What Needs To Be Done About Shumlin (Part 1–2014 Elections)

All right.  Enough of this silence shit (as Sean Connery might have put it in The Untouchables).  Little Dems must be doing the vigil game as the Shumlin/Dodge story gets worse and worser.  

It occurs to me that since I started voting here in Vermont in ’76, I’ve voted for a shitload of Dems.  That makes me a Little Dem myself–or as Leftfield would have put it: “A Lib-er-al Fuck.”  So, I hereby declare that, as of the 2014 elections, not one single Dem will get my vote, unless, of course, there comes about some kind of just resolution to the Jeremy Dodge SCANDAL.  I voted for Diamond in 1980, and every two years I vote for Ann Cummings and a whole lot of other Dems usually, along with my Liberty Union, Prog, and Libertarian choices.  But, from now on, I’m boycotting the Vermont Democratic Party, and I will urge others to do the same, unless, as I said, miracle of miracles happens, and Shumlin owns up, gives Dodge back his place and INSTRUCTS BILL SORRELL TO WORK WITH THE VERMONT ACLU AND VERMONT LEGAL AID IN INVESTIGATING ANY AND ALL CASES OF FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR, ELDERLY, AND DISABLED BY OTHER VERMONTERS OR FIRMS OR ORGANIZATIONS IN OR OUT-OF STATE.  

This will, of course, include real estate deals, but hopefully, down the line, all ABUSE of the poor, elderly, and disabled needs to be addressed.  Bill Sorrell has apparently been QUITE REMISS in his duty as Vt. AG in investigating cases of abuse of the elderly and disabled.  If Sorrell continues to refuse to do his job, he should resign, or be voted out of office in 2014.  Same with Shumlin if he continues his UNETHICAL behavior in the Jeremy Dodge CASE.  

This “the alternatives are so much worse” BULLSHIT from the Vermont Dems needs to STOP NOW!  If I have to, along with my vote for Bill Doyle every two years, I’ll vote for other goddamned Republicans, if no Prog, Liberty Union, or Libertarian candidates are running in those particular slots.  I am FED UP with the HYPOCRISY that says it is better for the Democratic Party to be THE NAZIS than the Republican Party!

I will ‘strongly urge’ and write about and talk about this message:  BOYCOTT THE VERMONT DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL IT STRAIGHTENS ITSELF OUT!

As of now, consider me a LibertyUnion-Progressive-Libertarian.  

A sitting Vermont Governor, who is also a MILLIONAIRE, has committed, while in office, what seems to me, close to a criminal act of financial exploitation against a Vermont resident.  Shumlin has hired none other than M. Jerome Diamond to cover his ass for him.  Who will Jeremy Dodge get for an attorney?  The firm of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl?  This is an OUTRAGE.  Something you expect from someone like Dick Cheney or Donald Trump.  IT IS THE WAY HENRY KISSINGER TREATED THE WORLD!

So, GET REAL, Dems.  This one won’t fly.  People will remember this one next year– Governor Illuzzi, etc.

Remember Nixon digging a deeper hole for himself, and our boy Bill with Monica?  

The formula is simple:  There can be no Peace without Justice, there can be no Justice without Truth, there can be no Justice in the nation and the world without JUSTICE IN OUR OWN BACKYARDS.  Shumlin has violated Justice and Truth.  Are You Going To Let That Stand?

Have a nice day.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

What Needs To Be Done About Shumlin (Updated from today’s, 6/6, front page)

All right.  Enough of this silence shit (as Sean Connery might have put it in The Untouchables).  Little Dems must be doing the vigil game as the Shumlin/Dodge story gets worse and worser.  

It occurs to me that since I started voting here in Vermont in ’76, I’ve voted for a shitload of Dems.  That makes me a Little Dem myself–or as Leftfield would have put it: “A Lib-er-al Fuck.”  So, I hereby declare that, as of the 2014 elections, not one single Dem will get my vote, unless, of course, there comes about some kind of just resolution to the Jeremy Dodge SCANDAL.  I voted for Diamond in 1980, and every two years I vote for Ann Cummings and a whole lot of other Dems usually, along with my Liberty Union, Prog, and Libertarian choices.  But, from now on, I’m boycotting the Vermont Democratic Party, and I will urge others to do the same, unless, as I said, miracle of miracles happens, and Shumlin owns up, gives Dodge back his place and INSTRUCTS BILL SORRELL TO WORK WITH THE VERMONT ACLU AND VERMONT LEGAL AID IN INVESTIGATING ANY AND ALL CASES OF FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR, ELDERLY, AND DISABLED BY OTHER VERMONTERS OR FIRMS OR ORGANIZATIONS IN OR OUT-OF STATE.  

This will, of course, include real estate deals, but hopefully, down the line, all ABUSE of the poor, elderly, and disabled needs to be addressed.  Bill Sorrell has apparently been QUITE REMISS in his duty as Vt. AG in investigating cases of abuse of the elderly and disabled.  If Sorrell continues to refuse to do his job, he should resign, or be voted out of office in 2014.  Same with Shumlin if he continues his UNETHICAL behavior in the Jeremy Dodge CASE.  

