kick the bodies
go through clips
two seconds to reload
fuck em
they’re gooks
ragheaded motherfuckin’
like nothing
I’m too short
to give a pity’s damn
about what it means
I’ll think about it
when I get home
when I see you
who sent me there
no gun control
over there
you want me not
to make a fuss
I’ll bet
you want no war
in your backyard
just over there
unseen unheard of
the millions
of dead
like nothing
like a big pile
of your shit
after you pig yourself
then you go vigil
go make more profit
go run for office
laugh smiling
your skull would fit
so right in that pile
two seconds to reload
then maybe
you’ll care
but not enough
I’ll bet
to do it all over again
make me do it for you
I’d like for once
to make you do it
take you out
show you how
it’s done
kick the bodies
go through clips
til I’ve shot your load
of shit
and you’ll think twice
about smiling
saying yes
we need
to do something
Peter Buknatski
Montpelier, Vt.
an underrated post.