direction of the police, who had clearly been preparing for this day.
(Let me take a moment here to commend the Bennington Police Department. They were businesslike, restrained, and professional, and I was rather pleased with them.)
The final group remained in the street – twelve protesters, some of them costumed, who clearly planned to be arrested. The police went about their business. As the protestors stood in a line, a plainclothesman asked them one by one to leave the street. Each refused, and was handcuffed and led away in turn, as the onlookers cheered. You would have had to ask each of them precisely what it was they were cheering to be really sure.
The street was cleared, and traffic began to move again.
At trial, each of them pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and received a fine and diversion, except one:
Rosemarie Jackowski.

Rosemarie with a future peace activist whom we all hope won’t have much cause for activism by the time he grows up…

Published on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 by the Bennington Banner (Vermont)
War Protestor Will be Retried
  A grandmother whose conviction for disorderly conduct was over turned by the Vermont Supreme Courtwill be retried, according to the county prosecutor.
Rosemarie Jackowski, 69, appealed her conviction for disorderly conduct at an anti-war protest at the Four Corners to the Supreme Court in September 2005. She was convicted by a Bennington District Court jury of intending to block traffic and annoy drivers while she stood in the middle of Bennington’s busiest intersection.

Double jeopardy, anyone?
State’s Attorney William D. Wright:

“At this juncture, we are going forward with the case. We think that the evidence was overwhelming in our view, and we think that the jury should have another opportunity to decide Ms. Jackowski’s guilt or innocence.”

Ooooo-kayyyyy….here’s the state’s argument for retrying her:

Jackowski’s intent – whether or not she meant to block traffic and cause an annoyance – was the main focus of the jury trial. The state Supreme Court overturned the trial jury’s verdict, ruling three to two in favor of Jackowski after the court found that (District Court Judge David) Suntag had made mistakes during the trial, including taking away the jury’s responsibility to decide Jackowski’s true intent. According to the majority opinion, Suntag made a mistake by telling jurors that if they found Jackowski knew that she would block traffic during her protest, then she must have intended to block traffic.

Not really sure I get that, but Rosemarie’s cool with it…if a little surprised:

“That’s fascinating. I had not heard that. I am kind of shocked and blown away by that. … I guess he is just doing the job the way he sees it,” she said.

  Jackowski is the only person arrested that sought a jury trial. (She) said she does not fear another trial, and said she will be more prepared the second time around.

“I’m very willing and ready to go trial again. It will be much more easy for me this time. I will have experience at being a defendant in a criminal trial,” she said while laughing.

But there is a fly in the ointment, and now we get to the real reason I’m blogging this:

Finding a new lawyer might be difficult, said Jackowski. Her former attorney, Stephen Saltonstall, who argued her case in trial and before the Supreme Court, said he can no longer represent her because former prosecutor Daniel McManus has joined his law firm as a defense attorney. She said she would consider representing herself.

“I hope that someone will come forward to represent me. … It’s not a big concern or worry. I think the facts are so simple and straightforward that I would like to tell a jury about that day and what I did,” she said.

So if anyone reading this would care to step up to that plate, this dear, sweet granny with a heart of gold and a spine of steel could sure use the help.
Rosemarie: hugs from me, Julie and the kids.
Good night, and good luck.