Be Kind to Your Neighbor — It’s the Vermont Way

Well, the inevitable has happened, per VTDigger:

Both sides of Shumlin-Dodge land deal lawyer up

And by “both sides…lawyer up”, we mean Governor Shumlin has hired one of the most prominent attorneys in Vermont, while Jeremy Dodge is trolling the far quieter waters of Vermont Legal Aid.

So, (1) technically, only one side has “lawyered up,” and (2) sounds like a fair fight to me. I’m sure Legal Aid will do a bang-up job against M. Jerome Diamond, who served three terms as state Attorney General (1975-81), was once the Democratic candidate for Governor, and is a founding partner in the law firm of Diamond & Robinson, where his client list has included “General Motors, Bristol-Myers Squibb, PhRMA, LexisNexis, Dish TV, and Orbitz,” according to his law firm’s website.

(He also touts his “strong relationships with state Attorneys General across the country,” which makes me wonder if he had anything to do with BIll Sorrell’s 2012 pre-primary grubstake. But that’s purely irresponsible speculation on my part. We now return to our story.)  

And now that Shumin’s hired a lawyer, he’s officially clammed up regarding the Dodge transaction. After all, pending court matter, would be improper to comment, harrumph harrumph. But his attorney has continued one of the less endearing aspects of this dispute: public disparagement of Jeremy Dodge.

“I’m expecting that Jerry and maybe a member of his family would meet with counsel shortly and select a counsel,” [Diamond] said. “And hopefully, if he remembers to pass my contact information along, that maybe I will get a call.”

Mmm-hmm. Attack the reliability of your opponent, and call him by his nickname. This is of a pattern with comments made by Shumlin before he lawyered up.  And I would suggest, now that this matter is becoming a formal legal proceeding, that such comments are no longer appropriate. If they ever were.

Just for the record, though, let’s review a sample of the Governor’s on-the-record descriptions of his “friendly neighbor,” as he called Dodge in his interview with the Freeploid.  


Now, listen, this is a person who has a long criminal record. He is a violent offender. He has done horrendous things to innocent people.


… I recognized that I was dealing with a person who had done some really despicable things to people… When I came onto the scene , it wasn’t just his property taxes, there was a whole menu of back bills, liens against the property, child support payments, a list of challenges a mile long…

…We’re dealing with someone who’s got a criminal record as long as my arm. As I mentioned, he’s done some really despicable things in his lifetime…

This is a violent offender who has done awful things to people.

Mitchell Family Organ:

“Here’s the thing about Dodge – when he’s sober and he’s not on drugs, there’s a lot to appreciate and respect about Jeremy Dodge,” Shumlin said. “When he is on drugs and he is not sober, he’s one of the most despicable human beings that you can deal with, according to what I’ve been told.”

With “friendly neighbors” like this, who needs enemies?

You know, if the Governor is really concerned about helping Jeremy Dodge get a fresh start, then he really ought to stop with the casual mudslinging. And he should tell his lawyer to do the same.

Two more notes. The VTDigger story says nothing about Shumlin’s previous offer to pay for Dodge’s legal counsel. For all I know, Dodge may well have rejected the offer. But its complete absence is curious.

Second, the terms of the dispute have hardened. Dodge wants to keep hold of the family homestead — which, despite Shumlin’s assertions to the contrary, he probably could if he received the tax relief he’s entitled to. Shumlin is willing to renegotiate terms, but he’s not willing to void the deal. In fact, he flatly told the Freeploid “I own the property.”

And my mind, unbidden, can’t help but recall the nasty things the Governor has said about his friendly neighbor. His express intent was to emphasize his charitable nature — helping a real down-and-outer, which nobody else was willing to do.

But when I look at all those comments together, I see another message from Our Man of the People: Would you want this guy living next door to you?

Maybe I’m being way too cynical. But the Governor, by his own comments and actions, has left the door open to cynical interpretations.  

