Great news!

Our national jobs problem is nearly solved.

True to his promise, the House of Representatives, led by John Boehner, is poised to pass legislation that is guaranteed to solve the jobs deficit plaguing the American economy.

From The Hill:House Republicans on Tuesday will try to pass a resolution  reaffirming that “In God We Trust” is the national motto of the United  States.

The concurrent resolution,  sponsored by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.), would not have the force of  law, but instead is aimed at “supporting and encouraging the public  display of the national motto in all public buildings, public schools  and other government institutions.”

Expectations are high that in addition to creating millions of jobs, this new measure will resolve the real estate and foreclosure crisis, which will, in turn, generate trillions of dollars to balance the federal budget and eliminate the national debt.

11 thoughts on “Great news!

  1. OK, I got it!  The Great Recession and the Banking Bailout and 9/11 and Katrina and Iraqistan were all caused because we did not believe in God.  That explains everything.  Who wooda thunk that the solution was so simple?  OK, I’m gonna start believing right now!  Thank you John Boehner!

  2. Stop and think for a minute folks – which God will that be that we trust?

    The new argument will be “My God is better than yours.” The bumper stickers will read, “My God can beat-up your god.”

    To correct this oversight they will undoubtedly slip into the resolution a slight amendment, “In A Repubican God We Trust.”  Given that Republicans may be or will one day be multi-godded, “A” covers the sins of “The.”

  3. So, yes, why not pass it all on to God.  I see another marketing gimmick for Wall St.:

    “Yes, only $399.00 down and a $200.00 rebate!  God wants you to buy this car!  God guarantees this product!  God wants you to trust Him!  And US!  God has a sales rep near you!  Do it today!  Your neighbor’s doing it!  The whole country’s doing it!  God is In!  God is COOL!  So climb out of that Bottomless Pit and get with God!  Buy this car!  You’ll be a God yourself!  Oh Sweet Jesus God!  Somebody hand me a snake!”

  4. Rep. Peter Welch voted with 395 other members of Congress to affirm his and our supposedly secular government’s trust in God.

    I’m speechless.

    Eight Democrats and one lonely Republican voted against. Twenty-six Congresspeople did not vote (5 D’s, including, understandably, Gabby Gifford; 21 R’s, including Ron Paul). Two D’s voted “present.”


    History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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