Randy Brock’s BFF is at it again

Yes, friends, it’s time once again for the comedy stylings of Maine Governor Paul LePage (R-Teabag), last seen in these parts holding fundraisers for Randy Brock’s hopeless, hapless campaign for Governor.

This time, LePage is (a) completely misconstruing the First Amendment, and (b) implying a need for an armed assault on the Maine State House. Take it away, Portland Press-Herald…

Gov. Paul LePage is still upset about being silenced during a recent meeting of the Legislature’s budget writing committee, calling it a “dangerous precedent when we can’t let Americans speak.”

Before we go on, let’s take note of the fact that LePage is “still upset” over something that happened on May 19 — ten frickin’ days ago. That’s when he went to a meeting of a Senate committee and, toward the end of the session, asked for the opportunity to address the panel. The committee chair, a Democrat, said no. Which incensed LePage, not a noted Constitutional scholar.

Asked why the issue is so important, the governor replied, “It’s freedom of speech. You folks should understand that better than I. It is the First Amendment, then there is the Second and I love ’em both.”

Uh… I don’t know how to break this to you, sir, but that’s NOT the First Amendment.

After the jump: GUNS! The answer to every question.

The First Amendment protects the general right to free speech — it says nothing about your right to speak in a particular time and place. If free-speech rights extended to legislative committees, I daresay their sessions would last a hell of a lot longer.

And LePage’s remedy for this unAmerican breach?

He later added, “The minute we start stifling our speech, we might as well go home, roll up our sleeves and get our guns out.”

Nice. That oughta liven up those dull, dreary meetings.

Oh, and one more thing about LePage and the First Amendment: He recently issued an order that he — and only he — will speak to legislative committees on behalf of his Administration. No department heads or other officials will be allowed to give testimony.

Y’know, I can’t imagine why LePage’s Vermont visit didn’t attract legions of moderate voters to the Brock banner.