From Ellsberg to Snowden

From Ellsberg to Snowden – the best is yet to come…

Today is the anniversary of the publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971. We could celebrate by signing petitions to free Jeremy Hammond. He has fallen between the cracks because so much is happening. We cannot abandon him or Manning or Assange.

About Snowden… Why can’t someone file a Federal False Claims Act Suit on his behalf. Imagine if he received 30% of all the money the government spent on the illegal activities he exposed. He is one of the people who would use the money wisely and compassionately.

Also – imagine if our schools taught about Snowden and used him as a role model, a defender of Democracy and Freedom of the Press – finally a REAL hero instead of those guys who slaughtered Native Americans. I know that most schools won’t allow the truth, but the contribution of Snowden must be incorporated into the schools and the Youth culture. They are the voters of the future.

When’s the movie coming out? Who will play the lead? How about a rock band named “EDDIE AND THE WHISTLEBLOWERS’.

To be continued……………