Just a few thoughts about the embassy violence this week.
It appears that the reason that some Islamic extremists are mad at the United States is this stupid anti-Islam movie that some guy made. You see, based on what they've been told of the way the world works, or at least the way the world they're familiar with works, it would be impossible for some anti-Islam extremists in the United States to make such a movie unless it was supported by the United States government. It's really just inconceivable to them that the intolerance of a few extremists is not typical of everyone in the United States and our government.
In response, conservatives in the United States are arguing, as they have argued before, that the actions of the people who attacked and burned our embassies and killed our ambassador represent the actions and beliefs of all Muslims. You see, based on what they've been told of the nature of Islam, it would be impossible for some anti-American extremists to take such actions unless those actions were supported by Islam around the world. It's really just inconceivable to them that the intolerance of a few extremists is not typical of all Muslims.
Wait, what?
It’s also the case that maybe the timing of this film WAS Planned. Election Year, 1980. Hmmm. Election Year, 1968. Hmmm. It would not be above the Right to put out a film with the well planned intention of poking some very ‘politically correct’ fundamentalist Muslims in a sensitive (Mohammad) place. We saw Romney out there slamming Obama about Libya before the dust had even settled, almost like he was prepared ‘in advance’ to do so. Now, the American nerve has been poked. Romney will take the stance that says: “Hasn’t America put up with enough shit from these people?” Well, a small faction of people has effected American elections in the past. Hell, Kissinger almost did it single-handedly in ’68.
I hope the Muslims can get that Muhammad broomhandle removed from their assholes because we’re going to see more of this in reaction to Libya, etc.. A movie, a book can now be used to stir things up. Both sets of nitwits are responsible here. “We was dissed,” say the street gangs over there. “You dissed us back!” say the street gangs over here. Didn’t they already make a musical, West Side Story about this?