Peter Welch, Communist

Sorry, Congressman. You can take off those librarian glasses and ditch the meek demeanor. You have finally been unmasked by a true patriot: Allen West, nutball Republican Congressman from Florida.  

The truth, courtesy of Talking Points Memo, comes in a video clip from West’s own office:

The unedited video shows West’s declaration at a town hall event. “I believe there are about 78 or 81 members of the Democrat Party that are members of the Communist Party,” he said, followed by a long, dramatic pause, during which there were assorted moans and whispers in the audience.

After about 30 seconds, West unfurled his deadpan punchline: “The answer to that: It’s called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.”

And Peter Welch is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Ipso facto, Q.E.D., mild-mannered Petey is a Commie. Now that we know this, I’m sure we’ll do the right thing and elect Paul Beaudry or whatever true patriot the VTGOP scares up to run for Congress this year.

As for you, Peter Welch: go back to Moscow, you Red lackey!

27 thoughts on “Peter Welch, Communist

  1. where is Keith Olbermann when you need him?  We are really reverting back to the 50’s aren’t we??

  2. Oh, and by the way, his people claim he was misquoted, but guess what: it’s a video!

  3. There’s that baseball player down in Florida who was forced to recant a simple statement that he admired Castro’s ability to survive all these years despite widespread hostility to his regime.

    Whatever happened to that freedom of expression that was just extended even to corporations?

    This hapless hitter was made to understand in no uncertain terms that if he didn’t take back his unpopular statement of opinion he could lose his job.  

  4. “78 or 81 members of The Communist Party working with North Korea, Red China, and Cuba.  Did I say 78?  I meant 87 card carrying members of the Communist Party.”

    “How many was that, Congressman?”

    “I said 62…I mean 92.  I have the paperwork on them in my hand here.  There are more Communists now in the State Department.  I find it very suspicious that Hillary Clinton is resigning.  After she’s done her job for the International Communist Conspiracy, no doubt.  There are Communists everywhere now in America.  The Sierra Club.  Ralph Nader’s bunch.  In Baseball, in the Schools, in our Day Care Center’s, not to mention those in Hollywood and TV.  I have reliable information that Clint Eastwood has joined the Communist Party, and…”

    “Clint Eastwood, Congressman?”

    “Yes, and Sarah Jessica Parker.  That’s why she’s all over the magazines.  And Sean Penn, of course, and John Goodman.  I will ask Congress to hold hearings.  We need to investigate those who call for union rights, workers’ rights, health care for intercourse with Communists, environmentalists, homosexuals, and so-called gifted children.  Communists have taken over Las Vegas.  And there are Communists now on Wall Street.  The toilet attendant here is a Communist, and so is the doorman.  So why is it hard for you to believe that 112 members of Congress are Communists?”

    “How many was that, Congressman?”

    “I said 102…I mean 132 members of the Communist Party.  I think you’re a Communist yourself.”

    “Thank you, Congressman.  And now back to our Teatime Movie.  Errol Flynn, Rin Tin Tin, Tiny Tim, and Gunga Din in I Was A Communist For The Ku Klux Klan.”

    Jesus Christ.  At long last, have they no decency?  

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