9 thoughts on “Be Kind to Your Neighbor — It’s the Vermont Way

  1. It’s impossible to be too cynical when discussing Peter Shumlin. This entire land deal stinks to high heaven, starting with the sleazy deal with Pete’s buddies to buy his original land to his stealing of Jerry Dodges property. “I was only trying to help” should induce peals of cynical laughter throughout the state.

       Even if you grant that the house and garage are beyond redemption (as a contractor, I doubt it) try to buy a building lot with power, grandfathered septic, drive way, foundation etc. anywhere in the state for $58,000. Now try to buy it in East Montpelier. The only way to find a deal like this is to be an amoral vulture. but I guess that’s business as usual here in our lovely state. Imagine if this was Jim Douglas or Brian Dubie that did this. I’m a lifelong Democrat and I’m deeply ashamed of the Governor and the appalling silence from the rest of the Dems.

  2. Shumlin seems to have hired a lawyer specifically so he can stop talking about this.

    But that would be cynical…

  3. Dear Ms. Lonelyhearts,

    I don’t understand this Shumlin-Dodge story.  I thought Shumlin was a Democrat.  Aren’t they the good people?


    Confused in Corinth

    Dear Confused,

    There are no good people left in Vermont.  They all moved in the eighties after being bought out by people from New Jersey.

    Ms. Lonelyhearts

    Dear Ms. Lonelyhearts,

    The story’s bad enough, but this high-powered joining of Jerry Diamond and Shumlin to take on the little guy is really beyond the pale.  Or are they trying to confuse us with two Jerrys?  Does Jerry Diamond have a criminal record too?


    Want to run for office, but don’t know which party to choose, Montpelier.

    Dear Future Peter Shumlin,

    I recommend Liberty Union for your party, or the Progs or Libertarians.  I think these three parties will have a lot to gain from this Dem fiasco. Don’t go Republican or Tea party.  They not only want your land, they want you to pay them for taking it off your hands as a tax burden.

    No, to my knowledge, M. Jerome Diamond is okay.  I even voted for him a couple of times.  But, if there’s a court case, I’m remembering OJ.  Perhaps Diamond’s defense will be that a guy named Cato is going around impersonating Shumlin, or that Dodge is actually Cato, or that there is a real truth still out there, but we’ll never know because we’ve already jumped to the obvious conclusions.  If the facts don’t fit, you must acquit.  Whatever.  Boy, I hope they televise this court case.  I’m also remembering Tonya Harding.

    Ms. Lonelyhearts

    Dear Ms. Lonelyhearts,

    So fucking what!  A little land deal and everybody’s making it like Monica Lewinsky.  It’s not like Shumlin asked Dodge to suck his dick too.  Did he?  No, I’m sorry.  As a solid member of the Vermont Republican Party, I say: “More power to you, Shummy!”  Now we don’t have to worry about our Party’s image in Vermont.  We’re all the same, except for those Liberty Union, Prog, and Libertarian assholes.  Shumlin has shown he has the sleaze of a liberal, but the heart of a Republican.  Our people should learn from him.  We’re not too good at sleaze.  When we do it, we just look stupid.  But the heart of the matter is about the Rich getting their due because they deserve it because they’re Rich.  If all you bleeding hearts keep busting Shumlin’s balls, I hope he joins our Party for 2014.  Then we won’t have to come up with a gubernatorial candidate.  I mean, Vince Illuzzi is too mellow compared to Shumlin.  And Hell, the Progs and those other two shithead parties can run Dodge.  Losers all.  America is about winners.  Shumlin won the elections.  He’s a winner.  And, Winner Take All.  Boy, no wonder all the Dems are quiet.  They probably can’t believe the media and the people are so stupid as to buy into this sob story.  What next?  Bradley Manning set free?  Shit, he’ll probably want to move to Vermont.  Him, and other shitheads like him.  We’ve got to buy up all the real estate we can before it’s too late.


    Jim Douglas

    Hey Jim,  

    Nice to see you weigh-in on this.  Thought you might be dead.  But I thought that too when you were in office.  Or, did you ever leave office?  Body Snatching?  Shit, that makes Shumlin an alien.  Hope he has papers.  Well, Diamond’s probably working on those right now.

