I Have A Nightmare–The Oval Office (Now)

Fifty years ago today, Martin Luther King pointed the way.  But he didn’t draw us a map.  Guess he gave us more credit for smarts.  Well, it’s getting this close to too late now.

Let’s see what our fearless leader is up to on this great anniversary day:

“Oh my God, I must say…This Syrian thing is making me completely mental…Have you located Pat Sajak yet?…Awh, give me a break…I need help here…I need Pat…And Vana…Putin is going completely mental too…He’s threatening to bomb the Saudis…And they have all the vowels…Where’s my triangle?…Did one of you Secret Service go mental and take my triangle?…YES!…Oh that’s it!…Decent!…Totally…I’ll triangulate the Russians…That would be so totally decent…And then spin the big wheel…Yes!…Oh, I figured it out all by myself…Cancel that call to Pat…I must say, this being President is not so wicked hard…But it’s like totally and completely mental…I must say…”

But don’t worry.  Be happy.  Didn’t Obama write that song?  Back when he was Rasta?  Was that before or after he was Bill Cosby?  And had that TV show?  And did Jello commercials?  I can’t remember.  I think I’m going completely mental.  Where’s those buttons?  Who took my buttons for the nuclear missiles?  Give me a break…

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.