( – promoted by Sue Prent)
Following up on my post about affordable housing a couple weeks ago, I received word from a well-placed source that the Town of Bennington has wisely opted to defer the community development loan for Applegate Apartments by a vote of 5-1 last night. That will mean a lot of good for a couple hundred working families, as well as the entire community as the redevelopment proceeds.
The meeting was well-attended, with 15 of Applegate's residents there, as well as the principal of the Molly Stark Elementary school and other concerned citizens of Bennington, to advocate for affordable housing and to educate the Selectboard. It seems clear that once members better understood how the loan program works and the value of having people able to afford living in their town, their decision was quick and easy.
Congratulations to all!
to hear some good news for a change. Many thanks to all who brokered this, clearly made their case as well as the selectboard for being open-minded enough to listen & make this happen.
Thanks to Sue & ntoddpax2 for bringing this to the forefront. A victory for all concerned. Hopefully they will be able to convert to a more sustainable heating system.
Unsure if the electric ceiling heat elements can be retrofitted but, there are master controls beyond the thermostat to help w/conservation. We were never cold when I lived in public housing plus it’s very clean. And/or maybe a few solar panels could balance the books.
…Sue, for promoting this. 🙂
Patron Saint of Orphaned or Helpless Causes. RCC upbringing difficult to recover from I’ve been told, but many go on to channel it to better causes, recovered or not.