Call 211 and the mailbox is full

{Updated: just tried again and it now lets you leave a message, explaining heavy call volume. Someone will call back within 2 hours is what it also says. Better already}

just got email from vt democratic party titled “Hurricane Recovery Update.” Our hill to the brook is now a cliff so I have some property damage, grateful it’s not more and people upstream are stranded. No time for the details, but I was glad to learn I could report property damage:

Reporting Damages

Vermonters who have property affected by the storm should report it to the state. There are several phone lines in addition to the 211 number now in operation. Please note that it is critical to acquiring recovery aid that a statewide inventory of the damage is taken. Also, if repairs are made by a property owner, it is important to take pictures of the damage, document the repairs and keep receipts for potential assistance.

Individuals: Individuals reporting property damage should call 211

If you call the number the mailbox is full and there’s no option to leave information. Just writing this quick in hopes someone can get this line functional.

Hint: before you send out a mass email with a phone number to call, make sure the number works.

3 thoughts on “Call 211 and the mailbox is full

  1. I got the beep and it didn’t say the mailbox was full.

    Let’s hope they can keep up with the demand.

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