Lament Of 2014 (And Day 41)

(Or: The Left Could Fuck-Up An Ambush)

shit, we had ’em

we were this close

with the Occupy Wall Street gig

then everything went stupid

Lefties arguing about how’s come

there’s no anti-war stuff

and why we didn’t mention Gaza

plus a whole lot of Lefties

said this wasn’t about labor

or unions or workers rights

or even people

but about campaign financing

and how the corporations

run the government

but how do the corporations

run the government?

let’s see  it’s in one of these

old alerts from ’11

yeah…the corporations

run the government cause

they put out better ads

than the Left does

something about how

we should try to reach the people

in a plain straight-forward way

without all the equivocating

and political correctness

and bickering on details

and being ‘polite’ to Nazis

and letting ‘lib-er-als’ co-opt

the movement for the sake of

‘power-chic’ ?

and that people know this shit

they just need to hear the right spin

like “Capitalism Wants To Kill Your Kid”

hey, I like that one

we shoulda pushed that one

well, all over now

can’t believe what happened in 2012

man, now the government says

I’ve got to pay something called

a ‘Consumer’s Tax’ that goes directly

to Wall Street and the Corporations

for them to take care of Global Warming


we were this close

ah hell, now the corporations

are offering these jobs

called ‘Planning Activists’

and ‘Security Activists’

and ‘Action Activists’ (Knowledge of

explosives and flammables necessary.)

wonder what that last one means?

maybe I should apply for one

hell, I’m an activist

I wonder what they pay?

Peter Buknatski

Montpeleir, Vt.

Day 41–Trick or Treat!)