During the ’08 election McCain & his crazy train succeeeded in scaring the bejezus out of me. I was astonished that a clueless hick like Palin
especially with all of the baggage she carried could make it that far. Gidget a banana peel away fom the highest office in the land? Do the operatives have a brain in their collective head? No!
For the first time in my life I sent campaign donations & took to the online battlefront.
I became unimpressed with Obama during his presidency & actually supported Paul.
Then came the lackluster roster of weirdos in the primary. Aaahhh! Then Romney emerges as the heir apparent. Nooo! He really really scares the bejezus out of me.
I ran back to Obama. He’s the only game in town, the only adult in the room & the only sane voice crying in the wilderness of insanity. Everyone I know is freaking over Romney-Ryan regime.
Anyone see this? A timely warning:
Americans voting for Romney must belong to the Death Without Dignity movement.
not voting at all or writing in Paul but there’s simply no time to ‘make a statement’ when we are facing down big scary destructive monsters who will wreck our environment, economy-we will be the next banana republic, & financial systems for generations to come. Pour gasoline on the fires in the ME & continue the bellicose smack talk Dubya loved so much & bomb Iran. That’s just for starters.
I’ve really enjoyed watching Obama campaign. The hope has returned, maybe it’s desperation. My husband loves Michelle & the two girls, also thinks Obama’s doing a great job & is a truly good guy. The only thing we agree on.