FEMA Is Not So Social: Public Relations Failure

(cross-posted from Vermont Watch, here)

There were two huge Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) trucks and their crews parked near the Vermont State House yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, August 30, 2011).

One, parked on Baldwin Street out front of the Joint Fiscal office building to the left of the state house, serves as the communications and command post for technical infrastructure and logistical support crews and staff, among others. The other, parked out front of the state house, as I understand it, serves as the hub for the public relations, social media and news desk crews and staff.

These vehicles can not be missed, not only due to their size, but also because the huge satellite dishes each has accompanying them.

Had stopped by the PR truck, but although I was able to strike up casual conversations with a few people, they all but blew me off no matter how hard I tried to ask them to at least pass along my request to speak with someone and have a conversation so I could blog some posts about their being here and what they do, etc.

That said, it is still hoped someone there will contact me, but I will not be holding my breath either.

So much for public relations or “social media”, something no one there seems to truly get, at least no one I was able to speak with yet anyway.