Animal Poem (cause People Suck!)

I am becoming inclined to write all my stuff about and for animals.  And talk to them.  Speak their language, and maybe save my rancid human ass, or, at least, my soul.  People suck!


The birds and the beasts and the fishes

in the sea shake their heads, flap their

wings and fins, and just give up.  Hoping

against hope to just survive another season

in which predators, driven to strip all riches

and life from the ground and the waters,

dump the scat of money made from oil spills

and radiation and war ever closer to home.

The animals move away from crime, but

it follows them into new neighborhoods

and soon they must all move on again,

and fewer and fewer of them each time.

Waiting for the day the Almighty Spirit sends

its great stone crashing down from the sky,

ridding for once and all time the entire earth

of a species that never found its own purpose.

Oh yes, the birds and the beasts and the fishes

in the sea will say, yes now we can start all over.

And if this time one tiny out of place untoward

nameless thing oozes up out of the waters,

we will kill it quickly, and give our little babies

its deadness to feast upon, hoping they know

better than to eat the parts that will kill them.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, VT  

4 thoughts on “Animal Poem (cause People Suck!)

  1. on the evolutionary continuum, so why not?

    Long live puppydogs-man’s best friend

    =<^.^>= Long live kittycats-big improvement over the human race

  2. Today, April 8, it is Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel.  April 19, coming right up, is the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising–a few thousand (a few hundred?) Jews with handguns and Molotov cocktails holding off the Germans for nearly a month.  We should celebrate April 19th, but we won’t–gets in the way of Feel Good Earth Day, April 22.

    Imagine that.  People saying ENOUGH!  If you’re going to kill us anyway, we’re going to make you work for it and pay for it.  When will Americans say ENOUGH?

    And the Nazis had gun control back then.  Imagine what those Jews would have done with a few hundred assault rifles?

    Obama is protecting Monsanto while…what’s that word?…oh yeah, while raping Social Security.  Well, as a person on SS myself, I will save from my next few checks to buy a handgun.  So I will be ready for the Day when it’s time to say ENOUGH.

    Oh, please, Peter.  No more violence.  No more victims.  Buy a candle, not a gun.  Shit.  I prefer what the Jews in Warsaw did with the candles.

  3. And I wonder how all the good Lefty-Lib-er-als will celebrate that big 50th anniversary coming up this November?

    Perhaps call for a BAN on Magic Bullets?

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