5 thoughts on “Occupy Wall Street from home

  1. “Every hour big banks spend on reacting to us is an hour they are not lobbying Congress …”

    Um, no. That’s why they’re called “big” banks. They’ve got committees for that. Or they’ve outsourced mailroom / direct-mail services. Unless someone in the really BIG part of the “big” bank tells that department to count the stuffed or #OWS responses, they won’t know (or care). And why would they? It’s like catalogs and other direct-mail advertising, which needs only a miniscule percentage of positive responses (last figure I heard was 3%) to break even and/or begin making a profit.

    I have in past fits of pique stuffed advertising back into the accompanying postage-paid envelopes, just on general principles of rejecting their intrusion into my life.

    I usually was careful to tear out or black out any identifying information, on the idea that, as in “unsubscribe” responses to email scams, any response from an identifiable source just confirms that the address is “live,” and therefore salable.

    It’s still a fun idea from the #OWS folks, and the Post Office could probably use the business (at least some of them, 360k, are union members represented by the American Postal Workers Union).


    We now know that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. ~ FDR

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