Thoughts on “Government Accountability”

(cross-posted from Vermont Watch, here)

Will be heading over to state house to listen in to the afternoon segment of Government Accountability Committee meeting shortly. They are mainly focused on “Measurable  Outcomes for Mental Health Services & Substance Abuse Treatment &  Recovery” today (here).

To my knowledge, this particular committee is the hold over of what used to be termed or known as “Challenges for Change”, which a lot of taxpayer funds, resources and time spent was on doing and, all the nickel and dime’ing done in the name of “CoC” ended up costing lots more than it was supposed to have saved and, we have been paying for it since in a number of ways, the least of which has been taxpayer dollars and that is no small bit of change or challenge to pay for either (pun intended).

However this does that mean certain of those within either the legislative or administrative branches of state government will ever get a clue and leave it alone, heck no, of course not. They just call it something else, move on so-to-speak and keep on keeping on as if they are really doing something different and better when it is neither.

The fact is “Government Accountability” is an oxymoron, at best, particularly when it is government as well as political officials of the same trying to police itself.