PETITION: Stop covering the Kardashian divorce

John Bauer, a longtime Democrat from Jeffersonville, has started a petition to get serious news outlets to stop with the Kardashian divorce business.


In case you've missed it, Kim Kardashian is a true celebrity: a person who is famous for being famous. Apparently a little while ago she got married and collected big bucks for it (endorsements, I guess).

Now she's getting divorced. As you might guess, this has been big news, with CNN covering it every day. How big? Well, if you google kim kardashian divorce you get 160,000,000 hits.

If you happen to think that CNN has more important things to do than cover divorces of the rich and famous, hop over and sign the petition.


10 thoughts on “PETITION: Stop covering the Kardashian divorce

  1. I only know that there was a Kardashian divorce because of posts like this.  Every time her name comes up, I ask “who?”

    Why does anyone care about this woman and whether or not she gets divorced?

  2. the antics of these media & attention whores. It will be produced & added as an accessory to the attention they are now receiving. Nothing but complete losers who make a living doing next to nothing but performing publicity stunts. Yawn.  

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