This “the alternatives are so much worse” BULLSHIT from the Vermont Dems needs to STOP NOW!  If I have to, along with my vote for Bill Doyle every two years, I’ll vote for other goddamned Republicans, if no Prog, Liberty Union, or Libertarian candidates are running in those particular slots.  I am FED UP with the HYPOCRISY that says it is better for the Democratic Party to be THE NAZIS than the Republican Party!

I will ‘strongly urge’ and write about and talk about this message:  BOYCOTT THE VERMONT DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL IT STRAIGHTENS ITSELF OUT!

As of now, consider me a LibertyUnion-Progressive-Libertarian.  

A sitting Vermont Governor, who is also a MILLIONAIRE, has committed, while in office, what seems to me, close to a criminal act of financial exploitation against a Vermont resident.  Shumlin has hired none other than M. Jerome Diamond to cover his ass for him.  Who will Jeremy Dodge get for an attorney?  The firm of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl?  This is an OUTRAGE.  Something you expect from someone like Dick Cheney or Donald Trump.  IT IS THE WAY HENRY KISSINGER TREATED THE WORLD!

So, GET REAL, Dems.  This one won’t fly.  People will remember this one next year– Governor Illuzzi, etc.

Remember Nixon digging a deeper hole for himself, and our boy Bill with Monica?  

The formula is simple:  There can be no Peace without Justice, there can be no Justice without Truth, there can be no Justice in the nation and the world without JUSTICE IN OUR OWN BACKYARDS.  Shumlin has violated Justice and Truth.  Are You Going To Let That Stand?

Have a nice day.


So…this morning’s (6/6) news (see front page, TA) has Shumlin offering the land back to Jeremy Dodge in exchange for payment of expenses he’s incurred.  Good (hmmm…).  And two Republicans calling for an investigation of the ins and outs of these kinds of real estate deals and how a low-income person’s property tax debt can be used by those folks with a predatory bent.  Good (hmmm…).  And Jerry Diamond saying that, yes, the property tax angles need to be addressed by the State Department of Taxes, and that the Attorney General’s office can offer its advice to that Department.  Good (Sorrell?…BIG hmmm…Where was he last fall?).  AND (yes, it gets better), the Dodge family seems to be delighted and willing to accept the Governor’s DEAL (again…hmmm…).

Gee…A HAPPY ENDING for all, and God Bless Us Everyone!  Just the same, I’d rather have seen a court battle, where all the bullshit could have been exposed.  

Oh yeah, speaking of bullshit, it seems Vt. Legal Aid told the Dodges Tuesday that they couldn’t help them because they don’t do real estate  (hmmm…Just WHAT DOES Vt. Legal Aid do?).

As of this morning, the Dodge’s have yet to retain an attorney.  Seems Vt. Legal Aid gave them the names of a few real estate lawyers.  Nice of them.  (such ADVOCACY for the poor and disadvantaged is truly ‘heartwarming’ (…hmmm…Are there a lot of Little Dems working at Vt. Legal Aid?…hmmm…).

Well now, I guess, everybody can let their tummies go all soft, sigh, and say:  “I’m glad that’s over.  I was beginning to get a little worried there.  We might have wound up with Anthony Pollina as Governor in 2015.  Whew.  Radical shit.  But the SYSTEM WORKED.”  It sure did, folks, and you know something?–THE SYSTEM SUCKS!  THE SYSTEM SMELLS!  Shumlin, Diamond, Vt. Legal Aid, real estate lawyers, Sorrell, etc.–BIG STINK!

There should still be an investigation.  Because Shumlin did something wrong.  And not just to Dodge.  But to all of us, and the State of Vermont.  Defraud is a good word, at the very least.  And not just once, but over and over.  Defraud and Re-Defraud…and on and on.

And Republicans jumping in?  Not Dems, Republicans?  Boy, if this were a Mystery-Thriller, I’d take it back to the library and recommend they not carry the author’s next book.

Ah, Peter, stop it.  They just made Vermont all safe and cozy for people who want to invest here.  Like THE MOB.  Those guys in Jersey are looking at this and saying:  “Hey.  We gotta get on up to Vermont.  Look at this shit.  Look at that Governor.  And their Attorney General.  Man, we gotta get a piece of this.  Look at how they conned the living shit out of everyone.  Those boys are pros, like us.”  Yes.

This all really smells.

I recommend a Special Legislative Session for hearings on possible censure of Shumlin, or recommendations for legal action by the AG’s office (hummm…).  And I recommend all Vermont Third Parties that are having state caucuses this summer pass resolutions condemning Shumlin, Sorrell, and those in the Vt. Democratic Party who might have the nerve to defend them.  And also call for a thorough investigation.  I recommend some Dem, or Pollina or Zuckerman, primary Shumlin next year, and then run independently in November if Shumlin has the gall to run again.  

And I recommend we all now bow our heads in a moment of silent vigil.  For they have done it to us once again.  Well, at least they didn’t taser Dodge.  Or did they?  Amen.    


Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.