Montpelier voters–it’s not too late

You've undoubtedly heard that the Montpelier City Council voted 4-2 Wednesday night to abandon the district heating plan that Montpelier city government has been working on for the past nine years. The vote count is important, because if there had been one more “yes” vote Mayor John Hollar would have voted yes to break the tie.

This is a call for all Montpelier voters to contact their city councilors and urge them to reconsider this vote, hold another meeting, and vote to go forward with this visionary plan.

There is a lot of information available about the plan, but to me some of the key points are:

1. The plan will not add to the city budget. Funding comes from an $8,000,000 federal grant and money the city is already budgeting for heating oil.

2. True, we don't know the precise cost for fuel and operating costs over the years, but we can say with confidence that fuel oil will continue to go up. This is a plan that protects Montpelier against future price shocks.

3. The new district heating plan is good for economic development. Many downtown property owners have already expressed interest in getting their heat from the plant, and the price stability that the plant will provide will be good for downtown businesses.

4. Montpelier voters have strongly supported this plan every time it has been put to a vote. Reconsidering the council's decision and moving ahead supports local democracy.

5. The plant supports local workers and wood chip providers. Why should we be spending our fuel dollars overseas when we can spend them right here in Vermont?

If you want to learn more here's an excellent source of information.

Please contact your city councilor and ask him to change his vote on district energy:

 Andy Hooper (District 1), 8 Winter Street, 229-1237,

Tom Golonka (District 1), 64 Meadowbrook Drive, 223-3657,

Thierry (pronounced “Terry”) Guerlain (District 2), 15 McKinley Street, 229-5686,

Alan Weiss (District 3), 205 Forest Drive – Unit #1, 229-0068,