Did somebody mention Gruber, Gruber, Gruber?

Thought this bar graph might be kind of interesting.

Since Nov. 10, Fox News Channel has referenced Gruber at least 779 times on air, while MSNBC has referred to Gruber 79 times. CNN has mentioned Gruber just 27 times over the same period. [added emphasis]

The numbers are all likely higher because they don’t account for errors in the closed captioning transcription.

A mention is defined as any time Gruber’s name is said on air within a one-minute window.



Remember the Fairness Doctrine – honest, equitable and balanced?  The Museum of Broadcast History explains:

This doctrine grew out of concern that because of the large number of applications for radio stations being submitted and the limited number of frequencies available, broadcasters should make sure they did not use their stations simply as advocates with a singular perspective.

Rather, they must allow all points of view. That requirement was to be enforced by FCC mandate. [added emphasis]

4 thoughts on “Did somebody mention Gruber, Gruber, Gruber?

  1. They’re all guilty of it to a greater or a lesser extent.  Naval lint gazing that carries on for hours, into days;  sometimes into weeks.

    They seem to limit each broadcast to no more than three “big” stories.  Then, as if only three things happened in the whole world that day, they repeat those three stories and examine, cross-examine, panelize and otherwise dissect the same story (not always even really “news”) throughout the remainder of the day and often into the next day, and so on.

    I remember how excited I was just before CNN began broadcasting.  The idea that we would have a 24/7 news only channel was beyond my wildest dreams. Finally, Americans would have the chance to become as well informed about the rest of the world as much of the world has always been about us.

    Little did I know that there really weren’t any foreign desks left any more and all we’d get would be the news equivalent of Musak.

  2. Once again we are subjected to another case of is it or isn’t it when the message could have been made a bit more black & white but  made clothed in more mist & mirque.

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