Imperial Wealth in America

Expanding on my earlier topic of Facebook collaborating with Walmart;  a simple fact about the relative wealth of the Walton heirs, gleaned from a tweet posted by Bernie Sanders and judged “true” by, bears emphatic repetition on GMD.  It absolutely blew my mind.

“Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America.” teased out the statistics in support of Sander’s claim, and found that the net worth of just six Walton heirs is greater than that of forty-nine-million American families.

When held in contrast to their legendarily parsimonious treatment of Walmart “associates” and suppliers, the Walton’s hoarde becomes all the more grotesque.  

Do American’s really love people who have succeeded in accumulating disproportionate wealth as much as Mitt Romney would have us believe?

Czarist Russia had nothing on capitalist America, and look how that came out.

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

8 thoughts on “Imperial Wealth in America

  1. Yes,America, year 2012 where anyone no matter how humble,if they are motivated can grow-up,work hard, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and be born into one of the wealthiest families in the world.

  2. It’s sad, but true, Sue.  Americans still LOVE THE RICH.  This is a visceral All-American Horatio Alger/Pioneer Rags to Riches story–the story that with hard work, determination, and honesty any American can become rich.  Therefore, we should love and defend the Rich because they represent The American Dream we all have, and, yes, you and I can become rich too.  But the ringer nowadays is the honesty part.

    Our Rich are simply NOT Honest, and they are in the business now, with hard work and determination, to see to it that less Rich People can be created, that wealth going to them, NOT an Horatio Alger type.  So, your average American has to face the new American Reality–It is NOT the American Dream, but, rather the theft of that dream.  Our Rich today are NOT Horatio Alger types–they are the New Robber Barons.  They are thieves.  They steal from us to attain their wealth.  All of us Americans should say:  “Oh, so that’s how you get Rich in America?  OK.  Stick ’em up!”  Imagine a Million Bonnie and Clydes out there. But that’s what this new fucking BATMAN movie is about.  The Rich now want a Superhero (Mitt Romney?) to protect them from the lowlifes, and we’re all supposed to root for Batman to save the rich.  SHAME ON PAT LEAHY for being in this movie.  I prefer the Bonnie and Clyde angle.  The NEW American Dream–STEAL!  Hey, it works.  

  3. Yet one more reason that I and my family never, ever step foot in any Wal-Mart anywhere.

  4. Because I would like to recommend this one.

    Had heard that the Walton clan have more assets than the bottom 40% of people in the US, but it bears repeating.

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