All posts by ActVT

so let’s talk about Scudder…and our Jim

Have you met Scudder Parker?
Have you talked to him?
Listened to him?
What do you think he needs to do to win the Governor’s race?
Does he have any historical/political baggage that needs to be disposed of before he can rise to the top?
I don’t think so. But I am asking because I don’t know.
In my interactions with him he has been respectful, compassionate and articulate. He has integrity and speaks passionately, from his gut. His eyes don’t glass over when he is confronted about specific controversial legislation. He listens and responds.
I have seen him touch the spirit within people and leave them feeling good, hopeful and motivated.
He isn’t afraid to speak plainly yet has a deep well of knowledge on most of the issues facing the state.
Yet he is humble.
He’s anxious to learn.
He asks the right questions.
He knows that the Governor’s job is to Govern; not to make friends and cut ribbons, but to make decisions that will do the greatest good for the most people.
His campaign staff has been gracious and appreciative of input as well. I like that.
So I contemplate the question that was asked by an astute activist the other day, “What has Governor Jim Douglas actually done in all his time in office?”
What has this Governor initiated that benefits the Vermonters he governs?

I may be new to the game, but I can’t think of an answer to that question.
Not an honest answer that is devoid of the Administrations spin.
In my opinion we all have to do everything we can to replace the Governor.
Unless we elect Scudder Parker there will be no further health care reform and our future energy policy will become more precarious. We need a “green” economic plan for the state. Scudder has addressed these issues. He has detailed plans.
We need a leader. Scudder is one.
The way I see it, together, Vermont can do better than Jim Douglas. Much better.
But, he has the GOP behind him with their war chest.
What can we, the “netroots” do to combat that?
Creative ideas abound in the net. I want to hear some. Don’t you?