    Ms. Lonelyhearts

    Dear Ms. Lonelyhearts,

    I recently moved up here from New Jersey to get away from crime.  We tried to deal with criminals the way Shumlin has–you know, buying out the Blacks and other undesirables in our neighborhoods.  But that didn’t really work.  What Shumlin needs to do is have this Dodge guy locked away somewhere.  Or better, have one of the Vermont State Police taser him.  And then shoot him.  Seems like that would be okay with the Vermont AG, that Bill Sorrell guy.  I mean, why is it our Governor has to get a fancy lawyer to defend himself against a lowlife?  If this Dodge guy gets away with any more shit, the Blacks and the Spics from Jersey will be up here in hordes.  And decent people like me will have to move again.  That fucking Obama!  It all went to shit when they put an African in the White House.  There’s a family lives down the road from us in a trailer with a lot of shit all over their yard.  I sent Shumlin a picture of their place.  And it won’t cost him anywhere near 58 grand.


    Tony from Teaneck

    Dear Tony,

    You know, I never thought of that taser angle.  The State Police here can use them with impunity.  Did you send that idea to Shumlin when you sent him that picture?  Perhaps this story will get even better.

    Ms. Lonelyhearts

    Dear Ms. Lonelyhearts,

    I’m a 28 year-old female (not looking for a spouse) and I told this old guy I know named Petey Sweety that this Dodge thing wasn’t a front page story.  That’s because I became a Little Dem, as Petey calls us, last year.  I worked on the Shumlin campaign and for other Dem candidates.  Now, with all this getting worse and worse, I think I owe Petey Sweety an apology.  And maybe four or five drinks.  I was thinking of running for office some day as a Dem.  Now, I feel this creepy-crawly feeling in my skin every time I think about it.  And I’ve been washing my hands a lot lately.  Well, I think what should happen is for Shumlin not to run again next year.  Then I can run for Governor.  Petey Sweety said I was the smartest 28 year-old he knew in Vermont.  And if he’s right about Shumlin, well, then I might be a shoe-in.  I’m cute too.  Ask Petey.  Maybe if you let us young people run things, we wouldn’t be spending all our time and energy on covering up all the stupid shit older people do.  Except Petey, that is.  He always does everything right.  And he’s super smart.  Smarter than me (I).  He’s so cool.  He’s awesome.  And not bad looking for a guy his age.  Sometimes I have these thoughts…well, never mind that.  But I’ll give Petey a good job in my administration.  And I’d give Jeremy Dodge his home back.  And a pain and suffering award from the state.  And an official state apology.  On the Statehouse Lawn.  With lots of political tabling and speeches by Petey Sweety and Bernie Sanders and others, and maybe even a Fashion Show.  I’ll bet Petey Sweety could do a makeover on Jeremy Dodge.  Petey Sweety dresses like a Dude.  Did I tell you he’s so awesome?


    Cutie-Pie in Montpelier

    Dear Cutie-Pie,

    Yes.  You’re right about PeteySweety.  There’s hope for your Party yet.  A Fashion Show?  Why can’t the goddamn Vigilers think of things like that?

    Ms. Lonelyhearts  

  4. If everything really is on the up and up (meaning if your neighbor was a convict, druggie, alcoholic, all around meaning, and you had the means to buy him out and be done with him once and for all, wouldn’t you????), why the need for an attorney?  Perhaps the story isn’t as kosher as Shumlin says.  Perhaps Shumlin lied to Dodge about his options for tax relief and repeatedly told him his best value would come from a private sale rather than a tax sale.  Or perhaps Dodge found the napkin with the terms of the deal scribbled in crayon.  Getting curiouser and curiouser….

  5. I wish I could remember where, but if that’s the case, then there will probably be a typical lawyer-to-lawyer negotiation, leading to some token additional amount paid to Dodge (my guess is something in the neighborhood of the difference between what he owed in taxes, and what he would have owed with an adjustment), leaving the land in Shumlin’s hands. And it’ll all be wrapped in an agreement not to discuss the settlement, so no one will ever know the full details.  

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