Don’t give up the fight, Philip! *

A little kerfuffle in the State Senate this week. Specifically, Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Sears is the latest victim of BKS (Bunched Knicker Syndrome) over a comment our friend, fellow blogger, and Senator Philip Baruth posted here.

In case anyone missed it, here's what Philip posted here about marijuana decriminalization and the prescription drug bill (aka “Let the police see your prescription records without a warrant”):

Just so everyone's clear: Joe Benning and I were promised that our MJ decriminalization language would go on another bill — Senator Sears has now made the decision to put a very similar amendment on this one. But Joe and I are very, very much against this bill, and we won't let our decrim language be used as bait — not successfully, anyway. So we plan to vote against this one, convince others to vote against it, and try our best to attach decrim to another bill entirely. Will that work? Who knows. But at least we won't burn in the everlasting fires for encouraging this particular privacy-invading mess. 


Sears responded by attacking Senator Baruth on the floor of the Senate. As reported by Thatcher Moats, Sears read the blog comment (helpful for any senators or readers of the Times Argus or Rutland Herald who might have missed it) and attacked Philip for being part of the loss of decorum in the Vermont Senate.

Are we seeing a loss of decorum, or is it just a few members of the Old Guard who are grumpy that some of the younger members of the body aren't sitting back to let them run things the way they want?

  Oh, and is it just a coincidence that this attack, based on the marijuana issue, came on 4/20? 

 Whatever it is, from where I sit I'm glad to see our goal of electing more and better Democrats embodied by a senator like Philip Baruth.

 Don't back down, Philip! 

 *Correction: I initially misspelled Senator Baruth's first name. Sorry, Philip.

13 thoughts on “Don’t give up the fight, Philip! *

  1. for the blog post by Thatcher Moats posted to the Vermont Press Bureau blog on the subject is, here.

    By the way, one can also view my blog post concerning the marijuana decriminalization effort to date during this legislative session in Vermont and includes some of my observations and opinions about such (via Vermont Watch), here.

  2. Anyone who believes that The Senator from Bennington is a true Democrat would also buy a bridge in Brooklyn.  

  3. This guy is far too comfortable with throwing his weight around and not being challenged. Good for Baruth. This is Sears’ MO. He becomes almost childlike with outbursts and then sometimes starts muttering loudly with contempt for people who dare cross him. Who the hell is Dick Sears anyway?  

  4. at least one. And an aunt or two. We hug ’em, then avoid ’em.

    Keep up the wonderful work senator Baruth. Those who do nothing or are not getting anywhere aren’t usually attacked or receive derogatory denunciations. A nerve was struck & that’s a good thing thing.  

  5. but the legislature needs new leadership.  There I said it.

    I don’t know by what principle these people are chosen, besides the obvious men-only policy, but if Smith, Campbell and these committee chairs are measured by the stick of “not getting anything done” then surely they will be voted back to their positions by an overwhelming voice vote by the rank-and-file members next session.  Hopefully, they switch to measuring success with a different yard stick.

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