As soon as Democrats started talking about the Republican war on women the Republicans trotted out their counter-meme that not only are the Republicans not engaged in a war on women but that is the Democrats, by advocating for women's equality and autonomy, are.
I know, it's absurd on the face of it, but that's what they claim. But if it's not a war against women, what do you call what happened in Michigan this week?
That's right. The House of Representatives in Michigan was debating yet another bill to cut back on women's abortion rights and a woman, Rep. Lisa Brown, dared to say: “Finally, Mr. Speaker, I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no,’”
For that she was barred from speaking on a subsequent piece of legislation.
Probably my favorite comment in the whole debate was this, from a Republican House member:
So yes, just to recap: we have a Republican dominated legislative body, debating what women can do with their own bodies, punishing a woman for mentioning her own body.
Is there anything else we need to do to prove that this is a war on women?
Republicans have subsumed their traditionally conservative identitiy completely in the logic of an absurd world.
Unfortunately, the fantasies have real-world consequences.
Having been to so many OB appointments and emergencies between 2 different children, I know for certain that no woman ever, ever talks about vaginas and cervixes and uteri because it offends them a great deal. I would nevernevernever say such things in mixed company because I am very sensitive to women’s concerns.
…is to dress in the style of Saudi Arabian sheiks. Or, perhaps as the good ole boys dressed back there in the good ole days of Salem. These assholes sound so stupid, I’ll bet they object to the use of the word vagina because they don’t know how to pronounce or spell it.
There is NO war on women because the Republicans went on Fox ‘News’ and said so! Reality has nothing to do with Republican decrees.
Just look at North Carolina, they solved the entire global warming crisis by passing a law that forbids anyone from talking about the rising sea level. Problem solved!
To point out the existence of reality is a thuggish Liberal tactic that has no place in politics!
Now shut up and do what your menfolk tell you to!…