( – promoted by jvwalt)
This just in, Paul Ryan's wife worked for Vermont Yankee:
Ryan and Rafianello also represented the Vermont Yankee Corp., a nuclear power plant, on “nuclear waste issues,” according to federal lobbying registration forms. The company paid $180,000 over three years between 1998 and 2000, while Vermont Yankee was being sold; its owners hoped more favorable tax laws would make it more attractive to buyers. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/14/janna-ryan-paul-ryan-wife_n_1774265.html?utm_hp_ref=elections-2012
The GOP's fake bio about her states that she is a perfect wife, staying at home, raising their three children, never working a day in her life, like a Good Christian Wife®™ should.
In reality she is just as much of a soul-less sociopath as her husband, working for lobbyists for over a decade, always on the wrong side of the issue.
Government is bad, I want to dismantle all of it, except those parts that I’ve been working for most of my adult life…
Let the good times roll!
…and “nuclear waste issues” of all things!
that does it. I’m not voting for Romney!
from HuffPo