Paul Ryan’s wife worked for Vermont Yankee

( – promoted by jvwalt)

This just in, Paul Ryan's wife worked for Vermont Yankee:

Ryan and Rafianello also represented the Vermont Yankee Corp., a nuclear power plant, on “nuclear waste issues,” according to federal lobbying registration forms. The company paid $180,000 over three years between 1998 and 2000, while Vermont Yankee was being sold; its owners hoped more favorable tax laws would make it more attractive to buyers.

The GOP's fake bio about her states that she is a perfect wife, staying at home, raising their three children, never working a day in her life, like a Good Christian Wife®™ should.

In reality she is just as much of a soul-less sociopath as her husband, working for lobbyists for over a decade, always on the wrong side of the issue.

4 thoughts on “Paul Ryan’s wife worked for Vermont Yankee

  1. Government is bad, I want to dismantle all of it, except those parts that I’ve been working for most of my adult life…

  2. …clients included the cigar industry, a logging company, drugmakers, the health insurance industry and a nuclear power plant.

    from HuffPo

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